Chapter 807 The Unexpected Guest
"That's right, I am the emissary of the monster. Our king specially ordered me to patrol the mountains, oh no, to patrol the waterfalls, to see how you beautiful girls are doing. If you are sensible, you should be obedient and take good care of you." .otherwise……"

"Wangcai, you're talking nonsense again!"

Goddess C was full of disbelief.

"Hehe, she's such a naive and good girl. If you insist on being so persistent, then I can't help it."

Lin Ling said that Goddess B was originally excluded because she was close to her.

Now that this happened, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to wash off my whole body. In that case, it's better to just let Goddess C be the victim, and let the goddesses understand that she was just being used.

In this way, even if she ran away in a while, she would be less condemned.

Hearing Lin Ling's classic quotations from the villain, the goddesses were in a commotion, and many goddesses who had never seen the world shouted one after another, as if they had never seen a villain.

The instigators of this incident, Xiaoba and Xiaojiu, were secretly delighted. They only wanted to expose Lin Ling's right eye, so that everyone could understand that she was not as simple as she seemed.

But I didn't expect to hit the wrong one and directly expose Lin Ling's true identity-this Lin Ling was actually sent by a demon!
Just when everyone didn't know how to take care of Lin Ling, the saint Dong Qiao looked at her with a complicated expression, and said, "Wangcai."


Lin Ling responded casually.

"Are you really the emissary of the demon? All this is just your disguise?"

Hearing this, Lin Ling didn't answer, but instead gave Dong Qiao a meaningful look.

Ever since she was seen by Dong Qiao, she has been very careful not to let others discover the problem with her right eye, so the answer to why Xiaoba Xiaojiu knew about it can be imagined.

At this moment, Lin Ling was not disappointed at all, but just felt a little irritable and wanted to hate the world very much.

But thinking about it again, Lin Ling felt that she was too hypocritical.

After all, it’s not necessary, is it?

But just when Lin Ling was about to continue barking, a beautiful female voice sounded.

"Of course she is lying to you. She is not a descendant of the Shui family at all. Are you right, Xiao Yiyi?"

Hearing this name, Lin Ling froze for a moment. Seeing this person again, she just felt familiar. After all, she was a beautiful woman, but she still couldn't remember the identity of this girl who appeared out of nowhere.

Seeing this, the cold woman couldn't help but sneered: "Why, you are so forgetful, you forgot me so quickly. It seems that you all think that I am not qualified to inherit that space."

Hearing this, Lin Ling finally deduced the identity of the woman in front of her.

Xiao Yiyi is her stage name in the last world, and the only person who has entanglements with her in that space is Shui Qianqian.

"Well, it seems that in the future, each plane will have to change its stage name, so that it is not easy to confuse the enemy."

Lin Ling couldn't help muttering to himself.

Immediately, Lin Ling couldn't help but bless her again: "Shui Qianqian, it seems that after that, you also had many adventures."

Regardless of the reason for Shui Qianqian's sudden appearance here, there is no doubt that she can appear here, and the undisguised domineering aura exuding from her whole body clearly conveys that she has been reborn.

Seeing Lin Ling's unsalty expression, Shui Qianqian narrowed her eyes, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, can you leave this woman to me?

She stole the treasures of our Shui clan. If I hadn't felt the breath of the Lingquan before, I would not have known that she was so bold.

Not only did she abscond in fear of crime, but she even used the Shui clan as a cover to deceive her. As the people of God, we must not let her go. "

Hearing what Shui Qianqian said, the goddesses even pointed at Lin Ling, but they still didn't move. After all, everything that happened from just now was too inexplicable.

"Shui Qianqian, if you want to regain the space, then don't even think about it, I can't give it back to you."

Lin Ling spoke bluntly.

This space is already inseparable from her, and it also carries too many dreams of everyone; so she does not give it to Shui Qianqian or Miao Qianqian.

"Oh, how to punish you, there will be a special person to judge this matter. Now, you just follow me obediently."

After Shui Qianqian finished speaking, she stepped forward to catch Lin Ling.But don't think about it, several shots have failed.

Although Lin Ling dodged Shui Qianqian's attack without any accident, her expression was unavoidably solemn.

She found that Shui Qianqian's speed was very fast, which seemed to be on par with An Yan; moreover, she was like a freezer, as soon as she got close, she would feel cold all over her body.

"Xiaoqian, you run pretty fast, but do you think it's possible for me to go with you?"

As Lin Ling said, he kept thinking about the best escape plan in his mind.

"is it?"

Shui Qianqian sneered, and then a string of ice picks quickly pierced Lin Ling.

And probably because it was beside the Que River, the power of Shui Qianqian's ice pick increased sharply, making Lin Ling's escape quite embarrassing.

But Lin Ling did not stay away from Que He because of this. After all, if she wanted to escape, the best way was to use Que He.

Seeing that this was going on endlessly, and he hadn't found a way to leave, Lin Ling turned his face back and said seriously: "That's enough, since you all think I'm guilty, then let your gods punish me."

After finishing speaking, while everyone was in a daze, Lin Ling came to Dong Qiao's side, directly took off the sacrificial coat woven by the sorceress herself, and put it on her body.

Afterwards, Lin Ling took the devil's steps.

Lin Ling remembered that the last item of the ceremony was that the saintess slowly melted into it while dancing with her under the blessing of Que He.

Now, the time is almost up, there is a dancer in a saint's costume, and Que He is always there, so Lin Ling feels that this time the ceremony is probably going to be dirty anyway, so it's better to let her take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Lin Ling took her devilish steps.

Afterwards, the goddesses looked at Lin Ling twitching and making imitations there.

The goddesses who were scorched by eyes couldn't bear it anymore, and criticized severely:
"What are these jumping things?"

"Yeah, isn't this movement too uncoordinated?"

"I see, this is the dance of demons."

"Come on, someone, drag her out, this is disrespectful to the gods!"

"Why drag it out? Just let her jump, and I'll wait for the god of Quehe to punish her!"

"That's right, she will definitely be punished by God for making this ceremony like this!"


But Lin Ling seemed unaware of the indignation of the goddesses, and was still intoxicated alone.

She can't hear the voice of Que He, and she can't be as pious as the goddesses. What she is doing now is purely treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Lin Ling felt that if she didn't seize this opportunity, she might not be able to reach the upper reaches of the Que River again.

(End of this chapter)

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