The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 803 The Feat of the Crane Tail

Chapter 803 The Feat of the Crane Tail
Hearing this, the scene suddenly exploded, and many goddesses condemned Lin Ling.

Seeing this, the sorceress couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said calmly: "You guys are really promising."

The female wife on the side also immediately echoed: "Why are you crying? You still don't get up!

A group of people were bullied like this by a mortal, what did you usually learn? "

Apparently, both the witch and the wife feel that Xiao Ba and his group are really embarrassing to the Protoss.

Seeing the stern faces of the sorceress and the lady wife, Xiao Ba and his group immediately fell silent, tremblingly leaning on the arms of others, silently seeking sympathy.

Seeing this, many goddesses who were extremely xenophobic couldn't help complaining for them.

"Witch, although Xiaoba and the others have lost face to our Protoss, it is also because they are pure-minded that they planted the trap of prosperity."

"Yes, those outsiders have always been cunning and vicious, who knows what tricks she used."

"Yes, yes! And because of this, it shows that there is something wrong with the end of the crane. We should check her carefully!"

"That's right, would a normal woman be called Wangcai? There must be something wrong here!"


The condemnation of Lin Ling is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more goddesses think that Lin Ling has problems from the inside out.

But before the sorceress could say anything, another voice sounded.

"You are enough, and the person who framed him must have a level."

"In the school, I only saw Xiaoba and the others actively provoking Wangcai."

"Clay figurines still have a three-point temper. If you bully people like this, don't you allow others to take revenge?"

"Moreover, the name is given by the parents, and it cannot be disputed by others."


Seeing this, not only the female wife, but even the sorceress couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"This little thing is quite picky."

The witch said with a half-smile.

"Yeah, the kids who spoke up for her are all top students in the school, and they are usually a little bit high-spirited."

The wife is very grateful.

Seeing the approval in the female wife's eyes, the sorcerer's mouth curved even more, and she said meaningfully: "I remember that you are usually quite noble."

Being ridiculed, the female wife was embarrassed at first, then immediately recovered, and said solemnly: "Flowers always need green leaves, but there are not many fresh green leaves now."

The female master said that although people flock together, outstanding people still need a foil. In this regard, Lin Ling, who has no wrong thoughts and a clear mind, is very suitable.

Hearing this, the sorceress was silent for a moment, and then tapped the magic staff in her hand.

The original noisy noise stopped instantly, and all the goddesses realized that they seemed to have lost their morals just now.

"Dong Qiao, as a saint, what do you think?"

asked the sorceress.

Seeing that the eyes of the goddesses fell on him, Dong Qiao, who had been silent all this time, pursed his lips tightly.

Seeing Dong Qiao's hesitation, the female wife disapproved very much, but just as she was about to urge her, there was a sudden movement on the calm river, and the goddesses immediately entered a state of alert.

"The reason why Qiao Qiao didn't speak was of course for your own good, she was concerned about your face.

Tell me yourself, how can you convict me based on Xiao Ba and the others' one-sided words? "

After finishing speaking, Lin Ling poked his head out of the water, squinted his eyes and glanced sideways for a week, saying that their behavior was too inappropriate.

However, what Lin Ling didn't expect was that this time, even the goddesses who helped her speak looked at her with strange expressions.

Probably because she had been in contact with Lin Ling a few times, Goddess C, who thought she was a little familiar, said with affirmative expression: "Who else would do this kind of thing except you?"

Hearing this, the goddesses nodded in unison.

But even so, Lin Ling still calmly said: "What about the evidence? Did Xiao Ba and the others see me? Or did they feel me? Since I'm so sure that I did it, let me tell you how I committed the crime." ah?"

Seeing that Xiao Ba and his group couldn't tell the reason for a few seconds, Lin Ling pressed her step by step and said, "Why don't you talk? I remember that you are usually very eloquent."

Dong Qiao, who couldn't stand it any longer, immediately stopped her and said, "Wangcai, that's enough, Xiaoba and the others were frightened just now, don't force them anymore, they didn't do it on purpose."

Seeing the kind-hearted Dong Qiao hug Xiao Ba Xiao Jiu into his arms, Lin Ling blinked, and then taunted unceremoniously: "Talking bad things about me every day, it's really not good enough to fight.

For the sake of how weak you are, I will give you a merciful handout.

Yes, that's what I did.

It's just that you can't explain clearly yourself, and you can't find the key evidence against me, so you can't convict me at all with your little cherry mouths. "

Although Lin Ling surrendered herself, her arrogant tone did not make Xiao Ba and his group angry enough.

Afterwards, Lin Ling blew kisses to the goddesses who spoke for her just now, and they all looked away silently.

At this moment, the sorceress tapped Lin Ling's head with her staff, and said, "Since I have confessed my crime, it can be seen that I am ready to be punished."

"Grandmother, I surrendered myself, and I must be punished lightly. Moreover, I have to make up for my mistakes!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Ling snapped his fingers, and the water surface of the Que River suddenly became turbulent, and a huge object emerged from the water, and was immediately transported by Lin Ling to the goddesses.

Seeing the big tentacles of the giant octopus, the goddesses who instinctively reacted with disgust, attacked it crazily without saying a word.

The big octopus finally hit the ground heavily.

Lin Ling immediately stepped on it, pointed at the red stripes all over its body, and said, "Just now, this evil fish tried to destroy the truth, goodness and beauty of Quehe right under my nose.

So, I, who was at the tail of the crane in the whole school, immediately stepped forward bravely, and wrestled with it. Finally, I dragged the body at the tail of the crane to bring this evil fish to justice.

Although I'm just a crane tail, I know that protecting Que River is everyone's responsibility, even if I'm just a crane tail.


Lin Ling clutched her chest, looking like she was seriously injured, while articulated every sentence without leaving the tail of the crane, trying to make her image taller.

Seeing that the effect was almost rendered, Lin Ling supported her old waist again, knelt down slowly, prostrated herself on the ground, and then tremblingly shook her hands and said, "This is the one that I, as the tail of the crane, guarded with my life." The altar, you must protect it well!"

Afterwards, Lin Ling made a "goose" sound, then lowered her head, and her whole body was in the shape of a lying corpse.

The things are very touching, the lines are quite sad, and even the action matching is quite in place, but for some reason, in such an atmosphere, all the goddesses all shed a black line.

If you read correctly, the big octopus was still alive and kicking when it first came out of the water, so it must have been injured by them.

(End of this chapter)

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