The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 813 Searching for Unknown Substances

Chapter 813 Searching for Unknown Substances
Just as Lin Ling was dizzy, she suddenly felt a familiar feeling of dizziness.

Although this feeling is not very obvious, she can still be sure that this feeling is similar to when she passed it from Yulin Wonderland.

"This is, where is it?"

Lin Ling asked.

Seeing Lin Ling drifting out of his body, Heishuishui couldn't help asking: "What are you doing? Why don't you lie down quickly?"

"Going out here should be Niu Langfeng. After that, I don't need to hitchhike again, so I want to experience this variation space."

Lin Ling strongly suspects that there should be more than one such space point in the Que River.

So whether it was to get out of here smoothly, or for the extended area of ​​Yulin Wonderland, she had to obtain some information.

Of course, what Lin Ling didn't say was that she was a little afraid of seeing Jing Niao's dull look.

However, her soul was used to nourish her body, Lin Ling didn't want to deceive herself, she felt that the witch who became Jingniao should no longer be the witch she used to be.

Because of this, before going upstream, she made an exception and had a few conversations with herself.

But after floating a few steps, Lin Ling couldn't help but said again: "How about, Shui Shui, take Wuwuwu over there first, and go see how Jingniao purifies the demon for me."

Lin Ling said that Shui Shui went to see the situation first, and if what she saw was not the result she expected, she didn't need to tell her.


Heishuishui said that it's up to him to go, anyway, they will not separate.

"However, it's useless for the two of you to be here, it's better to go to rest first."

Lin Ling reminded.

"That's not going either."

After finishing speaking, Heishuishui followed Lin Ling with a whimper in his mouth.

In this regard, Lin Ling naturally had no idea, so he took Heishuishui to explore in this space point.

After wandering around inside for a while, Lin Ling obviously became interested.

"This space is a bit interesting, I feel like this is like the pipeline of the cataclysm."

Lin Ling could feel that the flow direction of the space energy here is roughly the same.In other words, this is likely to be a one-way transmission point as well.

Heishuishui, who is connected with Lin Ling, couldn't help asking: "Since it may be one-way, do we need to find out all the space points here?"

"However, I suspect that these space points may be very small and very inconspicuous. If I want to feel them, I am afraid that my current ability is not enough."

Lin Ling guessed that the reason why the dizziness this time was so different from the last time was not because he had developed resistance, but the most likely reason was that the distance transmitted by this space point was very short.

As for the space point that brought her here, although the energy inside it fluctuated greatly, the moment the space-time energy inside was transmitted out of the space point, it was mixed with the space-time energy here.

Moreover, because of the one-way movement, there is no return of space-time energy, which also makes it difficult for Lin Ling to find this space point according to the flow of space-time energy.

Seeing that Lin Ling didn't move for a while, although Heishuishui knew that she shouldn't disturb her now, he still couldn't help asking, "Can't think of a way?"

"I'm thinking about a question, what exactly is it that makes me feel dizzy? I can't be dizzy with space-time energy, right?"

Lin Ling strongly suspects that there must still be some unknown substance in the space point.

If there is no way to find the space point from the flow of space-time energy, then start from this unknown object.

But how to find this thing out?

Lin Ling felt that if it was really easy to detect, she must have felt it early in the morning.

"I think it's probably this kind of thing that makes the energy of time and space move in one direction, so if I move in the opposite direction, can I feel it?"

When she thought of it, she tried it, but to Lin Ling's frustration, she tried for a long time, but still couldn't find any suspicious objects.

In the entire space point, it seems that there is only space-time energy.

Lin Ling racked her brains and finally came up with a second hypothesis.

"Is that thing at the end of the space point?"

Lin Ling suspects that it is likely that there is a substance at the end that sucks the energy of time and space.

However, this time, Lin Ling did not take direct action.

Because, in case of a wrong guess, she might be passed on directly without gaining anything.

Seeing that Lin Ling was very troubled, Heishuishui couldn't help but said: "Try it if you want, you have already found two space points, is it possible that you can't find the third one?"

Heishuishui said don't be cowardly, what you want is momentum.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

Lin Ling also thinks this is the case, at least this time she is not completely unrewarded, let's do it slowly.

Afterwards, Lin Ling put away the two little things and began to space-time.

Seeing that Lin Ling's space-time transformation gradually deepened, Heishuishui couldn't help worrying: "Don't forget, you still have inducer α in your body, so you can't use too much space-time power."

"Don't worry, I've always been very cautious, and I will definitely be very careful."

Lin Ling said that she, who is skilled in technology, will definitely make the degree of time and space just right.

After a while, Lin Ling, who was transformed into the ultimate space-time, completely merged into these space-time energies, and moved with them with full body and mind relaxation.

As the moving speed became faster and faster, Lin Ling faintly felt something was wrong.

If it's this kind of moving speed, she should be able to detect it even if the space-time energy goes out of the space point.

With doubts, Lin Ling couldn't help but integrate more into the energy of time and space. She felt that the answer should be at the end of the teleportation point.

Just when Lin Ling was very nervous, she vaguely felt that there seemed to be something in front of her, but she looked intently, but saw nothing.

Lin Ling, who didn't believe in evil, was about to use the Sea of ​​Fragmented Consciousness to check again, but at this moment, she suddenly felt that she had bumped into something.

Because Lin Ling was moving very fast at this moment, and the unknown object was very hard, the collision between the two not only smashed Lin Ling to pieces, but also caused her to lose consciousness instantly.

After a long time, Lin Ling finally woke up from the coma.

She tapped her swollen head, trying to sense the previous space again, but sure enough, she didn't feel anything.

Sighing secretly, Lin Ling began to observe his environment.

As far as the eye can see, there are endless rice fields, and the fragrance of rice flowers rushes towards the face with the breeze. This green patch of life cannot be connected with the place where the demon is sealed.

But what surprised Lin Ling even more was the sky here, where there were stars shining brightly, and meteors gliding across the sky from time to time, and if you looked carefully, you could even vaguely spot a few rotating planets.

"Why do I feel that this place directly borders the universe?"

Lin Ling couldn't help sighing.

The protoss are so amazing that they don't even have an atmosphere and are directly exposed to the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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