Chapter 821 Reversal
The dialogue between the goddesses successfully allowed Xiao Yi to temporarily cancel the plan of strategic retreat - unexpectedly, the relationship network here is quite complicated.

Xiao Yi glanced at Shui Qianqian interestingly, and said, "Actually, I found out the location of my girl a long time ago, but I couldn't find the exit here.

But not long ago, I accidentally found a space point popping up here, so I came in from there. "

Although Xiao Yi didn't mention Shui Qianqian at all in his words, but with a little thought, he would realize that the timing of his and Shui Qianqian's appearance was too coincidental.

Sure enough, after hearing this, many goddesses became more suspicious of Shui Qianqian.

"Space point? Isn't that the usual method used by people in outer space?"

"Don't tell me, since the Water Goddess and Wangcai know each other, maybe they really came from outer space."

"Why do you still call her the Goddess of Water? I thought her origins were suspicious from the very beginning."


Seeing that the public opinion was becoming more and more unfavorable to her, Shui Qianqian couldn't help explaining patiently: "I admit that in order to enter here, I used abnormal means.

However, I am also worried that Xiao Yiyi will use the treasures of our Shui clan to do evil and cause disaster. "

Shui Qianqian emphasized again that she represents the Shui clan, anyway, she just doesn't believe it, Xiao Yi has evidence to prove that her origin is unknown.

However, Shui Qianqian still underestimated Xiao Yi after all.

Seeing that Shui Qianqian was still determined to stir up the atmosphere, combined with her intentional emphasis on the Shui clan, Xiao Yi couldn't help showing an inscrutable smile, and then took out half of the jade pendant.

When the half of Shui Yue'er's love jade pendant appeared, all the goddesses were stunned.

It was the first time for them to see Protoss accessories with such a pure aura.

Shui Qianqian, who saw something bad, immediately said sharply: "I didn't expect you to steal other things from the Shui clan, you are simply audacious!"

However, this time, there was no need for Xiao Yi to explain anything, the female master who had been silent all this time said: "Although this jade pendant is of extraordinary quality and pure breath, it seems to be only for expressing love."

After finishing speaking, the lady wife glanced at Shui Qianqian, reminding her not to mess up the rhythm.

Even if the witch is not there, they will not be so chaotic that they have no ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Then, the female teacher asked again: "Little brother, can you tell us how you got it?"

Unlike the goddesses who blindly resisted Lin Ling, the moment she summoned Shui Shui, the sorceress and the female master began to secretly think about her relationship with the Shui clan.

Now that there is a jade pendant with such pure water fluctuations, the female master is more inclined to believe that the people who are really related to the Shui clan are Lin Ling and his group.

"Of course my girl gave it to me. Her master is Shui Yue'er's sweetheart."

Xiao Yichou shamelessly emphasized that this is a token of love from Lin Ling, even though the other half of the thing is now in Yunliu.

"Shui Yue'er? Are you talking about the daughter of the ancient god Shui He?"

The female wife asked.

"I'm not very clear about this, after all we met on another plane."

Although Xiao Yi felt that the Shui Yueer they knew was probably the Shui Yueer that the female wife said, but he didn't talk too much.

However, the more calm Xiao Yi was, the more the wife believed in his words.

Seeing the thoughtful look on the female teacher's face, Dong Qiao couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Master, are his words trustworthy?"

Hearing that, the female wife did not give a reply, but talked about another matter.

"Some time ago, the news that the last saint of the Shui clan was resurrected and brought back a seriously injured man was widely spread."

The female master said that there is a high possibility that Xiao Yi and others met Shui Yueer in other planes, and it was probably there that Shui Yueer gave Lin Ling the treasures of the Shui clan for some reason.

"Could that seriously injured man be Wangcai's master? So, I did hear her say that she would save money to see her master."

Dong Qiao added.

Although the voices of the female master and Dong Qiao were not loud, but the protoss had excellent physique, so that the conversation between them was transmitted to the ears of the goddesses.

"I heard it right, this Wangcai actually has something to do with the Shui clan!"

"Didn't you hear clearly, it's her master who has something to do with it, she's just getting a little bit of light."

"You didn't figure it out, don't you know who the seriously injured man is? That ancient god who created the world!"

"No! You didn't figure it out, how could that ancient god accept a mortal as his apprentice!"

"Okay, you all stop arguing, our place is so remote, maybe the news that came over is wrong."


Seeing that the time was ripe, Xiao Yi said again: "If the ancient god you are talking about is Pan Gu, then my girl is indeed his only apprentice."

Hearing this, the goddesses directly exploded the pot.

The reversal of this road made them a little bit unbearable who had never seen the world.

Seeing that Xiao Yi's simple words changed the entire direction of the wind, Shui Qianqian couldn't help frowning and said, "Since you have already made up your mind, I don't want to make fun of myself here, so you can do it yourself."

Although she was very unwilling to let her success fall short like this, Shui Qianqian knew very well that if she continued, she would only expose her own loopholes.

The current plan is to find another way out.

Thinking of the rumor about Niu Langfeng that the adult told her, Shui Qianqian immediately made a decision.

Seeing that Shui Qianqian was planning to leave, these troublesome goddesses refused again.

"I think this man is the bigger problem. Otherwise, why would the Water Goddess leave as soon as he came?"

"Maybe she has a guilty conscience?"

"No, I think the Water Goddess must be very disappointed in us. She clearly tried her best to help us when we were in the most difficult time, but now, we are doubting her."


Thinking about it this way, the goddesses looked at Dong Qiao and the female wife in the wrong way, as if accusing them of having an affair with Xiao Yi and needing to be dipped in a pig cage.

Seeing that the goddesses didn't want to dig out the truth of the matter, but just gossip about little details, Xiao Yi immediately understood why Lin Ling let these people ruin her reputation.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi felt a little uncomfortable.

His girl's skin is a bit strong, but how could she be as unforgivable as they said?
Moreover, as soon as she thought that these goddesses had helped Shui Qianqian, who was clearly plotting evil, to bully Lin Ling, Xiao Yi felt a little angry.

"Shui Qianqian, why are you in a hurry to leave, I understand that you are thinking about the space in the girl's body.

But that space was given to her by her master, and it has nothing to do with you in the first place. "

Xiao Yi directly pointed the finger at the culprit, the more Shui Qianqian wanted to leave, the more he refused to let her go.

 Recommend a book "Destiny Catch the Demon Master" by a group of friends. Those who like fairy tales can give it a try. It's not easy for newcomers. I hope you can support it.

(End of this chapter)

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