Chapter 481 Duckling
【A few days later】

"Ahead is the son-in-law city, Qiongqi, if you change your appearance, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter the city as you are now, and you will enter the city later, do you know honestly?"

An Yan said that if it wasn't for Qiongqi to carry Yan Wuxie, she would have let Xiao Yi take Qiongqi back.

Hearing that, after Qiongqi let out an irritable roar, startling countless small animals, his body size gradually shrunk, and the contours of his body became more rounded.

After talking about the mountains with Xiao Yi for a while, the guards let them into the city in a good mood.

As soon as you enter the city, you will be greeted by a wind of prosperity.

The people here are not only luxuriously dressed, but also graceful in their words and deeds. The whole city is like a circle of nobles.

Seeing this, Lin Ling couldn't wait to ask immediately: "What should we do now? After lunch, take the mascot and kill it directly?"

"Of course not, let's go to the inn first, and wait for the information to be clear before we go."

An Yan still hopes to be safe, and it is best to meet a guide like Gao Yang in the inn.

"Then we have to go to the auction first, after all, we only have treasures and no money now."

Thinking of the little treasures he picked up in the past few days, Lin Ling couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.And when it comes to the scene with a higher probability of triggering the plot, it must be the auction.

"Before that, we should go to Baibaolou first. Those things of yours might be appreciated by the boss."

Yunliu thinks that the store is a good place to attract the boss behind the scenes. After all, the things they get are only ordinary and good. It is okay to attract the attention of the boss, but it is a bit difficult to surprise the audience at the auction.

"This is difficult. There is only one mascot. Can we hook out his soul and then cut it apart?"

Lin Ling glanced at Yan Wuxie, she was thinking about which part she would choose very seriously, the one with the highest luck value.

"Can't you think of something better?"

An Yan was helpless, why did all the methods Lin Ling came up with think about how to toss people?

It was Xiao Yi who was harmed in the past and didn't feel anything, but now looking at Yan Wuxie, he realizes that Xiao Yi is really miserable.

"What's the matter, I think my method is very practical, Yan Wuxie's soul is out of his body, can't he do something with female ghosts, and then cut him open, she can have sex with many female ghosts Have you ordered something?"

Lin Ling felt that a man like Yan Wuxie with so many younger sisters, how could he not have the function of avatar?

Probably because he was worried that Lin Ling would really figure out a way to cut Yan Wuxie painlessly, and a suspected plot character appeared.

After a little ghost bumped Xiao Yi violently, he quickly shuttled into the crowd.

The little devil, who thought he had escaped safely, didn't know that there were four pairs of eyes staring at him.

"I lost a blade of grass."

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he straightened his clothes gracefully.

"Oh~~ Then we really suffered a heavy loss!"

Lin Ling touched the air beard on his chin and said badly.

"Heh, you actually rushed to snatch my snacks. Congratulations, you have successfully caught the attention of your grandfather Qiongqi."

Qiongqi couldn't help grinding its sharp fangs.

"I hope we don't make this trip in vain."

Yun Liu smiled.

"You guys."

Seeing the three people and one beast who obviously wanted to do something, An Yan didn't know what to do.

Really, it's not good to steal someone's things, but to touch these troublesome things.

In a dilapidated small courtyard, a little girl with disheveled hair was trying to tiptoe to hand a blade of grass to a working woman.

"Mom, a very kind uncle gave me a herb just now, and your illness will definitely be cured now."

The girl believed that as long as she ate this fragrant grass, her mother's illness would be cured.

"Cough, cough, duckling, don't lie to mom, are you stealing from others again? Return it soon! Cough, cough..."

Probably because the speech was too excited, the woman coughed violently.

"Mom, I'm not lying. A kind uncle really gave it to me. That uncle is also very good-looking, much better than Ah Zhuang, the pig butcher next door."

Seeing the pain on her mother's face, the little girl was about to cry.

"Little Duck, listen to your mother and return this thing to others quickly. What if someone uses such a good thing to save lives? Cough cough cough..."

The woman said sharply.

If she stole the grass, she might have eaten it, but not now, she must let the duckling understand that stealing is bad behavior.

"Mom, please, I really didn't lie to anyone. If I did, then let me be struck by lightning and die a terrible death!"

The little girl said swearingly.

As a result, the next moment, a thunderbolt directly chopped the grass in her hand to pieces.

The mother and daughter fell silent immediately, and then, the skinny woman suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to the sky, hoping that it would forgive the duckling for its mistakes.

Seeing the woman's forehead dripping with blood, the little girl couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into tears, struggling to apologize to Grandpa Lei for the woman.

【Outside the broken wall】

"Yanyan, you really made a move."

Lin Ling didn't expect her to say something casually, and An Yan immediately fell into a thunderstorm.

"In any case, lying and stealing is bad and we cannot condone it."

Although the mother and daughter of the ducklings are pitiful, An Yan doesn't think this is the reason why the ducklings can do bad things.

As the woman said, what if this grass is someone else's life-saving grass?

"Tch, it's so righteous and awe-inspiring, I still want to help soon."

Lin Ling had an expression that she had seen through everything.

"Now that we know, shall we go in now?"

Just listening to the sound of "dong dong dong" knocking on the ground, An Yan couldn't bear it.

"Yanyan, if you do something wrong and kowtow, everything will be fine, it's not very good."

I met them today, so what about next time?
"You are too cold-blooded, she is just a child."

An Yan disagreed.

Feeling that An Yan's tone became serious, Lin Ling immediately braked: "Hmph, I won't talk to you anymore, you can't talk to me, but I don't want to quarrel with you."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she really didn't say anything.

"Okay, you don't have to argue anymore. Someone is coming."

Yunliu reminded that the plot is still going on, and now is not the time to argue.


"Yo, what's the matter, what did the two beauties do wrong, keep apologizing?"

A man with a fat head and big ears walked towards the duckling mother and daughter with a wicked smile.

Seeing the person coming, the duckling wiped his face, and immediately rushed to the woman: "Don't come here, my mother will never agree to you!"

"Little duck girl, I know you are the most sensible, so you have to understand that if your mother doesn't receive treatment, I'm afraid...

Is that secret really that important compared to it? "

After the fat-headed man finished speaking, he took out a plant of grass and showed it off for a long time.

Smelling the faint fragrance in the air, the duckling couldn't help swallowing.

If, if mother eats this thing, she will definitely get better!

 Because of yesterday's crash, I'm still adjusting today, so release Chapter 2 as soon as possible~~Of course I can't guarantee to speak before going to work.

  I would also like to add, why did I release the mind-blocking particles yesterday? To put it bluntly, I just want the character Yan Wuxie to sleep, otherwise I have to explain everything the protagonist does to him. It would be so tiring and a waste of space.

  Therefore, for the smoothness of the subsequent plot, I deliberately spent a little space.

(End of this chapter)

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