The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 815 My sister is a cultural person

Chapter 815 My sister is a cultural person

Seeing that Niu Su seemed to be blaming himself, Lin Ling couldn't help asking: "So, how did the two of them spend their breastfeeding period?"

As Lin Ling said, he kept looking at Niu Su, wanting to see how big a certain part of his body was.

Hearing this, Niu Su's tone became more and more sad.

"Hey, I'm ashamed to say that I don't know how to take care of children, so I can only cultivate some fairy grass to feed them."

Lin Ling immediately became interested when she heard the fairy grass, but when she was thinking about how to politely ask some relevant questions, the two Mavericks were not happy.


The black girl frantically tugged at Lin Ling's sleeve.

"Play with us! Play with us!"

The buffalo has no hands, so it can only hold Lin Ling anxiously on its head.

The two Mavericks tacitly pulled me up and down, making Lin Ling dizzy.

"Stop, stop, stop! Sister, I'm a cultural person, and I can't stand your troubles like this!"

Lin Ling said, let her old bones go.

Ran and egg.

The two Mavericks are still playing wildly.

"Okay, okay, I surrender, but sister, I am a cultural person, so I can only play some literary games."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she threw the two offspring out with difficulty.

Although the descendants fell into the rice field soon, but fortunately they instinctively felt that their lives were in jeopardy, so they still crawled slowly after falling.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoniu not only did not stop shaking the spirit, but even more violently.

Black girl: "Moomoo!"

Buffalo: "Sister, how to play this? How to play! Tell us quickly! Please!"

"Just pick it up and bring it back."

Lin Ling said that she wanted to send the two Mavericks away like teasing Xiao Wang.

However, Lin Ling's thinking was a little naive. Although the two Mavericks had never seen the world, they were not children of ordinary families. They stood still, as if they felt that the game was a bit low.
Feeling that one of her old bones was really about to be shaken out of joint, Lin Ling couldn't help but foolishly said: "This game seems simple, but it actually has hidden secrets."

Black girl: "Moo?"

Buffalo: "What mystery? What mystery?"

"The secret cannot be leaked."

Lin Ling said mysteriously that even today, she has not been able to understand the mystery inside.

Hearing this, the two little cows suddenly became interested, threw Lin Ling in their hands casually, and hurriedly went to catch the two offspring.

After flicking the two calves away, Lin Ling hurriedly asked, "Where are those fine birds?"

Lin Ling suspects that the reason why Niu Su is so normal is that the purification of the sperm bird has achieved results.

So, where did the purified sperm go?
Hearing this, Niu Su shook his head, and slowly said: "I don't know, I only know that a sperm bird will come every ten years, and she will play with my two children for a while."

Lin Ling stared at Niu Su carefully for a while, and found that she really couldn't tell the truth of what he said, so she couldn't help asking: "Then you really didn't see anything else today?"

Lin Ling wondered if she should find an opportunity to look around for a while, so how could such a big bird disappear in a blink of an eye?

Seeing that Lin Ling was doubtful, Niu Su added: "Queqiao didn't show up for a long time today. I thought something happened. Until I felt a strange breath, and looking for it, I found you, girl."

"Is that right?"

Lin Ling felt something was wrong. Logically speaking, she should have been in a coma for a while. Could it be that Niu Su spent this period of time searching for herself?
Seeing that Lin Ling still looked hesitant, Niu Su couldn't help but add again: "Actually, I discovered the girl early in the morning, but she is the first one to enter here in human form in so many years.

So, I kept hiding in the dark and observed until I was sure there was nothing wrong with the girl before I showed up. "

Hearing this, Lin Ling couldn't help but nodded, and then threw a lot of descendants outside, and then asked: "Then can you tell me, what mistakes did you make before?"


Niu Su didn't speak, but looked at the two calves who were having a great time playing in the rice field.

"Oh~~ the mistake made in the flower field."

Lin Ling said that everyone in the society understands.

Immediately, Lin Ling asked again: "Then what are your plans now?"

Lin Ling said that if she really can't figure out the meaning of the witch, then she will purify Niu Su and dissolve his inner obsession.

"I want to see her."

Niu Su was filled with emotion.

Although the two have been separated for a long time, everything in the past is still vivid in my mind, as if she had just left.

"You want to see the cow girl?"

Lin Ling asked.


Niusu nodded.

She is not only the mother of the two calves, but also his wife. They should have been the most intimate family.


Lin Ling felt a little difficult.

Niu Su's wish is indeed reasonable, but this matter should not be as simple as imagined.

At least, Lin Ling couldn't agree to what they, the protoss, hadn't done for so long.



Seeing Lin Ling's silence for a long time, Niu Su couldn't help asking eagerly: "Didn't the girl come to help me?"

"No, I'm just a passerby with a little curiosity."

Lin Ling said innocently.

"But, the girl even knows about sperm..."

Niu Su still felt that Lin Ling was not simple.

"Then tell me, what should I do?"

Lin Ling spread her hands helplessly.

"I...I don't know either."

Niu Su was a little nervous, he thought that the person who appeared this time was so special, what kind of miracle would it bring!

"Okay, don't think so much, you will know when you should know."

Lin Ling said that before the time comes, don't worry about it.

Afterwards, Lin Ling, who couldn't think of any other questions to ask for the time being, decided to go to the sorceress first.

So, Lin Ling asked again: "I want to take a stroll here, is there any place here that is absolutely, right, no, accessible?"

At the end, Lin Ling's eyes began to light up.

She was very curious, would there be a Nine Turns in this absolutely inaccessible place?Will there still be a sealing formation?Or maybe there are other unsolved mysteries...

But unfortunately, all of this is just Lin Ling's beautiful fantasy.

Niu Su shook his head, saying that there is no place that he can't go shopping here, and then he pleaded: "Miss, can you take my two children for a stroll?"

Niu Su blamed himself very much. He thought it was his own fault that caused the two children to be locked up here.

Therefore, at least on this day every ten years, he hopes that his children can be happy.

Hearing this, Lin Ling looked Niu Su up and down very curiously, and couldn't help reminding: "Today is the first time we meet, right? Is it appropriate for you to just hand over your two little babies to a stranger?"

Lin Ling reminded Niu Su that the most basic awareness of prevention is still necessary, and if anything happens, blame it all on the criminals.

(End of this chapter)

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