Chapter 859
"Now let's talk about who that woman is, or what your so-called mission is."

From Chang Yi's previous words, Xiao Yi deduced that Zhuge Qiming's behavior should be inseparable from these two.

Hearing this, Yun Liu couldn't help but nodded, expressing that Xiao Yi's sense is very keen.

"I didn't intend to hide this matter from you. Now that An Chen has found Die Yi, do you know where they are now?"

Yun Liu said that An Chen is probably suffering physically and mentally at this moment.

He wished to bring Dieyi to justice, but he couldn't bear it; he wished to forget her completely immediately, but in order to get information, he had to deal with her.

"Are they also in the Protoss now?"

Xiao Yi asked back.

"Yes, in order to help you find this coordinate position, we were originally curious that the outer expansion barrier could be connected to the Protoss.

We also learned that Dieyi is also in the Protoss, and we worried that their next target would be the Protoss. At the same time, we began to wonder if it was because Quehe was added some unknown substance from outer space that such magical properties appeared.

Therefore, we conducted an in-depth investigation on Que River, and even the entire Protoss.

Soon, we discovered a lot of intriguing places. "

Speaking of this, Yun Liu couldn't help but look solemn, obviously the problem they found was a bit tricky.

"It just so happened that N8 assigned Xiaomo a special task, asking her to track down a woman, and this woman is now also in the Protoss."

Chang Yi added.

When all the coincidences are put together, there is no way to prevent people from being conspiratorial.

"Is the woman Si Mo following just now?"

Xiao Yi believes that the task assigned by N8 to Si Mo must not be simple.

"Well, they suspect that this woman is related to the Devourers, and she is likely to be a high-ranking member of the Devourers.

In fact, we have fought against her before, and the strength of this woman is really unfathomable. "

Speaking of this, Chang Yi also had a dignified expression.If the woman hadn't left just now, he might not be able to get any benefits.

"Over the years, this is the first time we have encountered this form of devourers.

And you should have seen it just now, that woman has super space ability, and seems to be able to travel through various planes at will.This can also explain why the Dugu family was attacked. "

The more Yun Liu said, the more serious his face became.

Obviously he suspected that this woman might have been highly parasitized by the Devourers.

"Young Master Zhuge, don't be so negative, maybe she just has a cooperative relationship with the Devouring Clan."

Chang Yi said that it is not that they have never seen arrogant people who tried to rule the entire devouring clan to rule the entire outer space.

"But what if it is? Didn't you say that people from N8 have seen her devour others directly?"

Yun Liu said that only the Devourers have this powerful devouring ability, and with the evolution of the Devourers, what will they become and whether they will become human, they cannot rule out this possibility based on subjective assumptions alone.

In outer space, nothing is impossible!

"You mean, that woman is related to the Devourers?"

Xiao Yi also guessed the possible identity of the woman, but he didn't expect that she would be a Devourer.

"More than that, although it is weak, we detected the reaction of the Devourers from Shui Qianxi, and she was rescued by that woman just now."

Yun Liu said that it was not without reason that the woman appeared just after Shui Qianqian left.

"Shui Qianqian is also infected with the Devouring Clan? Isn't Tang Zuo... By the way, when did you come here?"

Xiao Yi didn't expect the situation to be so serious.

"The Protoss is so big, there must be members who are performing missions, so as soon as we came up with a hypothesis, we immediately asked them to assist in the investigation.

Moreover, An Yan's father had also infiltrated into the Protoss immediately.

So I hope you can understand that because the opponent is the Devourer, we have no way to suppress the power. "

Yun Liu said that this time the opponents are too strong, so they must also attack with all their strength, and they must be wiped out.


Now Xiao Yi understood a little.

Probably, various sources of information showed that this woman was inseparable from the devouring clan, and even more so from the tragedy of the Dugu family, so the plane system planned to go all out.

Dugu Longzhen is good at hiding because he has been performing missions all year round, but Zhuge Qiming is not. So while dealing with Yunliu's parents, he hides in Lin Ling's space and waits for opportunities.

"However, since that woman has a strong time and space ability, then when you come..."

Xiao Yi suspected that the woman might have known about these actions of the plane system.

"Well, she should know all about it, but she didn't escape, so we guessed that she must be brewing something in the Protoss. Therefore, this time, we also appointed many elite members to complete the task together."

Yun Liu said that as long as he thinks about the tragedy of the Dugu family, what the woman wants to do will undoubtedly make the scalp tingle.

"Then when will you act?"

Xiao Yi wanted to make a quick decision. After all, the woman was thinking about Lin Ling's space, and if he didn't beat her to the ground as soon as possible, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

"The order issued now is to all of us stand still and try our best to find out the hidden devourers. We must catch them all and never leave a single one alive."

Yun Liu said that it will have to wait for a while, and once it is dispatched, there will be no more fish that slip through the net.

"So, there was no such thing, and you planned to come here too? Where's An Yan?"

Xiao Yi said that this is likely to be a revenge battle of the Dugu family, and it is impossible for An Yan not to participate.

"Yanyan will come over after she settles some matters."

Speaking of this, Yun Liu had to sigh.

Although the six tourist girls were very bad at fighting, they were very good at handling other things.

If it weren't for being a staff member, she couldn't travel to various planes, or she would have become an employee of Baba Continent long ago.

But immediately, Yun Liu said with a complicated expression:

"That woman seems to be eyeing the money-scattering boy."

Yun Liu suddenly felt that Lin Ling was a cannon fodder and could always be targeted by the boss.

"She seems to be very interested in the girl's space."

Xiao Yi's face was very ugly. If it was something else, it would be gone if it was gone, but that space was Lin Lingming.

"You two, don't be so sad, there are so many of us here, even Qiming Gong is inside, can't you protect this girl?"

Chang Yi said that the Maotou boy is the Maotou boy, a high-level devourer, and he bluffed them all by coming out.

In fact, there is no need for these little guys to worry so much. Since Dugu Longzhen and Zhuge Qiming are here, at most they will assist in this battle. There is no need to take all these things on their head and give themselves such a big pressure.

 small theater
  Xiao Yi: I didn't expect to see the plane system come out so soon.

  Lin Ling: Isn't it time for the Sea of ​​Consciousness Trial?

  An Yan: Why do you always tear down Xiao Yi's platform?

  Lin Ling: No matter what, he can't get rid of his lack of strictness in speaking.

  Yunliu: His biggest problem isn't that he doesn't count on what he says. If he could really beat you up a few times, would you dare to bury him?

  Xiao Yi: ...

(End of this chapter)

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