The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 854 The Expansion of Wang Xue

Chapter 854 The Expansion of Wang Xue
However, the latter didn't take it seriously at all, and even thought it was an absolute compliment to the wife-loving madman.

Seeing that Xiao Lin and the two were not restrained, Mu Xi didn't bother to argue with them: "Hehe, you can do whatever you want."

Mu Xi felt that Xiao Lin and Xiao Lin were purely two little kids, and they were so noisy when they were in a relationship.

Can't be like him, Ai Yueer loves deeply?
Thinking about it this way, Mu Xi couldn't control his longing for Shui Yue'er anymore.

Mu Xi thought that since he finally came out and the location happened to be in the Protoss, he should stay by Shui Yueer's side no matter what he said.

"I have something else to do, let's stay here."

After leaving this sentence, before everyone could respond, Mu Xi disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Dong Qiao and Goddess B on the side realized that Mu Xi had a heart for the Protoss, and they didn't even care about parting, so they hurried to hunt Shui Qianqian.

Thinking about it this way, in their hearts, while Mu Xi's image instantly became taller, the problems on Shui Qianqian became more and more thought-provoking.

Because no one stopped him, the entire Niu Lang Peak was quickly ruined by Lin Ling.

Seeing the mess on the entire peak, everyone couldn't help but black lines.

"What are you doing? Haven't found it yet?"

Xiao Yi felt that he might be wrong, he underestimated Lin Ling's destructive power too much.

"Not yet, this one is too hard to find, so I'm going to suck it all home."

Lin Ling said that she still doesn't know what it is, so naturally she has to pack it first and then study it.


Xiao Yi was speechless, wondering what Pangu and the Big Three would imagine if they knew that Lin Ling was still tossing about his space like this.

And at this moment, a piece of red giant feather quietly floated out under Lin Ling's vigorous toss.

After silently observing the bright red feather for a moment, Dong Qiao suddenly flew up and grabbed it firmly in the palm of his hand.

Flipping the feather in his hand back and forth several times, Dong Qiao couldn't help muttering: "Why can I feel the familiarity of deja vu from this?"

Discovering Dong Qiao's strangeness, although Lin Ling couldn't understand the red feather at all, she clearly understood that the time had come to continue to make a big splash.

Ever since, with the efforts of Lin Ling and the revised Chaos Divine Consciousness Art, the entire Niu Lang Peak was not only distorted everywhere, but also turned upside down, giving people a very uncomfortable sense of confusion.

But even so, the two Mavericks still cheered for Lin Ling, and continued to sway like her.

Black girl: "Moo moo moo moo!"

Buffalo: "Sister, you are too powerful! Destroy everything here, so we don't have to be locked up here anymore!"


Hearing this, Goddess C, who just wanted to reprimand Lin Ling for not acting recklessly and pull back the two running calves, couldn't help but fall silent.

It was hard for her to imagine how the innocent two calves had stayed alone in this place for so long.

Thinking of this, Goddess C, who is overflowing with maternal love, couldn't help hugging the two calves, and said with a slight sob: "Don't worry, sister will take you to many interesting places in the future."

At this moment, Lin Ling's cholera operation made new progress, and bright red feathers and giant eggs were seen flying all over the sky.

However, it is accompanied by a space that is about to collapse.

"Xiao Bing, you take San Niu and leave first."

After speaking, Dong Qiao flew to collect the feathers and eggs.

Seeing Dong Qiao leaving Niu Su away like this, Lin Ling wanted to stick three cigarettes in his head - the road to chasing his wife was too difficult.

With no other choice, Lin Ling had no choice but to pin her hopes on Goddess C.

"Little biscuit, when the time comes, remember to bring Niu Su and the two Mavericks to Dong Qiao's side, and make sure they follow Dong Qiao well.

By the way, there are also these two cow nose ropes, which belong to the two Mavericks, you should also remember to give them to Dong Qiao. "

Lin Ling solemnly entrusted everything to Goddess B. Now that Xiao Yi is here, she must start her journey to find a teacher and won't stay here for too long.

As for the matter of the Queen Mother of Yaochi, we have to wait until she finds her master, otherwise she will be useless alone.

Goddess C was first shocked by the boring title of "little biscuit", and then shocked by this messy sense of loneliness.

But fortunately, even though she was dizzy, Goddess C immediately grasped the important point - to take good care of San Niu.

But the more she thought about it, the more unhappy Goddess C felt.

"Actually, they don't have to follow Dong Qiao, I can take good care of them."

Goddess Bing recommended herself, and she felt that Lin Ling probably wanted to entrust San Niu to her because she thought Dong Qiao was reliable.

But I am obviously not bad.


Lin Ling couldn't tell, should she tell the goddess Bing Niu Su and Dong Qiao about the incident?

"You don't need to explain, I understand. But you also have to understand that Dong Qiao, as a saint, is very busy now that the witch is not here.

If you are worried that Sanniu will be looked down upon by everyone because of Niu Langfeng's background, then I assure you, I will protect them fully. "

Goddess B solemnly swore.

When Lin Ling was misunderstood by the goddesses, she failed to stand up because she was too weak.So this time, she will definitely take care of San Niu as her duty.

Goddess C secretly vowed that she must become stronger. She felt that if she could break through this hurdle, she would definitely be closer to her dream of a saint.

And at this moment, Niu Su, who woke up slowly, saw a beautiful and beautiful girl gently waiting for the two calves, and immediately couldn't feel the east, west, north and south tremblingly.

"Dong... daughter-in-law... no... Qiao... wife..."

Such a beautiful girl, and the two Mavericks are still so attached to her, she should be his daughter-in-law.

Seeing that Niu Su was so nervous that he couldn't even speak clearly, Goddess B showed a gentle smile, and said in a good temper: "Are you not feeling well, please rest for a while, and I will take you out of here."

Seeing Goddess C being so gentle and kind to him, Niu Su became more and more sure of his guess.

Only his daughter-in-law will treat him so well and never look down on him because he is a cow.

Seeing Goddess C leaving with San Niu in a happy manner, Lin Ling felt a string in her brain crack.

"Hmph, there really is no such thing as true love in this world!"

Lin Ling gave Xiao Yi a fierce look.

She is so ruined that her intestines are green now, she shouldn't have given Xiao Yi a further chance on impulse just now.

It's all Niu Su's fault, if it wasn't for this interracial love that stimulated her, would she have been stupid just now?
Although Lin Ling is quite unreasonable, but Xiao Yi likes to eat this kind of thing.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, it's all my fault. But girl, I'm different from him. No matter what you become, I will definitely not mistake you."

It is rare for Xiao Yi to express his true feelings when he speaks clichéd love words.

"Stop talking, I don't like to listen to this kind of local talk. Besides, because this big boss is in a bad mood right now, I don't want to tell Niu Su, let him mess around on his own."

Lin Ling, who has a mental cleanliness, said that she has emotions, so Niu Su can go and play by herself.

 small theater
  Lin Ling: Let me show you.

  Xiao Yi: What are you doing with so many beautiful pictures?
  Lin Ling: I hope you remember these figures, these are me, you must not make a mistake.

  Xiao Yi: ...

  An Yan: Then you can't use your hands to remove these heads first?

  Yunliu: She probably took this picture from an otaku's room, so she had to return it.

  Lin Ling: Hee hee, I just think the pictures these people have collected are great, so I borrowed them.

(End of this chapter)

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