Chapter 818

"Yes, yes, anyway, you can be reasonable."

Heishuishui said that with such an owner at the stall, he can already foresee the future.

"That's right, no matter what the master does, it makes sense."

Wuwuwu, who didn't know what irony was, couldn't agree more.

Compared to the chattering of the two little guys, Lin Ling was abnormally quiet.

Although she really thinks that resistance is useless, it doesn't mean that she thinks she can only be caught without a fight.

Soon, Lin Ling set his mind on the flowers of love in other people's homes.


Lin Ling couldn't help touching the stem of the morning glory, it should be right, the silkworm baby in her hand reacted a bit.

"Master, do you want to find essence for Wuwuwu? Wuwuwuwuwu..."

Woooooo I can't help but be moved.

It didn't expect that even at this time, Lin Ling was still thinking about herself.

"Well, the reason why the peach flower essence couldn't be absorbed further last time, I suspect it is indigestion. This time, this morning glory belongs to the same family as you, so the success rate should be higher."

What Lin Ling said was so logical that she couldn't tell that it was just her temporary nonsense.

"Master, woo woo woo woo..."

Wuwuwu said that it has no words to express and can only cry.

"Don't cry, let's try first."

Lin Ling said that she is very curious about how far Wuwuwu can achieve. If it is really successful, then its future generations must have a bright future.

"Okay, woo woo woo, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Wuwuwu manipulated the descendants to jump directly at the morning glory.

When attacked, the morning glory is naturally struggling to resist, it keeps waving its stems, and protects its key parts.

Ran and egg.

Lin Ling, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately dodged all the attacks of Morning Glory comfortably with Heishui Shui.

As for not being able to find the part where the essence is located, that's even less of a problem.

The concentration of the essence is too high and too pure, and it will not be able to absorb it, so it is the best choice for it to find a place to absorb a little essence that is almost non-existent.

However, Morning Glory belongs to the Protoss after all, so even so, it is still not easy for Wuwuwu to plunder the essence from it.

The morning glory that was attacked immediately bent down and directly attacked Wuwuwu with its buds. In an instant, a large number of offspring were swallowed up.

Seeing that Wuwuwu was eaten instead of eating others, Heishuishui immediately released the murderous Spirogyra that was pregnant and raised in her body.

With the addition of the murderous Spirogyra, the battle situation suddenly became complicated.

Originally, the murderous Spirogyra should try their best to help Wuwuwu, but their IQ is not too high, and their offspring are more in line with their tastes, so that they start an attack mode that does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Not to mention the morning glory, all foreign objects are their enemies, so they have long been red-eyed.

Although Wuwuwu and its descendants are still clear and bright, because they have eaten horns on the left and right, they can only hold their breath and try to absorb the morning glory.

But fortunately, there is Lin Ling who plays enchantment.

First, a layered spherical barrier was created for this morning glory, and then the killer spongy and the cow flower inside were bound together by instant messaging, and finally, the black water was filled with water into the barrier. , In this way, the situation suddenly became much more favorable.

Morning glory is not an aquatic plant in the first place, so soaking in water for a long time will naturally reduce its combat power. In addition, the lethality of the whirling is far less than that of the murderous Spirogyra, so it decided to drop the murderous Spirogyra first. Get rid of.

Seeing this, Lin Ling couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, but at this moment, the morning glory outside the barrier attacked her, the culprit, one after another.

But this time, Lin Ling didn't dodge. Even though she was bound by the morning glory, her expression was still calm.

Lin Ling said calmly: "Are you sure you want to do this? It hurt me, so it can be seen that no one will play with the two Mavericks anymore."

Lin Ling is betting that if Niu Su and his wife are really in love, then these flowers of love should want to protect the crystallization of their love.

Sure enough, the other morning glory hesitated a bit, and then immediately shrank back regardless of the life or death of that morning glory.

Seeing these morning glories returning to their original positions and weaving the cage tighter and tighter, Lin Ling had some inferences in her mind.

From this point of view, Niu Su should have really fallen in love with a high-level goddess before, and until now, he still has no affection for her.

And these morning glories are so human, it must be enlightened, maybe, she can find a way to get some information from them.

Thinking of this, Lin Ling pretended to sit back on the ground.

If you want to speed, you can't reach it.

There are still too many mysteries at the moment, and she cannot lose the opportunity to explore their little secrets because she asked the wrong question in a moment of impatience.

Seeing that Lin Ling really planned to live and work here in peace and contentment, Heishuishui disagreed: "The two Mavericks will be back soon, are you sure you want to stay here?"

Heishuishui said that the morning glory has already been obtained, and the level of Wuwuwu can't digest too much, and now is a great opportunity to take the morning glory away.

Hearing this, Lin Ling became more and more lazy.

She stretched her waist, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Xiao Hei Hei, you said that I have been here for a long time, Xiao Yi, why haven't they found me yet?

The transportation here is not convenient, if I leave, but they come here, how will they leave here then? "

Lin Ling felt that she had to wait. If she missed it, it might be even more difficult to meet her.

"Then you plan to wait for them to come here?"

Heishuishui also felt that this was a little troublesome.

"I don't know, but I can't just leave now. I always feel that Shui Qianqian's problem may be as complicated as I imagined."

In the final analysis, Lin Ling just couldn't forget that Shui Qianqian was murderous towards Shui Yueer at that time.

Lin Ling suspected that Shui Qianqian would want Lingquan, and nine times out of ten it was for Shui Yue'er.

Moreover, she has to look at the situation of Goddess C and the others. If they are really dragged down by her, then she must not pat their buttocks and leave.

There is also the mystery of Niu Langfeng, and the mysterious disappearance of the sorceress...

Lin Ling felt that she had to stay.

Soon, Hei Niu and Buffalo came back, and Lin Ling couldn't help but twitched her lips when she saw the large cart of pens, ink, paper, inkstones and books they had brought.

Very good, very good, these two Mavericks really know how to play.

Seeing Xiao Linling obediently staying in the cage, the two calves immediately jumped over in a good mood.

Black girl: "Moo moo moo!"

Buffalo: "Sister, these were taught to us by the older sisters, who said they usually play with these things."

(End of this chapter)

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