Chapter 857
Seeing Lin Ling's admiration for the woman's strength, Chang Yi couldn't help but asked curiously: "How powerful is she? Is it as powerful as the Big Three?"

"It was revealed that it is better than the Big Three."

Lin Ling said that she couldn't understand the hidden strength of these big shots.But the two hands that the woman showed just now are really powerful.

"Haha, you girl really dare to say that."

Chang Yi said that he had heard that Lin Ling's mouth was very powerful, but he didn't expect that she would dare to say anything.

But immediately, Chang Yi said with a serious expression,

"I shouldn't have told you about this, but that woman seems to be following you, and..."

In the middle of Chang Yi's speech, the fire-breathing dragon's emergency communication rang.

Seeing the news, Chang Yi couldn't help hanging up his signboard and smiling heartily, and said, "It seems that I don't need to explain this matter."

After finishing speaking, Chang Yi clenched his five fingers into a fist, and directly released a fiery fist at the space beside him.

This flame, which is more dazzling than the sun, quickly formed a channel, and almost at the same time, a person appeared in front of Xiao Lin and the two of them.

Seeing the person coming, Xiao Lin and the two couldn't help saying in unison: "Yunliu?"

The two of Xiao Lin looked at each other, they were very strange, shouldn't Yun Liu be busy in Yulin Fairyland at this time, trying to please his future husband-in-law?
"I know you have a lot of doubts, but before that, can I ask a question first?"

Yun Liu said while walking straight towards Lin Ling.

Seeing Yunliu walking towards her boldly, Lin Ling was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, and said seriously: "Yunliu, I seem, seem, maybe, maybe, should be able to absorb that thing."

Hearing this, Yun Liu's calm eyes instantly fluctuated, and he asked eagerly in a rare tone: "Are you sure? Can you really control that thing? I mean..."

Yunliu opened his mouth several times for the next words, but he still couldn't say them out.

Seeing that Yunliu was rarely speechless, Lin Ling smiled slightly.

"Let your parents try it, I will try my best to suck that thing out of their bodies."

Maybe it can be said that it was because of this kind of intention that Lin Ling took possession of that thing without hesitation.


Seeing that Lin Ling stated her purpose very simply, Yun Liu was speechless for a while.

Seeing this, Lin Ling spared no effort to joke: "Oh, are you shy? What a surprise, our little Yunyun is also shy. I mean, your shy appearance is unexpectedly delicious. Hey, what are you doing? Smack me again?"

After waving the vine symbolically a few times, Yunliu stopped and reconfirmed: "Are you sure, you can suck that thing out?"

Yun Liu also knew that he was stupid to ask this question, but as long as he thought of the possibility of his parents recovering, he couldn't control himself well.

"Probably, but maybe your parents will be drained by me."

Lin Ling said that there is a high probability that there will be serious sequelae.

"Isn't there still your route to rebuild your physique?"

Yun Liu said that if his parents' physique is really damaged, they can also go to Yulin Fairyland and practice again like those wounded in the Dugu family.

Hearing this, Lin Ling also thought it made sense, and maybe Yunliu's parents had become dysfunctional due to long-term exposure to that thing.

"Oh, that's fine, I promise to suck them clean."

Lin Ling said while tapping her right eyeball, saying that even if she is not reliable, her family's most rough stone is absolutely reliable.

Seeing Lin Ling dragged himself into the water as expected, Yuan Shi couldn't help protesting: "I need to rest, I'm already very tired from the battle just now."

Hearing this, Lin Ling blinked, and then asked Wuwuwu and Shuishui to sing and cheer for the most primitive stone, and comforted him: "Don't worry, you can definitely do it, do you feel that your body is full of energy now? strength?"


The most original stone was powerless to complain.

You can get better just by listening to other people cheering you on. Listening to heart sounds can also have this effect. Why doesn't the stone in question know about it?
Seeing Lin Ling ready to go, Yun Liu couldn't help saying, "Don't worry, it's not that simple."

Yunliu said that if Lin Ling was really let go, his parents would probably be mummified.

"What else? I will only be simple and rude."

Lin Ling also knows that the specific operation is definitely not as simple as she imagined, but this kind of thing can only be studied while doing it.

Yunliu's parents are so powerful, so there must be no problem.

"There are ways, but it depends on whether you are willing or not, and it is very likely that you will have to suffer a little bit."

Yunliu is inoculated.

"what way?"

Hearing that he was going to suffer, Lin Ling was inevitably a little nervous.

"Let my grandfather enter your space. Since the infected area is suppressed by your space, it is most appropriate to expel my parents' thing there."

Yun Liu said that in order to prevent that thing from erupting in the future, it is most appropriate for Lin Ling to be a transmission device rather than an energy storage device.

"That's right. Although I'm fine now, if I add a little more, I might be counter-suppressed."

Lin Ling thinks it makes sense, whoever has bigger fists will be at the upper reaches of the food chain.

So if the content of that thing in her body increases, she might become the prey of that thing again.

Seeing that Lin Ling had no resistance, Yun Liu couldn't help urging: "If there is no problem, then let's start now."

But before Lin Ling opened his mouth to agree, Xiao Yi reminded: "Girl, you have thought clearly."

Xiao Yi understood that saying this might offend Yunliu, but he still wanted Lin Ling to understand that letting Yunliu and An Yan enter the space and letting Zhuge Qiming enter the space are two different concepts.

"Xiaoyi, I know all about it, but someone has to be the first to eat crabs, right?"

Lin Ling certainly understands the risk of letting an old ginger enter the space, not to mention that there are problems with his own space, maybe Zhuge Qiming will seal his own space again as soon as he gets it right.


Xiao Yi still had a headache. He felt that Lin Ling was used to sharing the space, so it didn't matter who came in.

Even if Zhuge Qiming really didn't intend to do anything to Lin Ling, wouldn't it be possible for something to happen during the period of sealing the thing on Yunliu's parents back to zero wiki?

No matter what Xiao Yi thought, he felt that this matter was very risky.

"No, but, I have already accepted Yunliu's entrustment to save his parents, so I can't be so selfish."

Lin Ling said that if she couldn't afford it, Yunliu's parents might not be able to get better, so they wouldn't be able to concentrate on helping the Dugu family, and they wouldn't be able to better study Yulin Wonderland.

As a result, a lot of jobs will stall.

Moreover, it turns out that she and Xiao Yi are still not strong enough, and they still need the help of the plane system.

So, this favor, she must help!
 small theater
  An Yan: Great, Yunliu.

  Lin Ling: It's too early for you to be happy.

  Yunliu: Well, it might fail.

  An Yan: Can't you think of the bright side?

  Lin Ling: We're just telling the truth, and we're not 100% able to save Yunliu's parents, so we can't be happy yet.

  Xiao Yi: I don't care about that, anyway, if you don't pay 100% attention to your own safety, I'll beat you up.

  Lin Ling: I don't believe it, it's 100% impossible for you.

(End of this chapter)

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