Chapter 805 An Elegant Ceremony

Knowing that it would take a long time to wait, Lin Ling found a place to touch fish, and murmured contentedly: "I heard that this ceremony seems to take a day, tsk tsk tsk, I look so tired."

Lin Ling was originally worried that the sorceress would ask her to assist in the ceremony because of her extraordinary skills.

However, in the end it was Lin Ling who used the heart of a villain to save the belly of a school bully.Regardless of the backup dancers or the staff, they all strictly follow the principle of merit-based admission.

So much so that in the past few days, Lin Ling at the end of the crane was very leisurely.

At this moment, Goddess C came over: "Wangcai, I knew you were being lazy again."

Probably because of the fate of fish eggs, Lin Ling and Goddess B have been walking very close recently, and their conversations are very casual.

"Isn't it normal for me to be lazy, but you, why didn't you help?"

Lin Ling asked curiously.

"I gave up the opportunity to others. I feel that if I just go on like this, I will probably miss my goal forever."

Goddess C makes no secret of her desire to become a saint, but she also understands that the current self is far from enough.

"So, you want to take this opportunity to look at the problem from a different angle, to see if you can make a breakthrough for yourself?"

Lin Ling followed Goddess B's wishes and continued.

"Yes, although I really don't want to admit it, but I feel more and more that you are the kind of person who is wise and foolish."

Goddess C expressed that she wanted to see through Lin Ling something she still didn't know.

Hearing this, Lin Ling just smiled and didn't say much.

The two just looked at Que He in silence for a while. Suddenly, Goddess C pulled Lin Ling up and said excitedly: "It's not interesting to just stand here. I'll take you to visit this ceremony. I know you It's actually very curious."

Immediately, Goddess C, like a top student who skipped class for the first time, dragged Lin Ling to speed up towards the unknown world with a face full of novelty.

After a while, the two saw the ceremony team ready to go.

"Wow, what a big deal! By the way, they actually made the altar I brought back so brand new."

Lin Ling wondered.

"Please, the old altar you brought back was placed at the bottom of the river because of its age and serious damage.

It turned out that you were lucky, and brought it back to us with such carelessness.You know how much energy we spent trying to appease the old altar? "

Goddess C said that it's no wonder Xiao Bahui is so resentful.

Lin Ling obviously got into trouble, but because she was worried that the more she helped, the more she helped, so she directly let her make a fool of herself and made up for it.

But Xiao Ba and the others had clearly learned Lin Ling's lesson, but they still couldn't escape the witch's punishment, just because they were gods, and they needed to have high demands on themselves.

Seeing Goddess B thinking there, Lin Ling couldn't help but bumped her elbow, and asked, "Don't stick around stupidly, and hide quickly, aren't you afraid of being discovered by the sorceress?"

"In order to watch over you so as not to cause accidents, I even gave up such a precious opportunity to others, how could the witch blame me?"

Goddess C said mischievously.

"Oh, really? Then do you see the disgusted expression on my face?"

Lin Ling couldn't help poking Goddess C's waist, what kind of goddess is this?

However, Goddess C showed no guilt, instead she continued to say with a smile: "What disgusting expression? Don't you always have a ghostly expression?"

Seeing Goddess C not holding back, Lin Ling was about to say something domineering and obscene when she heard Goddess C cough heavily.

Lin Ling immediately trembled when she heard the voice, she felt as if she was being attacked by the death gaze.

Seeing Lin Ling calm down, the sorceress continued to supervise the ceremony.

To be honest, it would be someone else, and the sorceress just slapped it with a determined palm.It's just that when the object of deterrence is an escape expert, it is more embarrassing.

The sorceress was worried that if she slapped her with a palm, not only would she not be taught a lesson, but she would be stuck with the dog skin plaster.

Yes, in the process of fighting wits again and again, although the sorceress succeeded in causing an irreparable shadow on Lin Ling's young mind; but at the same time, Lin Ling also succeeded in making the old and strong sorceress suffer from headaches fault.

Just as everyone was pondering the outcome of this Wangpo battle, Dong Qiao's voice sounded like gurgling water.

"Witch, the time has come, let's begin."

Hearing this, the goddesses immediately put their hearts away from watching the show and waited eagerly.

When the first ray of morning light shone on the Que River, the goddesses immediately began to sing and dance, and the crystal clear silk threads quickly cut through the darkness before dawn.

The water of the Que River is stirred by these silk threads, making it more lively and lively.

As these drops of water were continuously drawn towards the entire village, a dreamlike mist quickly spread.

After the whole area was foggy, Dong Qiao stopped in a golden silk sedan chair made by the dancing goddesses in a soaring posture, and they carried them to the Que River.

Listening to the beautiful chords of silk and bamboo instrumental music, and looking at Dong Qiao, who is especially holy among the goddesses, Lin Ling suddenly had an urge to lick the screen.

Although Dong Qiao is about to become a birdman, maybe these things are just floating clouds in front of these people with a common heart.

At least this moment is enough for Lin Ling to cherish for a long time.

Seeing Lin Ling's face full of hopelessness, Goddess C couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Speaking of which, the saint has changed a lot since that day."

After finishing speaking, Goddess C gave Lin Ling a meaningful look.

"Can you stop looking at me like a heartless man?

Qiao Qiao and I are destined to go our separate ways. Isn't it normal to be unfeeling and unrequited love?Look at her like this now, it's too touching. "

Lin Ling felt that Dong Qiao at this time was really a saint who was not contaminated by the slightest mortal fireworks.

"I don't understand. You are so eloquent, why is it so difficult to improve academically?"

Goddess C couldn't help joking.

"Don't talk nonsense, I have made great progress recently. In other words, let's catch up quickly. The next time we look at it, it will be ten years later."

Lin Ling said that this opportunity should not be missed, who knows if she will be here ten years from now.

However, Lin Ling still overestimated her artistic ability.

This ceremony is astonishing at first glance, it touches the soul at second glance, and there are only ellipses at third glance.

Soon, Lin Ling became visually fatigued.

However, according to regulations, the moment when night falls is the auspicious time to sacrifice the saint to the Que River.

Thinking of having to appreciate this high-end art for a whole day, Lin Ling scratched her head and decided to find a picnic spot with a good view, an inconspicuous place, and no mosquitoes.

Miraculously, seeing Lin Ling's behavior, instead of stopping Goddess C, she enjoyed the food with her.

"I found that you have changed."

Lin Ling reminded Goddess C to eat less, as she didn't bring much.

 small theater
  Author: Don't doubt, I wrote it wrong, Goddess C has a lot of roles.

  Xiao Yi: There is no need to doubt, when have you not been like this?

  Lin Ling: At least in the pits, the author has never lost his way.

  An Yan: Right answer.

  Yunliu: Good luck all the way.

  Lin Ling: Haha, let Xiao Yi say that the elders should endure this and that, when they have nothing to do.

  Everyone: Hahahahaha~~
(End of this chapter)

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