The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 483 The Secret of Princess Tomb

Chapter 483 The Secret of Princess Tomb
Probably because of the bribe, the thin-skinned woman was too embarrassed to hide anything: "Actually, what the fat-headed man wants to get from me is the secret about Princess Ya's tomb."

Hearing this, Lin Ling and the others immediately became interested. Sure enough, this is a plot character!
It's just that the woman's reaction was a bit strange, she bit her lower lip for a while, and then mustered up the courage to say: "Actually, the one buried in the Princess Tomb is not Princess Ya!"

"What do you mean? Didn't you say that the son-in-law and Princess Ya's husband and wife are deeply in love? Did you even build this princess tomb specially to miss her?"

An Yan was taken aback, she didn't expect the woman to keep a secret like this.

"Oh, if that's the case, it should be resurrecting her! Why keep her body for everyone to admire? It's also a beautiful name: I want the world to understand her beauty."

The woman sneered.

"how can that be?"

An Yan felt that this matter was becoming more and more unreal. Hasn't Princess Ya passed away for a long time?

"Just a few days ago, some scholars met Princess Ya when they were reciting poems and painting in the Princess Tomb.

This is the only secret I keep.If you don't think it's worth it, I can return the grass to you. "

After the woman finished speaking, she wanted to return the grass to An Yan.

Somehow, after saying this, she really had the idea to start a new life.

"This probably won't work. It's clearly written in black and white. Since we want to ensure that the duckling grows up safely, we can't just give you a few grasses and get it done."

Lin Ling shook her head.

Although it is troublesome to carry a little ghost, but business is all about word of mouth, and she doesn't want to smash her golden signboard.

"I know this secret is different from what you expected. How about letting the duckling take you to the streets, so you can think about what to do next?"

The woman was completely humble when she finished speaking.

The reason why she had been refusing to tell the fat-headed man before was because she knew that once she said it, she would probably never get the fat-headed man's protection again.

Moreover, her duckling can only watch other children buy that and this.If it was these people, they would be willing to buy some good things for her duckling, right?

[on the street]

The duckling was bouncing on the road, and from time to time, he looked back triumphantly: "Where do you want to go? I can take you there. I am familiar with the concubine city!"

"Go and play by yourself first, just remember not to go too far."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she opened the money bag that was handed over from the fat-headed man, picked out a few pieces of silver and gave it to Duckling, don't wave her away.

At this moment, Xiao Yi, who had been playing the role of guarding the background, interjected, "Girl, what do you want to eat? What's the matter, let's find a place and talk slowly."

Looking at this dazzling array of street stalls, even a person like Xiao Yi couldn't help being a little moved.After all, the snacks of this era are not only truly natural and zero additives, but also the craftsmanship of the key masters.

Such a good thing, let Lin Ling taste everything.

So, the four of them found a relatively clean booth and sat down, while the Ghost Duck happily shuttled between the booths, doing errands.

"It seems that neither the auction nor the store can go. With so many tickets, there is no motivation at all."

Lin Ling said lazily.

"You still have the mood to think about this, what should you do next? Go directly to the Princess Tomb? Anyway, the few of you don't like to act together with others."

An Yan admitted that she was actually a little disappointed, she really thought that the secret that the little duck mother was keeping was about treasures.

"Yanyan, don't you think the information given by the little duck mother is very interesting?"

Lin Ling showed a sly look.

Seeing that several people were looking at her with interest, Lin Ling didn't hold back, and then said: "First, she said that Princess Ya discovered it a few days ago. Don't you feel touched when you hear this time?
Just a few days ago, we did a lot of things. I don’t know if this a few days ago has anything to do with our few days ago. "

"You mean, this is the intention of the world consciousness, well, it is indeed possible."

Yun Liu is indeed the person who understands Lin Ling's brain circuit best.

But this time, Yunliu's interpretation seems not perfect, Lin Ling said inscrutablely: "Yes or no, let's go to the second point first: Why did Princess Ya appear?"

"Didn't Yunliu say it just now, it's because of world consciousness."

Husband Kuangmo said that what Yunliu gave was the standard answer.

"World consciousness is indeed behind the scenes, but what I'm asking now is the method.

Yanyan, you stole an egg from Heilonglong, right? If Heilonglong belongs to Yan Wuxie, what about its eggs?
I remember you said that it was an Easter egg, so can we judge from this that Yan Wuxie will need to resurrect someone on his way to become a god. "

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she couldn't hold back the alluring aroma, and picked up the snacks Xiao Yi made for her and ate them.

Originally, she could not eat in the state of the soul, but after discovering that she could take rhubarb, Xiao Yi thought of combining these folk ingredients with spiritual value by using soul dreaming.

In the end, he really let him do it.

It has to be said that Xiao Yi's talent seems to be in a strange place.

"You mean, the reason why Princess Ya's body can be preserved intact is because the secret of the resurrection technique may also be hidden in that tomb?"

Yun Liu usually opened his lazy eyes slightly, why didn't he think of it?
He only thought that some method should have been used to preserve the body, but he didn't think about why he did it.

"Oh, I understand, so the son-in-law wants to revive that fake Princess Ya."

An Yan felt that she must be telling the truth.

"We still have to wait until we go to Princess Tomb to make a conclusion. I suggest taking the duckling mother and daughter with me."

While talking, Xiao Yi's speed at handling snacks for Lin Ling remained unchanged.

Hearing this, Lin Ling, who was working hard, immediately raised her head and asked, "Hey~~ Why did you bring them? It's so troublesome."

Lin Ling disliked it from the bottom of her heart.

"Because the little duck mother didn't tell the truth, girl, they are not an easy mother and daughter."

Xiao Yi originally wanted to remind Lin Lingchang to be careful, but after thinking about it, he thought it was useless to say it, and he should spend more time thinking about it.

"When the time comes, I'll take care of their head office, right? You're still ashamed to think others are troublesome, don't you know that you are the most troublesome?"

Seeing Lin Ling who was eating happily by herself, An Yan became very angry.

At this moment, the duckling hugged a beggar chicken tightly, and shouted while running: "Sister Lingling, sister Yanyan, there seems to be some excitement over there, shall we go and have a look?"

Lin Ling took the chicken, and consciously distributed the two chicken legs to An Yan and the duckling, and said, "But by the time you finish watching the fun, the two big buns you hid in your clothes will probably be cold."

 small theater
  Reporter: The author, you are so depressed, are you sad again?

  Author: Yes, my heart is cold.

  Reporter: What is the reason this time?
  Author: Did you know?The Xiaoya who appeared here should be a bad person, but I felt cheated as I wrote it.

  Reporter: What does it matter?You are not the first time.

  Author: No, the attributes will change.Did you know that the name Xiaoya came across when I was playing games.

  Reporter: Oh, I see, she belongs to the enemy, and then you were beaten and cried by her.

  Author: No, I just think she has the demeanor of my youth.


  Author: Don't you know, it's just a game, if you take it seriously, you lose.

  Reporter: Oh, so you are not serious.

(End of this chapter)

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