Chapter 844

Lin Ling said that she doesn't have much artistic talent, so it can be said that she learns what is not like what is not, but because of this, she can more easily combine the two movements to become a two-in-one dance.

What Lin Ling tried to combine this time was precisely the movements of Wansi Weaving Thousands of Threads and Chaos Divine Consciousness Art.

No matter how bad Lin Ling is, she is absolutely familiar with the movements of the two, and has even reached the point where she can complete them subconsciously.

Of course, such two wonderful magical skills cannot be achieved simply by combining the essence of movements.

But, who made Lin Ling know how to match it!

To put it bluntly, what these two magical skills need is the soul, and to put it bluntly, as long as Lin Ling's sea of ​​consciousness is strong enough, posture and so on are just clouds.

And further dissecting this point in depth, doesn't this mean that as long as Yuan Shi is willing to use Lin Ling's power, she is likely to do this.

But what if the original stone refuses to cooperate?

Don't forget that there is another key point, that is, that thing is the key material for breaking through the sea of ​​consciousness.

That's why Lin Ling pierced the silkworm silk into her right eye just now, in order to introduce that thing into the most original stone, so that it had to be stimulated to break through.

And Lin Ling's series of ideas were undoubtedly received by the most original stone that can listen to Wanyin.


I've been talking about you for a long time, but I just couldn't find a suitable adjective.

"Ah, you are still in the mood for you, me and me? That thing is coming soon."

After teasing, Lin Ling drove the thing in his body to his right eye with full power.

That thing frantically resisted, not wanting to make Lin Ling happy.

Ran and egg.

There is an inexplicable attraction between large and small spars.But now, the large crystal stone has been absorbed by the most original stone.

This means that the most original stone itself is fatally attractive to the small spar.

Coupled with Lin Ling's push, most of the things were quickly forcibly stuffed into the innermost part of the original stone.

Passively accepting all this, the most primitive stone can't help but have mixed feelings, and it feels that it seems to have underestimated this master.

how to say?

This master is so good at surprise attacks that he is completely unpredictable.

Most Yuanshi believed that until the moment when he planned to squeeze Niu Su dry, no one would have thought that Lin Ling would actually set his mind on that thing.

But she just has a kind of magical power, which can force things to be really twisted.The most irritating thing is that, as she said, it really makes some fucking sense.

The most original stone is the first time to see a person who can integrate and implement all acute ideas.

But no matter how mixed feelings the most rough stone is at the moment, it can no longer stop Lin Ling's desperate move.

"Finally one day, you will be played to death by yourself."

The most original stone said with a serious look.

"How could it be? I've been eroded by demon energy now, so the things I do are more bold. I don't dare to do this in normal times!"

Lin Ling felt that the magic energy was a man's wine, the kind that could make people really impulsive after inhaling it.

Seeing that Lin Ling had no repentance, and that thing kept stimulating him, Yuan Shi finally couldn't help persuading him: "If you are doing this because I don't lend you my power, then there is no need. I It is for your own good not to lend you strength."

Yuan Shi insisted that Lin Ling needed a supervisor to keep her under control at all times.

And this role, from the current point of view, seems to be the only one that can do it.

"For my own good?"

Lin Ling blinked her eyes, she really didn't expect that the most original stone was actually a boring bug.

"Yes, I hope you don't do things so casually, you can learn from others and think twice before acting..."

For some reason, it is quite reasonable, but the more I say it, the less confident I am.

"Then have you considered the consequences of not helping me? Now, the Queen Mother of Yaochi is not here, the body of that thing is not there, and A, B, C, D, who are a hundred times stronger than me, are not here. Have you thought about the consequences of me missing this growth opportunity? "

Lin Ling said that a person like her can't expect to wait for the big boss to appear on the stage, and then evolve from the Jedi.

"Then how do you know this is your chance?"

Most Yuanshi thinks that Lin Ling's idea is too far-fetched.

"There is nothing I don't know, all experiences are the food for my growth, so no matter what experiences I will make the most of them, so as to improve myself quickly."

Lin Ling said that because the me at this moment is not the me at the previous moment, strictly speaking, people are growing every moment.

And what she did was just trying to maximize every growth rate.

Hearing this, Yuan Shi fell silent.

It has always believed that the one who took it away should be the strongest man in the outer space.

It's just that year after year, century after century... it has been unable to wait for the person it is satisfied with.

Every time, it is full of hope, waiting for the opening of Wushi Paradise, waiting for the appearance of the absolute strong.

However, every time, it always feels that their excellence is not thorough enough.

So, one person after another, a hundred people after a hundred...

When the most rough stone reacted, it seemed to have missed many opportunities.

Therefore, at the moment Lin Ling took it away, it didn't resist, it wanted to go to a wider place to find a strong man who matched it.

However, fate is unpredictable.

By accident, in order to save its life, it became bonded to this extremely ordinary woman in front of it.

But even so, Yuan Shi still didn't take Lin Ling seriously.

After all, it's too inadequate.

So, it uses the prophecy as an excuse to repeatedly refuse to help her except when she is actually in dire straits.

However, it seems to be wrong again.

The most rough stone at this moment is very confusing, is this person in front of him an opportunity?
"You want to become stronger so much?"

Yuanshi asked in accordance with his heart.

"Do not."

Lin Ling shook her head directly, how tiring it is to become stronger!


The most original stone was even more confused. It could understand that Lin Ling was not lying, but what was the reason for the incoherent preface?
It is rare that the most original stone has the desire to talk heart-to-heart, and Lin Ling, who is eager to establish a friendly and deep relationship with it immediately, explained it intimately without taking the trouble.

"I just thought about it like everyone else did, as you said, and realized that only being strong is the guarantee of a happy life."

Lin Ling blocked it with the words of the most original stone.

In the concept of normal people, no matter what field they are in, can they live happily and happily only when they are strong to a certain extent?

After all, there are many unfortunate people in this world, and they can't help but want to rob others of their happiness.


These words did make sense, but when they came out of Lin Ling's mouth, Yuan Shi couldn't understand why.

"Fall in love with me, and give me everything you have."

Lin Ling demanded forcefully.


Stones cannot be tempted. "

Most Rough said it couldn't do it.

 small theater
  Lin Ling: Very good very good.

  An Yan: What are you doing?
  Lin Ling: After solving the problem of the infected area, I can immediately get the most rough stone again.

  Xiao Yi: Then when will you solve our problem?
  Lin Ling: You haven't passed the initial test, so I won't register you.

  Yunliu: Since the GDP can't be ranked, I'll join the team first, and the rough stone will be settled first, so let me study it.

  Lin Ling: Alright, sponsor, you can do whatever you say.

  Xiao Yi: ...

(End of this chapter)

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