Chapter 509 Liuli Gallery
Xiao Yi, who vaguely sensed the noise in the room, just opened the door and saw the beautiful picture of two goblins fighting on the bed.

Seeing Xiao Yi, Wuwuwu immediately called out cordially: "Little one, you came at the right time, come and help quickly, otherwise the master will be pressured back!"

Wuwuwu was very anxious, if it hadn't been for it to tickle An Yan from time to time, Lin Ling would have died a long time ago.

Seeing Xiao Yi still standing at the door, Yunliu, who was pretending that he was too weak to help, urged, "GDP, it's just in time, come quickly and fix the little fat ball, the data is messed up again."

Seeing that neither of them could move Xiao Yi, Lin Ling immediately became interested: "Xiao Yiyi, it's just in time for you to come, come over to barbecue, I'm in a better mood now, so I can eat meat."


Xiao Yi felt that he might need to be quiet, why did he just go outside and drink the northwest wind for a while, and the painting style in this room suddenly changed?

Different from Xiao Yi's physical and mental disorder, Lin Ling's mood at this time is really good.Although the troubles of ordinary people are still there, which ordinary person does not have troubles?
What's important is that she seems to have discovered a remarkable fact through this rogue play.

"Yanyan, you are so kind to me, do you care about me so much?"

After Lin Ling finished speaking shamelessly, she touched An Yan's little face in a rogue manner.

"Don't talk nonsense, how is it possible!"

An Yan refused to answer this question from the bottom of her heart, but her small face uncontrollably turned into a fresh and delicious peach.

"Hee hee, for the sake of being so good to me, even if you don't care about me, then I should care about you."

Lin Ling didn't take An Yan's duplicity seriously at all.

She doesn't believe in expressed feelings, but she believes in her own feelings. People who treat her well must like her.

An Yan, who was blushing at the words, struggled reflexively: "Let go!"

The next moment, Lin Ling became the fattest star in the sky.

When Lin Ling returned to the scene of the crime with Mu Xi, who was preparing for all kinds of abuse, Xiao Yi's fine pork belly had already made a pleasant "sizzling" sound.

It's just that this time, Lin Ling didn't sit upright in her chief position, but circled around An Yan with a smile on her face.

Seeing this, the veins on An Yan's forehead twitched, and the next moment she picked up a bowl full of garlic cloves and wanted to stuff it into Lin Ling's mouth.

"Yanyan, you are too violent. I even gave you half a heart. How could you treat me like this?"

Lin Ling forcibly added a favor to herself.


An Yan didn't want to talk at this time, let alone listen to someone, so she added a lot of chili to the garlic cloves.

Seeing this, Lin Ling, who was extremely self-loving, turned serious in seconds, and said solemnly: "I'm serious, Yanyan, I've decided, I want to become a great ordinary person!"

Genius quartet: "..."

"Presumably everyone knows that there is a normality in society, that is, educated people often work for uneducated people.

Hmm, I think this is suitable for us. Since you are so talented, it is suitable for me who is not talented to work. "

After Lin Ling finished speaking, her little chin was raised high.

Genius quartet: "..."

"I know that if you talk about it like this, with your arrogance, you will definitely not be willing, so I want to give you an unforgettable kindness, so that you are willing to work for me."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she couldn't help grinning at An Yan.

If An Yan was not willing to give her such a big baby, she would not have thought of such a clever move.

The limited ability means that she has no blessing to enjoy many good things, and even if she gets it, she can't play its true role.

So why not maximize the benefits and use money to make money like the rich?
"Oh, what kindness?"

Obviously, Yunliu was very interested in the kindness that Lin Ling said.

"Hmph, she is so poor, how could she still have good things? But, a little exercise before going to bed will help the quality of sleep."

According to An Yan's original temperament, she would definitely give a good lecture on such stinky and shameless words, but seeing that Lin Ling had returned to her usual scumbag, she couldn't say no to it.

"I hope this kindness can be helpful for the next action to go to the upper realm."

Mu Xi almost bluntly said that if Lin Ling could replace him, the kindness would definitely be great.

"Girl, you know me."

Xiao Yi believes that Lin Ling understands that even if she doesn't get anything, he will always help her.

"Well then, since all votes agree, let's go happily!"

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she immediately stuffed the roasted meat into her plate.

"Go? Where to go?"

The four were puzzled.

Hearing this, Lin Ling immediately showed a wicked smirk, and replied in a cadenced tone: "Of course, welcome to my inner world~~"

It's a fantastic gallery, but the fantasy might be a little different than what you might imagine.

I saw that the outer wall of the entire gallery showed a glazed luster.

What's interesting is that from time to time, there will be pictures of beautiful girls and boys transforming on the outer wall, as well as super fancy two-dimensional idol concert images.

While both are heavily dreamy, when they blend together, it feels a bit out of place.

After discovering that many of the protagonists in the murals came from the Two-dimensional plane, An Yan glanced at Lin Ling.

In front of Lin Ling, An Yan no longer wanted to suppress any violent factors in her heart, so she rubbed someone's cheeks fiercely and asked, "What's going on? Why did your inner world form so quickly? And what is this aisle?"

"Of course not, it's still in the process of being formed. But this is my territory anyway, so you must listen to me.

As for this aisle, of course I specially made it for your convenience.

Who made my inner world hot~ so powerful, I don’t even know it’s from Kiwi, even if you are geniuses, you may not be able to enter it smoothly. "

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she was deeply immersed in her self-movement for a while before remembering to get down to business.

I saw her imitating the appearance of an immortal, waving her hand gracefully, and the next moment, the four cores of time and space flew towards the four geniuses.

"This is the second batch of time-space cores transformed from the soul space, remember to bind them, this thing will be equivalent to your driver's license in my world in the future.

How about it, I'm good, at least in terms of controlling people's access to the space, I have reached the level of a master! "

Lin Ling was really excited. Although she couldn't do it as high-end as the master, but now, with the help of Brother He, she can at least achieve this effect.

Lin Ling, who couldn't control the joy in her heart, could not stop flying around in the Liuli Gallery, and the cores of time and space used to make the beams of the corridor were infected by her and rotated with her.

But the amazing thing is that even though the entire Liuli Gallery is in motion, the four days in it are still standing safely inside.

 small theater
  Wuwuwu: Wuwuwu, the author is good or bad, let Wuwuwu open and hang up once to help the master practice magic skills, wouldn't it be good?
  Author: I thought about that too, but didn’t you realize that I’ve written so many chapters and still haven’t succeeded?

  Wuwuwu: Poor master, you seem to be the same as Wuwuwu in the future, and you will not be able to develop new functions.

(End of this chapter)

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