Chapter 835 Tilt Scales

And the witch probably wanted to leave without any worries, so she continued to tell what she had done over the years.

"I am very worried that my honest son will be targeted by the Queen Mother of Yaochi immediately after he goes out, but I also understand that she is too powerful, and no protoss would be willing to fight her to the end for a demon."

The witch said that any protoss, as long as they provoke the Queen Mother of Yaochi, they will implicate the whole family and drag the whole family into a position of eternal doom.

"So, when the enchantment weakened, you brought girls from other planes over, hoping that they could help you?"

Now Lin Ling really has admiration for the profession of a witch. She actually did all these rituals by herself, which is too amazing.

"In order to make these traversers have an indelible grudge against the Protoss, I deliberately continued the old teaching style and inspired the dormant sense of superiority of the Protoss in the goddesses."

The sorcerer said that only if the traversers have resentment against the Protoss, will they unconsciously fight against the Queen Mother of Yaochi.

"Oh, so that's the case, can you tell me so?"

Lin Ling felt that the sorceress was worthy of being Lao Jiang, and she was playing 666 in the "snipe and clam fight for the fisherman's profit".

"Hehe, stop pretending here, this set doesn't work for you, and I didn't get you here, your appearance was purely an accident."

The sorceress was not in a good mood, but her eyes showed a bit of approval.

The reason why she treats Lin Ling special is probably because she has taken a fancy to her specialness, transparency, and nonchalant nature.

Especially the last point is definitely a sharp weapon against these proud goddesses.

On the other hand, those traversers before, although each has a skill, the skill directly crushed these goddesses in the school;

But none of them questioned the nature of this place, let alone exposed the mother-child relationship between her and Niu Su.

Thinking about it this way, the sorceress suddenly felt that she was not wrong to bring Lin Ling up.

"Haha, thank you for the compliment. I am such a person who understands righteousness. I will only act when I understand the truth, so there is nothing to say against it."

Lin Ling said that she has never done oolong things.

"So, you agreed to help Niu Su?"

The witch's tone was pleading, she didn't have much time, and it would be good to have more people to help his son.

"I can only guarantee that I will not turn a blind eye to Niu Ju's matter, but I cannot guarantee that the way of helping him will be the same as you imagined."

Lin Ling said very seriously that she would act according to her own judgment.

If getting his wife back is too troublesome, too hopeless, and the Queen Mother of Yaochi is too invincible, she will probably think about how to beat Niu Su's selective amnesia, and then let him take the two calves to remarry and start a new happy life Life.


The sorceress is speechless, her last trace of fascination is about to dissipate immediately, can't this girl be a little sympathetic and agree with her?

But soon, the sorceress was relieved again.

Indeed, they themselves cannot prove that what they are doing now is right, but as long as Niu Su can be happy.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and she can only do so much.

But immediately, as if thinking of something, the sorceress said with a serious face: "Listen well, what I'm going to say next is very important, you must pay attention to it."


As soon as he heard something important, Lin Ling immediately nodded, expressing that he would definitely pay more attention to it.

But at this moment, two small figures rushed over.

Black girl: "Moo moo moo moo!"

Buffalo: "Daddy, Daddy!"

Looking at the absent-minded Niu Su, the two calves anxiously and clumsily leaned on him.

Looking at her pair of grandchildren, the always strict sorceress showed a loving smile, but she quickly put away her smile and continued to say to Lin Ling: "You have to pay attention..."

However, before the sorceress finished speaking, Lin Ling greeted the two little cows: "Black girl, buffalo, come and see your grandma for the last time, otherwise there will be no chance in the future.

As for Niu Su, don't worry, you will probably wake up soon. "

Lin Ling said that when the sorceress leaves, the spell cast on Niu Su will definitely disappear with it.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two calves to respond, Lin Ling teleported them to the front of the Taoist robe, and then straightened their heads, aiming at the witch on the Taoist robe.

Lin Ling, who failed to push down the two calves several times, could only remind: "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and kneel down, this is your grandma."

After finishing the work, Lin Ling waved goodbye to the sorceress with a complex expression, and left the Water Curtain Cave directly.

If it's just a cow, the balance in Lin Ling's heart should still be inclined to the truth and the key points. After all, these things may become the key to fighting against the Queen Mother of Yaochi in the future.

Lin Ling believes that the sorceress who is willing to sacrifice everything for Niu Su must be more willing to do so.

But when the two Mavericks appeared, the balance in Lin Ling's heart tilted again, and this time it is conceivable which one is more important.

If it is said that Niu Su can still rely on his memories to recall every bit of the witch, and even, he who has been unwilling to accept this fact, maybe it is better not to meet each other.

But the two calves have never seen the sorceress, and they were imprisoned here by the Queen Mother of Yaochi right after they were born, and so was the sorceress.

So even if it was just a second, Lin Ling also hoped that the two Mavericks could accompany the sorceress through this last moment.

Sure enough, within a few seconds of Lin Lingcai stepping out of the water curtain cave, the deafening howling of two calves came from inside.

Hearing the howling of the two calves "Grandma Moo", Lin Ling couldn't help but took out the little grain, and said softly but firmly: "Witch, don't worry, I will do my best to make them happy."

Lin Ling said that an outsider has nothing to do with what Niu Su wants to do, but she will definitely watch it.

Whether successful or not, strive to let them live a happy life again.

"Master, are you going to confront the Queen Mother of Yaochi?"

Wuwuwu who came together couldn't help asking.

"Are you afraid? In this way, you may be super bullied."

Lin Ling smirked.

I heard that her family's wuwuwu is the lowest protoss.

"I'm afraid, but when Wuwuwu is afraid, as long as he hides in the master's body, the master will run away with Wuwuwu."

Wuwuwu said, it will not foolishly let others bully it!

"Not bad, not bad, you have a high level of ideological awareness, just follow me to have fun together and have fun together."

Lin Ling said that it is safe to have her to save her life.

After finishing speaking, Lin Ling carefully studied the little grains that the sorceress gave her.

Choosing the right time is worse than hitting the right time, and the right time to hit is not as good as the present. When San Niu was sad, he just absorbed and digested this thing, and then took them away from here.

 To commemorate the one-year anniversary of this book, the circle of book friends held a special welfare fan title event, you can get it after posting, limited to 20 places, first come first served~~
(End of this chapter)

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