The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 831 Bullying the Honest Cow

Chapter 831 Bullying the Honest Cow

Seeing that Niu Su agreed with her statement, Lin Ling thought for a moment, and continued boldly: "Niu Su, I don't believe that you came to me just to tell me a story, let's explain it directly, you tell me Accurate information, I look to help."

Lin Lingsi thought about it, but still felt that tragic love was not to be listened to. What if she felt sympathetic to Niu Su?
She is a person who wants to do business, but she must not be swayed by her children's private affairs.

"What can you do for me?"

Niu Su asked back.

What he is going to find next is the Queen Mother of Yaochi, this god is not something that mortals can provoke.

"Maybe I can't help you with anything, but if you don't tell me something and you can't rule out your suspicion of being evil, then I'm sorry, I can only believe it or not."

Lin Ling said that no matter how much she doubted, her head would explode, and now she must immediately take off her mask and speak clearly.

"Oh, what can you do to me?"

Niu Su continued to ask back.

Although he is just a cow, he is more than enough for a mortal.

Although Niu Su looked at her flatly, Lin Ling was not discouraged in the slightest. Instead, she vowed: "Trust me, you won't want to know. If I pretend, my companions will have big heads."


Niu Su was a little hesitant. Although he didn't know where Lin Ling got her confidence, it didn't look like she was lying.

Seeing that he had already guaranteed this, Niu Su still couldn't hold back a single point, and Lin Ling couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Why do you have any hesitation, and there is no interest relationship between us. Instead of thinking about my reason for coming, you might as well think about your daughter-in-law, the Queen Mother of Yaochi, oh, yes, and your mother."

Lin Ling said that the enemy is strong enough, there is no need to turn everyone into an imaginary enemy.


Although Niu Su instinctively felt that this statement seemed wrong, but he was so stupid that he couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

However, Niu Su's series of reactions from just now seemed to Lin Ling to be meaningful.

Lin Ling strongly suspected that maybe before Niu Su had no madness, he should be an honest cow.

And honestly what is that?

Isn't it just a cow who can be bullied a little bit and take advantage of it?

Thinking of this, Lin Ling couldn't help but secretly excited.

The opportunity is so rare, she must make good use of it.

But it should be noted that in order to keep the honest cow so honest, the best way is to avoid the topic of the wife.

Even if you want to talk, you must understand other things clearly.

So, isn't that Niangqin a good breakthrough to understand Niu Su?
Thinking of this, the restrained Lin Ling couldn't help but said arrogantly: "Have you thought it through clearly? Should you say it well, or continue to keep this secret that is no longer a secret?"

Lin Ling's imposing manner is overwhelming, all in all, she is a very awesome person out of thin air.


Probably really intimidated by Lin Ling like this, Niu Su actually used Niuyu.

"Moo, tell me quickly, I have to get up early tomorrow to play with the two calves!"

Lin Ling vaguely reminded Niu Su that even for the sake of the child, she should have told her.

Hearing Lin Ling mention the two Mavericks, Niu Su couldn't help but soften his heart. He could also feel that Lin Ling took the two Mavericks to play games here.

Thinking of the two Mavericks having so much fun, Niu Su felt that even if it was for the children, he should tell Lin Ling.

"That's all, anyway, as you said, it's not really a secret.

Although I was born as a cow, but because of the noble blood of my parents, after my mother was promoted to a witch, she even broke through to the sixth-rank god clan. "

Niu Su said that he is indeed not an ordinary cow.


Lin Ling kept nodding her head, signaling Niu Su to say more.

"The family has placed high hopes on me, hoping that I can obtain some good luck, transform into a human form, and then seek a half-time official position in Tiangong, so as to promote the name of my Niu Niu family.

Therefore, when I was young, my mother took me to the Tiangong, where I plowed the land, and she helped a certain god in the Tiangong. "

Speaking of this, Niu Su was full of sighs.

He felt that if he hadn't gone to Tiangong, he would never have met her, and he would probably be just an ordinary cow forever.

But just when Niu Su was lamenting his fate, a disturbing voice interrupted him in time.

"Wait, I just heard about the human form. Could it be that your mother is a cow?"

Lin Ling couldn't help but think of Hei Niu. Do all the females of the Niu Niu clan look like this?
"Yes, my mother is very good. Back then, the whole family wanted to marry her."

Niu Su said that his mother is indeed a good person.

"When those two little cows grow up, can they also become humans?"

Lin Ling continued to ask.

"They... all blame me, because of me, they were also cursed by the Queen Mother of Yaochi."

Niu Su blamed himself.

Seeing that Niu Su was in a low mood, the life-threatening Lin Ling immediately asked, "Then where is your mother now?"

Lin Ling said, talk about your mother and stay away from madness.

"I don't know. After I was imprisoned here by the Queen Mother of Yaochi, my mother never appeared again, but I can feel that she has always been by my side."

Niu Su affirmed.

"Can you feel her? How do you feel?"

Lin Ling was puzzled.

Isn't this place isolated? She can't even send out a distress signal. How did this Niu Su, who was under intensive care, do it?
"My mother once gave me a bull nose rope, and we can perceive each other through it."

Niu Su said that originally this thing was specially made by his mother to facilitate their communication in Tiangong.

"Ox nose rope, can you show me?"

For some reason, Lin Ling thought of Shui Yue'er's love jade pendant. In terms of function, the two are likely to be of the same type.

Could it be that people from the protoss can make this thing?

Thinking of this, Lin Ling couldn't help but became more interested and said: "Niu Su, can you make a cow nose rope? Can you make one for me on the spot?

Oh no no no, for the two Mavericks to see, I'm just an observer. "

Lin Ling stretched out her hand and swore that she would never steal the craftsmanship of the bull nose rope. She just wanted to see how this type of thing was made and what was added to it to have such an effect.

The main reason is that Lin Ling is deeply impressed. Whether it is the Goddess's godly eyes that look down on people, or the exploration and perception of all kinds of protoss things, the protoss is really xenophobic from beginning to end.

Therefore, Lin Ling felt that it was necessary to have a deeper understanding of divine power if he wanted to wander around in the Protoss until he found a master.

Lin Ling on this side was very pleased with his thoughts, but Niu Su on the other side was quite unhappy.

He wanted to talk about his daughter-in-law, miss her, and show off her daughter-in-law... However, the mortal in front of him not only kept bringing the topic to his mother, but now he even wanted the abilities of the gods in a grandiose manner.

(End of this chapter)

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