Chapter 838

"daughter in law."

Niu Su still leaned on Lin Ling persistently.

Seeing this, Lin Ling didn't care about it, and immediately said miserably: "Yes, it's me, and I'm being deeply hurt by you now, can you stop your mind-absorbing Dafa first?"

Lin Ling said, first protect your life, and then protect your integrity.

Seeing that Niu Su had really calmed down, Lin Ling couldn't help thinking after she was overjoyed.

"Niu Su, do I smell like your wife?"

Lin Ling speculated that the reason why Niu Su, who was sick with his daughter-in-law, mistook her was probably because he felt some similarities in her.

"daughter in law……"

However, Niu Su, whose mind was in chaos, still just held onto Lin Ling tightly.

Seeing Niu Su sticking out his long tongue as if he wanted to lick him to show his intimacy, Lin Ling, who resisted instinctively, turned his little head into a frenzy.

What made Niu Su calm down and mistook her for his wife.

And this thing should not be an inherent characteristic of her, otherwise Niu Su should have asked her when they first met.

And she just...

"Ten thousand threads weave a thousand threads!"

Lin Ling said with a flash of inspiration.

It must be because she used this trick just now that Niu Su, who felt the familiar atmosphere, regarded her as his daughter-in-law.

"Niu Su, isn't your wife good at weaving?"

Lin Ling asked tentatively.

She remembered that Dong Qiao had said that weaving thousands of strands of silk is a magical skill passed down from ancient times, so it is not impossible for this trick to become famous for Niu Su and his wife.

However, if this is the case, the sorceress has cultivated a large number of goddesses who know how to do this. Is this used to respond to the Queen Mother of Yaochi who regards her own daughter as a treasure, or is she to treat her daughter-in-law as everything?

"Daughter-in-law, the knitted...clothes are very...pretty."

The demon Niu Su continued intermittently.


For some reason, Lin Ling thought of something that the sorceress wanted to remind her to pay special attention to before she left.

Could it be that what the sorceress wants her to pay attention to is this "thousands of threads"?Is she trying to express Niu Su's standards for begging for a wife, and let her explore this aspect?

Lin Ling, who didn't know why, continued to use this magical skill tentatively, hoping to get some useful information.

But alas, it backfired.

Even though Niu Su was delirious at this time, he could still quickly distinguish Lin Ling's sloppiness.

"You are not a daughter-in-law! You must have been sent by the Queen Mother of Yaochi to lie to me!
Why are you doing this to me!

Although I am just a cow, I am absolutely serious about my wife! "

Niu Su cried out in pain.

Seeing that she was self-defeating, Lin Ling immediately used her invincible skill - selective memory loss.

"Who am I? Where am I? Why is there a cow in front of me?

what!Who are you apprentice, let me go! "

Lin Ling said that since she failed to pretend to be a daughter-in-law, she can only pretend to be a daughter-in-law who has amnesia. In this way, all oocs have a formal reason.

Hearing that Lin Ling said that he didn't know him, Crazy Demon Niu Su immediately panicked and said, "Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law...what's wrong with you? Is it...your mother...forced you again?
She...forced you to go through the kalpas, so you can forget...get rid of me, right? "

Niu Su said painfully, it was all because of his uselessness that caused his daughter-in-law to suffer this kind of pain.

And Lin Ling also got new information from Niu Su's words.

It turned out that his daughter-in-law had gone back, no wonder Niu Su was locked up here, she didn't move at all.

Even though Niu Su's daughter-in-law was imprisoned by the Queen Mother of Yaochi, after so many years, is it true that there is really no chance of escape?
After pondering for a while, Lin Ling asked again: "Niu Su, did you find a wife by weaving thousands of threads?"

Lin Ling believes that in this way, if he wants to win the battle with the Queen Mother of Yaochi, whether he can be the first to find Niu Su's wife in the calamity will be very important.

If Niu Su's daughter-in-law met a new love during the calamity, then there would be nothing wrong with Niu Su.

But if not, she must be found immediately so as not to be too passive.

Lin Ling felt that if Niu Su wanted to defeat the Queen Mother of Yaochi and get Mei Jiao Niang back, the most important thing was to see what Mei Jiao Niang could do for him.

However, although Lin Ling rationalized her thinking more and more smoothly, she couldn't stand Niu Su as a love brain.

Just thought he had found his wife, but found that Niu Su, who had been deceived, directly refused to communicate with the outside world.

His world has turned into a wonderful dreamland because of his daughter-in-law who fell from the sky, and now his daughter-in-law is gone, but he still doesn't want to wake up.

"Moo moo moo moo moo!"

Crazy Demon Niu Su continued to do his best.



"Osmanthus fragrans!"


"Overlord Flower!"

"big Red flower!"


Lin Ling kept reporting the woman's boudoir name, hoping to guess Niu Su's wife's name correctly, so that he could clear up again.

Ran and egg.

Niu Su, who was on the run, quickly destroyed the entire cave.

Watching Niu Su unknowingly destroying the rice fields he had worked so hard for, watching the two little cows and Wuwuwu running around in fright.

Lin Lingru spoke to Ruzui, and finally gave a name.

"Dong Qiao."

The next moment, Niu Su, who was raging like crazy, suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Lin Ling only felt a trace of coldness all over her body.

During the time with Dong Qiao, Lin Ling once teased her, saying that she always gets along with time travelers, and she was careful to be punished by the sorceress.

But Dong Qiao said that the witch never talked to her because of this.

Originally, this was not a big deal, but when all the details were connected together, Lin Ling felt terrified thinking about it.

Why did the traversers sacrifice to the river in every previous ceremony, but this time, the witch didn't summon the traversers?
Does the witch hope that the last ceremony will be attended by Dong Qiao?

As soon as Lin Ling thought of this, he couldn't help but conspire.

She felt that the friendship between Dong Qiao and the time traveler might have a connection with the sorceress.

Just like when Dong Qiao dated her, the sorceress never expressed any dissatisfaction. On the contrary, she was with Xiaoba and Xiaojiu, but was talked to several times.

Combined with the purpose of the sorceress to summon the traversers, Lin Ling felt that the sorceress was inducing Dong Qiao to go on the road of anti-protoss.

Why is it Dong Qiao?

Thinking that the daughter-in-law Niu Su talked about is as good as Dong Qiao, thinking that Dong Qiao's ingenuity is far superior to hers, thinking that Dong Qiao has been dubbed a quasi-saint for a long time...

An idea formed in Lin Ling's mind uncontrollably.

Could Dong Qiao be the daughter-in-law of Niu Su in the calamity?

She can still think that Niu Su wants to be happy, and his wife is very important, so why not a witch?
Therefore, the purpose of the witch every time she goes out is not just to find the abandoned baby girl, she is looking for the reincarnation of Niu Su's wife!

And in this way, it can also explain why the sorceress stopped this behavior after picking it up for a while.

 small theater
  Lin Ling: I am amazing, can you reason this out for me?

  Xiao Yi: Didn't you give your name at random?

  An Yan: It must be because you couldn't think of other names, so you just used Dong Qiao's name to make up the number.

  Yunliu: So, when you meet someone in the future, you must first ask for their name, Osmanthus fragrans.

  Lin Ling: I don't agree with this. If I encounter someone like you who doesn't report their surnames in full, I'll be thankful for remembering their names.

  An Yan & Yun Liu: ...

  PS: I originally wanted to save this resentment for later, but I'm sorry I can't help it, and I can't help it, so write it out first, and then open the copy refreshingly.

(End of this chapter)

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