Chapter 833
"what happened?"

Although Niu Su was ignorant, he still took out a Niu Nose Rope that had been treasured for many years.

But Lin Ling didn't take it. Instead, he pointed out: "Niu Su, if you say, I mean if, if something happens to your mother, can you feel it?"

Lin Ling couldn't deceive herself, all the signs reminded her that there was a certain relationship between the sorceress and Niu Su.

Seeing Lin Ling's serious expression, although Niu Su was surprised, he still replied: "Yes, but if you are worried about my mother, then there is no need. I could feel her calling yesterday."

Niu Su said that every ten years, his mother would call him once.And it is also a coincidence that every time my mother called, it was the day before the ceremony.

It was precisely because of this that Niu Su became more and more sure that his mother was silently watching him nearby.

However, Lin Ling didn't have the heart to experience Niu Su's touch, so she urged again: "Then feel it again now."


Although I don't know why, but seeing Lin Ling's insistence again and again, it seems that he will not turn the page if he doesn't do it. In desperation, Niu Su had to compromise to perceive.

However, as the time passed, Niu Su did not give the answer that was on his lips. Instead, cold sweat dripped down, and the whole cow turned white several times.

Seeing that under Niu Su's reckless input of divine power, the Niu Su's nose rope seemed to be damaged, Lin Ling couldn't help but stop and said, "Is it true that I can't feel it?"

"No! It's impossible! It was fine yesterday, but today's impossible! My method must be wrong, I'll try again!"

Obviously, Niu Su resisted this fact from the bottom of his heart.

But for Lin Ling, everything is almost clear, and the accuracy of her guess should not be low.

"Niu Su, if, I mean, if, if the sperm bird you absorbed today is your mother, what will happen to you?"

Lin Ling said that only this possibility can explain why the sorceress rushed to Niu Lang Peak without hesitation after the ceremony failed, and in the end she did not hesitate to use up all her blood to make Niu Su perfect.

"It's impossible. Witches are not allowed to participate in sacrificial ceremonies. Those who participate in ceremonies must be pure, otherwise they will be punished by heaven."

Niu Su directly denied Lin Ling's conjecture, and then murmured,
"Yeah, mother is not allowed to participate in the ceremony, so Jingniao will not be her, so she is fine...

Yes, my mother is so powerful, how could something happen? "


Lin Ling didn't speak, but just stared fixedly at Niu Su numbly paralyzing herself.

If it is true, as Niu Su said, those who have given birth to a baby cannot participate in this kind of ceremony, wouldn't that explain why the sorceress is so resigned to death and put all her eggs in one basket?
She was probably so resolute because she knew she would be punished by God.

Seeing Lin Ling's determined face, Niu Su couldn't help retorting loudly: "Impossible! Do you know that sperm bird? She has completely disappeared, and she doesn't even have an afterlife! How could it be my mother!"

"Then do you have other ways to sense her? You are mother and child, so there must be."

Lin Ling calmly urged Niu Su to keep trying.


"Try it."


"Try it now."


Seeing that Niu Su refused to take any action, Lin Ling couldn't help but sternly said: "There is nothing to escape from this kind of thing. If I'm wrong, that's the best, but if that's the case, are you going to keep deceiving yourself like this? ?”

Lin Ling said that if her conjecture is correct, then Niu Su will never be allowed to defensively forget everything the witch has done just because of her own weakness.

"I won't try, my mother can't possibly be fine."

Niu Su still wanted to refuse, deep in his heart, he still couldn't believe the reality that his mother had completely disappeared.

"Niu Su! You want to be sweet with your wife, and you want a pair of children to grow up happily, but you yourself have such a virtue, how can you do it?"

Lin Ling reminded Niu Su not to be a coward, and to take on as much responsibility as possible, you must have as much ability.


You care so much about the truth? "

Niu Su felt that Lin Ling was too cold-blooded, and his mother might have...but she only cared about the truth.

Oh, sure enough, as long as it's not your own business, it's nothing to do with yourself.

Seeing that Niu Su got into the horns, Lin Ling couldn't help feeling dizzy.

Why can't she be as mature, stable, reasonable, beautiful, gentle, and virtuous as her...

The more she thought about it, the more Lin Ling felt that Niu Su couldn't figure it out, she couldn't help but rolled up her sleeves, raised her fists, and said, "Niu Su, if you do this again, believe it or not, I'll find someone to beat you up?
Since you won't listen to me when you speak well, then I'll say something exciting.

Have you ever thought that if this fine bird is your mother, have you ever thought that your current cowardly behavior is simply digging her heart!
She has paid so much for you, and now this conclusion is placed in front of you, but you just ignore it because you can't accept it. Have you ever thought about your mother's feelings?
Even if this sperm bird is not your mother, don't you think she might have something to do with your mother?
You are fine, your loved ones are constantly shedding blood and tears for you.what about you?Don't do business, you have to show off your motherly temperament here.

I advise you to rest easy, the person in front of you is the leader of a mysterious organization at the cosmic level, your behavior will not only fail to win my sympathy, but will also make me think that you are not good enough, very bad, as a male no. "


Niu Su said that he didn't want to explain anymore, and he said that Lin Ling could answer him more than ten times.

"Okay, hurry up, right now, stretch your head and shrink your head a few hundred times, there's no reason to hesitate."

Lin Lingru kept urging, as if reciting a magic spell.


In desperation, Niu Su had no choice but to compromise in order to get rid of Lin Ling's curse.

However, even at this time, Niu Su still thinks that Lin Ling's guess is pure nonsense.

How could there be such a coincidence?
Compared to this, Niu Su was more willing to believe that it was because of something happened to his mother that he lost contact.

But once again, Niu Su was slapped in the face.

He tried again and again in disbelief, but the result made him want to cry.

"How is it possible! This is impossible!"

Niu Su roared while stomping his hoof.

If the contact failure of the bull nose rope can still be regarded as a long-term failure, what about now?Why, he can't even feel the breath of his mother's life card?

"Impossible, it must be because I haven't contacted for too long, so I must have done something wrong!"

"That's right, it must be because I haven't used my divine power for too long, so my divine power is broken!"

"It's impossible! How could it be? There must be something wrong!"

 Continue to recommend a friend's work "The Fierce Little Monk", if you like it, you can take a look.


(End of this chapter)

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