Chapter 824 Direction of Prophecy

Seeing Lin Ling's mentally weakened appearance, Heishuishui couldn't help but hate the iron and not the steel: "Promise, didn't you say that climbing this waterfall is difficult? Maybe Shui Qianqian couldn't find a way to go up, so she faced the difficulty Return."

However, Heishuishui's words not only failed to comfort, but made Lin Ling tremble.

"I mean it's difficult for me, but Shui Qianqian can definitely come up. My God, what if she level up again during the process?"

Lin Ling said that there is nothing more depressing than an opponent slowly breaking through himself amidst tribulations.If so, please don't say it.

"Then why don't you go back and climb to improve yourself?"

Heishuishui felt that this method was very feasible. Anyway, with her around, what big problems could there be?

"Then why don't I put on a disguise, maybe Qiao Qiao picked it up for me again? Wait, if this is the case, don't I have to speed up the investigation here..."

Lin Ling couldn't help thinking about it, as if she really planned to climb again.

Seeing this, Heishuishui immediately interrupted with a bad feeling: "Okay, instead of worrying about this, I suggest you quickly find a way to pass Xiao Yi and the others over."

"How? If I knew how, I would have passed it on!"

Lin Ling said that not only could her sea of ​​broken consciousness not get out of this place, but she couldn't run too far, otherwise she would lose control, wouldn't she just become a lost core?

"Think about it slowly."

Heishuishui said that there was nothing he could do to help.

"Okay, I will definitely think about it."

Lin Ling said, leave it to her properly, and she will definitely come up with a super feasible solution.

Seeing Lin Lingyixiu sitting up cross-legged, Heishuishui suddenly felt bad, and was about to say something to save him, but it was too late.

"Even Tang Zuo has become like that, I think, if there is anyone in this world who can cure Shui Qianqian and is more familiar with the Protoss, he is probably the only one."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

It is said that Heishuishui has a big head.

"Are you crazy, don't say you want to call Mu Xi out? Did you forget that your space is now sealed?"

The black water made Lin Ling wake up quickly, and the space must not move.

Seeing Heishuishui's firm refusal, Lin Ling immediately pointed her fingers, blinked her big watery eyes, and said pitifully: "However, finding a way to unlock the seal of my space is better than trying to find a way to take Xiao Yi and them over." Simple.

Moreover, the space has been opened, so I have a place to hide if it is dangerous, so I can relax and inquire about information? "

The more Lin Ling thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case, and the woodpecker kept nodding.

"No, your space was not only destroyed by you all the way, it was very unstable, and now it is still pressing that thing, have you thought about the consequences of doing this?"

Heishuishui categorically denied it.

"However, what I'm facing this time is the demons sealed by the gods, and the gods Shui Qianqian with evil energy. What's more, there will be a lot of goddesses blocking me."

Lin Ling said that she is in a bad situation and needs someone to help attract firepower.

And maybe, Mu Xi might know something about the legend of Niu Langfeng.

"No, I don't agree, it's too risky."

Heishuishui still didn't let go.

"Nonsense, the risk is actually not that great."

Lin Ling did not agree with Heishuishui's point of view.

"How do you know? Do you think that you can suppress it again after defeating that thing? Don't be naive, how many people were helping you at that time, have you forgotten?"

Heishuishui reminded Lin Ling not to do stupid things.

"I haven't forgotten those, so I remember very clearly. The prophecy told me that the reason for my sudden death was not that thing."

Lin Ling looked serious.

The prophecy of the preacher didn't just bring her panic, she wanted to make full use of the prophecy in turn to change her own destiny.

Hearing this, Heishuishui laughed angrily.

Seeing that Heishuishui refused to talk to her, Lin Ling explained again: "The master said, this space is his heart-wrenching work, so it won't be finished so easily."


Heishuishui doesn't want to talk, shouldn't other people's heartbreaking works be cherished?Why is it wanton tossing up instead?
"In short, Hei Hei, you have to understand that I have only one advantage, and I must continue to develop it.

If there is really a problem with space, I will continue to deepen my space-time ability and fix it. "

Lin Ling said that in order to force himself to grow rapidly, he must find some stimulation for himself from time to time.


Heishuishui still didn't talk to Lin Ling, she could explain some reason for any messy things.

"Hei Hei, Mu Xi said that you are a very powerful spiritual spring. But you follow such a useless me, don't you have any complaints?"

Lin Ling's tone was soft but firm, as if no matter what others said, she couldn't shake her decision.

Seeing such a strange yet familiar Zheng Jingling, although Heishuishui still wanted to stop him, his thoughts couldn't keep up, and his body replied uncontrollably: " can do whatever you want."

"Hee hee, that's for sure. I really want to do something, but you can't stop me."

Lin Ling caressed Heishui Shui.

Although she didn't give any clear indication, whether it's Shui Shui or Wuwuwu, since they have contracted with them, even if they can't give them glory and wealth, at least maybe they will be carefree for the rest of their lives.

For this, she needs to constantly become stronger.

Although Lin Ling didn't say these promises, Heishuishui, who had a telepathic connection with her, still felt it.

"up to you……"

Heishuishui, who gave up resistance, said that although Lin Ling's logic was not right, it was obviously useless to communicate with her now.

After all, it's not a day or two since this person's brain is broken, he can only be normal.

But fortunately, that space was born from a spiritual spring, and now it is inseparable from the water elves, and they just happen to be able to suppress that thing...

After Heishuishui reaffirmed that Lin Ling was the friend sent to her by the heavens, he went back to the space to exchange questions with the other Shuishuis.

Although I don't know what Lin Ling will do, there is no doubt that something big will happen to the space.

For this reason, no matter they are the source of space, or they are the king of destruction Qi Ling, they must resist.

After Heishuishui and Wuwuwu were busy, Lin Ling also began to think about ways to unlock the space seal.

But at this moment, the black girl and the buffalo ran over excitedly.

Black girl: "Moo!"

Buffalo: "Sister, sister, we have brewed wine, we can start playing games!"

After speaking, the buffalo put a jar of strange liquid filled with rice in front of Lin Ling.

After smelling the scent and confirming that the two Mavericks were unsuccessful, Lin Ling couldn't help but said with satisfaction: "Yes, this is perfect for a game punishment."

 small theater
  Lin Ling: You can bully children right away.

  An Yan: I think you are more likely to lose.

  Xiao Yi: Girl, are you addicted to alcohol?
  Lin Ling: Can you expect me to order?Although the two Mavericks brought pens, inks, papers and inkstones, do I look like someone who would bully children?That kind of profound literature and art is not played.

  Yunliu: Then you can't win either.

  An Yan: +1.

  Xiao Yi: +1.

  Lin Ling: +10086.

(End of this chapter)

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