Chapter 491 Cooperation
Seeing that Lin Ling and the others were filled with an aura that seemed to be about to become a fairy, the masked man couldn't help but wondered: "Everyone?"

"Say what you say, we're listening."

Lin Ling said that they were listening carefully.

"I won't go around in circles anymore. You must have heard about Princess Ya's fraudulent corpse a few days ago, so this time I would like to invite everyone to solve the ten-thousand-year-old mystery of Princess Ya."

The masked man spoke bluntly.

After the communication at the last meal, he thinks he has figured out the way to communicate with this group of people, that is to be outspoken.

"What kind of mystery is it that can't be solved for thousands of years?"

The plot character, the boy with a square face, took the topic automatically.

"That's where Princess Ya is sleeping in the Princess Tomb."

The masked man said that although the Princess Tomb is famous, no one has seen Princess Ya's coffin so far.

"I haven't found it for so many years?"

Guo Zi's face was in disbelief.

"That's right, the son-in-law, who was so talented and educated back then, spent his whole life building this Princess Tomb for Princess Ya.

Not only does it occupy a large area, but it is also very difficult to conquer. Batch after batch of explorers have all returned without success.

Over time, it became a tourist attraction, and many people came here just to experience the complexity of the Princess Tomb. "

The masked man explained.

"A tomb that hasn't been explored for thousands of years, why do you want to crack it?"

Guo Zi looked puzzled.

"It was rumored that the son-in-law loved Princess Ya deeply, and after Princess Ya passed away, he was so distraught that he couldn't bear the beauty of Princess Ya to be turned into a pile of bones, so he perfectly preserved her body in a special way.

And I just want to get his secret method of preservation. "

At the end of the masked man's speech, he couldn't help showing a hint of certainty in his tone.

Now, even Sister Tianxian, who had always been absent-minded, finally turned her attention to the masked man.

Seeing this, the masked man took off half of the mask on his face, revealing an alluring uncle's face.

"To tell you the truth, in recent years, the various organizations in the Ministry of Rites have become more and more powerful, and they have already surpassed the imperial court.

In recent years, the emperor has worked hard to suppress these thorns in the Ministry of Rites, so this king wants to find this method of preserving corpses, so as to suppress the development momentum of the major organizations of the Ministry of Rites, so as to solve the emperor's worries. "

The Regent King Dayi said awe-inspiringly.

Of course, whether it is human or nonsense, only human beings know.

Hearing this, Sister Tianxian held her chin and said, "Maybe, this method of preserving corpses can help Sister Shui Polo rebuild her damaged body."

"Junior Sister, if this is the case, then if we find a way to restore the soul, won't we be able to save Sister Shui Polo?"

Guozi said excitedly.

"It seems that our purpose is the same. Rest assured, if I find this method, I will not take it for myself."

The Regent promised with a strong oath.

"Then there will be Lord Lao."

Sister Tianxian nodded to the regent, expressing her willingness to cooperate with him.

Seeing this, the regent was very satisfied, but he wanted to be even more satisfied.

So he sized Lin Ling up and said, "I think everyone wants to go to the Princess Tomb because of this girl Lingling."

"Yes, we are looking for ways to strengthen the soul."

Seeing Lin Ling's mind-wandering look, An Yan had no choice but to answer for her.

"If this is the case, then everyone has come to the right place. It is rumored that there is a monster with nine lives in the Princess Tomb."

After the regent finished speaking, the whole box was suddenly quiet.

The reason why a monster can have multiple lives is not only because of its special physique, but also because its soul is strong enough to make up for its physical damage.Therefore, a monster with nine lives is definitely a soul-enhancing thing.

After a while, Guo Zilian recovered his voice and said excitedly, "Great, if we can subdue this monster, then sister Shui Polo will be saved?"

Guo Zi's face was full of joy, he didn't expect their luck to be so good!
Seeing the joy on the faces of the Tianxian sister and the square-faced boy, the regent turned his attention to Xiao Yi and the others.

"What do you guys think?"

Although the regent was asking, his tone was firm.

He knew that this group of people doted on this female ghost very much.

But the reality slapped him hard.

"We have to think about this matter again. I think the regent and sister Tianxian should have something to say, so we will leave first."

As soon as Xiao Yi finished speaking, Yunliu Muxi got up, as if planning to leave.

"Hey, sister Lingling, don't leave, okay? The duckling isn't full yet!"

The duckling belched coquettishly.

She originally wanted to pack it again, so that her mother would be able to eat such delicious meals for the next few days.

"What are you doing with us? Stay with your husband, is it possible that you can be with me forever? Take this opportunity to cultivate more relationships with him."

Lin Ling directly pushed the sticky duckling towards Gu Ying, waved goodbye politely, and disappeared with a few people in an instant.

Seeing that Lin Ling and the others disappeared all of a sudden, the Prince Regent's eyes revealed complicated expressions, but then returned to normal.

"Two immortals, if we have time now, let's discuss the specifics of the Princess Tomb..."

Seeing the king regent and sister Tianxian talking eloquently, the misfit duckling couldn't care less, immediately grabbed Gu Ying's thigh, and cried, "What should I do, sister Lingling doesn't want the duckling anymore, the duckling is so pitiful!"

Feeling greasy on her legs, Gu Ying frowned, but worried that if the duckling continued to make such a noise, it would affect the mood of the owner's conversation.

Therefore, Gu Ying signaled to the regent, and left with his crying daughter-in-law.

【the other side】

"Xiao Yi, why don't we just leave like this?"

An Yan was a little puzzled, usually Xiao Yi was not such a restless person, this time he just walked away.

"An Yan, why do you think no one has solved the mystery of the Princess Tomb for thousands of years?"

Xiao Yi asked back.

"Isn't it because it's too complicated?"

An Yan only thought that the son-in-law must be a talented person.

"I thought so too at first, but just now, when the regent mentioned the nine-lived monster, I felt that the reason should not be so simple."

Xiao Yi explained.

"GDP means that the Prince Regent is inducing us to destroy that monster."

Yun Liu felt that it was hard to say whether this monster was Nine Lives or not, but the exploration of the tomb that affected everyone should be true.

The most important reason for not being able to capture the tomb for so many years may not be that it cannot be found, but that the person who found it did not come back alive.

"Then shouldn't we go with them?"

An Yan always feels that the current protagonist team has a very low possibility of success.

"No need, now that we know the reason, we can just kill the monster directly."

Yun Liu said that there is no need to waste time on those people.


An Yan nodded.

Since you can handle the problem well, there is nothing wrong with choosing the way you like.

 At this moment, I must record it.

  I tipped myself to be on the radio, and seeing my avatar hanging on the leader of the silver alliance, I was really moved beyond words.

  The most important thing is that I have three stars in my soul.

  Ever since I found out about Xingyao, I made up my mind that I must get stuck in my spirit.

  It's a bit arrogant, but I'm serious.

(End of this chapter)

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