The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 472 Feng Cangmi's Ambition

Chapter 472 Feng Cangmi's Ambition
"Are we taking this too far?"

Seeing You You and Qing Ping like this, An Yan felt very uncomfortable.

"The two of them actually knew it a long time ago, but they just haven't dared to face the reality."

Xiao Yi said, whether it is to distinguish Feng Cang Mio's breath, or the ability to cope with the farce just now, how can these two people be in the pool?

"Indeed, one cannot underestimate the people of the plane, some of them hide very deeply."

Yunliu gave Xiao Yi a meaningful look.

"Okay, Yoyo and Bottle have already left, are you satisfied now?"

Feng Cangmi's tone was quite impatient.

She has come back to see You You and Qing Ping as required, so it should be nothing to do with her now.

But today, she will repay twice as much in the future.

"Wait, tell me what you did to me first, when, why, how."

Thinking of being tampered with, Lin Ling felt uncomfortable.

"Haven't you already guessed it? Otherwise, how could you have found me so quickly? As for why I put a breath on you, I am naturally interested in you."

Fucang Mio simply took it.

After going through many hardships, she finally got together with Ah-toma.

However, how could she, Fengcang Mio, be willing to be someone else's canary?

Therefore, even if she got the love of Hutama, she was still not satisfied. She wanted to gain a power comparable to that of the Ouyang family.

But, having tried it, she found it too difficult.

Even if she had easily counterattacked in all planes and reached the pinnacle of life, but in the plane system, her methods were useless.

Because these members see it thoroughly, and some even use it better than her.

But is she Feng Cang Mio someone who will give up easily?

So, she thought of the Zhuge family and the Dugu family. Although these two families are not as powerful as the Ouyang family, but because of the close relationship between these two families, even members of the Ouyang family would restrain themselves a little in front of them on weekdays.

If she can get the affirmation of these two, then does it mean that she has received a powerful boost?

And if she worked harder and took the opportunity to establish her own power, she believed that she would impress the Ouyang family and let them understand that in this world, only she is worthy of Ah-tama.

And she heard that the little princess of the Dugu family is as strong as she is, so she believes that she will definitely be favored by the princess.

It's just that the reality is always unsatisfactory. She visited again and again, but only got news that the two were performing missions in the plane.

Feng Cang Mio suddenly didn't understand what kind of mission it was, it would take decades.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and at this moment, she heard that Dugu Anchen, who was undergoing labor reform, was finally released.

Although this Dugu Anchen has a criminal record, she believes that there must be something else going on.

It's just that, unlike Zhuge Yunliu, this Dugu Anchen is single, so she really spent a lot of time trying to please the always jealous Ah Tuo.

Finally, she met the young master of the Dugu family.

But what she didn't expect was that what she saw was that the eldest and young master kept running around for a woman and her friend like a waiter in a shop, and he foolishly didn't complain about it.

Seeing this, Feng Cangmi felt that she and An Chen probably were not fellow travelers.

Although love is fascinating, it must have dignity.

And at this moment, A-Tuo told her about the interesting thing Haier brothers discovered while doing the task...

"Interested in me? Could it be that your aunt has also taken a fancy to me?"

Lin Ling felt that if a woman wanted to arouse the interest of another woman, she must first arouse the interest of the other woman's man.

Well, just like her and An Yan.

A large part of the reason why An Yan couldn't get used to her all kinds of things back then was that she thought she was a little fairy who dragged Yun Liu down.

"You don't have to be ashamed, how could Ah-tama fall in love with a countryman like you."

The well-informed Feng Cangmi thought that she had already seen through Lin Ling's essence.

She is definitely the kind of person who envies others every day, but doesn't think about how to improve herself.

Seeing Lin Ling's slovenly appearance, Feng Cangmi, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, said that she really couldn't stand it anymore.

How is the hair messed up?Why not put on light makeup?Why are you dressed so fancy?

When communicating with people, you should at least have a good appearance to show respect.

"If you don't like me, why do you do something to me?"

Lin Ling scratched his head puzzled.

Feng Cang Mio didn't reply.

If you continue talking about it, you will definitely become full and support yourself, looking for trouble when you have nothing to do.

She is just used to being cautious, and she habitually wants to put some eyeliner on suspicious characters.

Obviously everyone did this, why was she not only found out so quickly when she came to her place, but also brought up on the stage?
"Okay, you withdraw your hands and feet from the stupid woman, and then go back and tell Kutama, if there is anything, just come to us and don't involve irrelevant people."

An Yan said with a serious face.

This is a matter between their families and has nothing to do with Lin Ling. She doesn't need her help, let alone let her get hurt because of it.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if it's a good one."

Feng Cang Mio couldn't help laughing.

What a sanctimonious statement, if it really doesn't matter, why did they let the criminals who stole Qiong Qi be so indulgent?
Do you really think you are airtight?
"Come on, Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Liuliu and I are in love with each other, what does it matter to you?

You say I'm a girl from the country, but I think you're praising my wealth.

Although you played tricks on me, I cheated you by pulling you back this time, so everything is equal, and we will not owe anyone in the future. "

Lin Ling nodded seriously.

She is really too smart, if Feng Cangmi hadn't hit Feng Cangmi by mistake, wouldn't she have been bullied for nothing?
At this moment, Xiao Yi, who had been silent all this time, said, "Take back the things on the girl."

Although it took some time, they could find it by themselves, but with Lin Ling's physique, they definitely couldn't use the same means as they used to get rid of Dugu Gula back then.

Therefore, the best way is to let Feng Cang Mio's parents and children do it.

"Oh, no matter, this time I admit it."

Feng Cangmi is not someone who can't afford to lose, she snapped her fingers again, and the next moment, Lin Ling felt something floating out of her sea of ​​consciousness.

"So, can I leave now? Or are you still worried about me and want to check thoroughly before letting me go?"

Even in a weak position, Feng Cang Mio still had a strategizing expression.

Just when Lin Ling was about to let people leave, a sharp sword energy rushed towards them.

This sword energy penetrated Changhong, not only splitting the clouds directly, but even the sky seemed to be split open.

But even so, Lin Ling and the others standing in the front had no other injuries except being splashed all over by the clouds.

Oh, what a deterrent!
 To explain, the timeline is not out of order.

  However, there is no need for face-to-face reporting of information.

  In fact, during the negotiation, Qin Hai had already informed Ouyang Cang of the situation. After that, Feng Cang Mio asked Qin Er to do something.

  The information age is so fast.

  Of course, since I have a baby with me all day, I will definitely not be able to write fast.Maybe it's still written in a fog.

  Hey~~ My throat hurts so much, I went to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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