Chapter 863 Goddess Intuition

"This shows that Ou Village once forged several peerless weapons, and the most famous one is on the snow peak."

Meimei said that Ou Village is famous for these magical weapons, and there is nothing special about it other than that, so the current abnormal situation is most likely related to it.

But when Xiao Linyun and the others looked in the direction Meimei pointed, they found nothing.

"It's interesting, is it a formation for concealment?"

Yun Liu said that his interest is getting higher and higher.

"Did it get poached by aliens?"

Lin Ling immediately proposed a second hypothesis.

"What are you digging for?"

Brother Xiao didn't think of a way, he was thinking about how to hate someone.

"Ask the alien, how can I understand the alien's mood?"

Lin Ling said, don't try to guess the minds of aliens.

"That's right, my idol is the most popular, how could it be an alien?"

007 saw the right moment, and immediately flattered him.

"That's right, little one, why can't you get rid of your stupid mouth. You always speak ill of my master. Be careful that she ignores you."

Wuwuwu reminded Xiao Yi that if this continues, his status as the number one fanboy (human) will be lost.


Heishuishui said that Xiao Yi is at this level.


Seeing a few little things talking to him non-stop, Xiao Yi was speechless for a while: This is great, it really becomes a state where he can say one sentence, and the other party can say ten sentences.

Fortunately, Yunliu quickly classified and integrated all the information, and stopped the chatter of a few small things.

"Okay, let's go over there first to see the situation."

Yunliu said that if you want to chat, you have to wait until the first scene to continue. In short, it cannot affect the progress of the task.

A few moments later, a group of people arrived at the coordinates.

Seeing nothing in front of his eyes, 007 immediately boasted solemnly: "Idol, everything is just as you expected, the whole mountain has really been dug away."

"There's no sign of a formation around here, maybe it was just dug away."

Yun Liu said that although it is a bit unbelievable, but now it can only be considered in this direction.


Xiao Yi remained silent very consciously.

Not to mention that he doesn't have the ability to guess wildly, and he is worried that if he speaks, he will cause public anger, which will inevitably interrupt the two people who are thinking seriously.

Sure enough, Lin Ling soon had a new idea.

"Don't call me an idol, in our place, this title has been played badly, and, so you are excited?"

Lin Ling reminded 007 that dinner is not served yet, so don't be so easily satisfied.

"what else!?"

007's tone of admiration cannot be concealed.

Not only him, but even Xiao Yun looked at Lin Ling in surprise. She didn't expect her to see the problem so quickly.

"Do you know that every snow mountain is a big girl. Under their shy and indifferent appearance, there are passionate flaming mountains hidden."

As Lin Ling said, he picked up an unknown object beside him.

However, as soon as he touched the thing, Lin Ling threw it away violently, and shouted: "It's so hot, I think the time of this crime may not be long ago."

Picking up what Lin Ling dropped, Xiao Yun and the two studied it for a while.

The thing in his hand is indeed the color of magma, and it is also a little hot, but if it is really a volcanic eruption, then it should be rock after cooling. How could it be something like amber?

"Girl, you mean, how can you be sure that this thing is left over from the volcanic eruption?"

Xiao Yi asked, maybe they missed other details.

"Of course, the intuition from God."

Lin Ling said proudly.

As soon as this remark came out, 007 immediately praised: "Wow, Goddess! Goddess! Goddess!"

The more 007 shouted, the more excited he became. He was proud of being a die-hard fan of the goddess.

Seeing 007 howling wildly, Wuwuwu followed up with a wild howl not to be outdone: "Master is a goddess, I am Wushen, we really deserve a look!"

"Hehe, Xiao Zha said that it's up to me, what are you two talking about here?"

Heishuishui said that no one can shake her position as the main palace.

It was probably because the three little things were too noisy, which aroused Brother He's emotions, so it sent a representative of the stone class—Mo Yuanshi to give a speech.

"Brother Nuclear said, it is the goddess, and the goddess is it."

Brother He said that no one is as close as it and Lin Ling.

Seeing that the whole topic was distracted by 007, Yunliu couldn't help squinting, and looked at Lin Ling threateningly: "You don't care?"

"Take care, of course I take care of it, I'm a qualified idol."

Lin Ling said that she also has true fans now, so she must manage her fans well and, to a certain extent, pay for their actions.

Hearing this, 007 immediately blew snot bubbles aggrievedly.

"Goddess, do you dislike 007 too?"

007 was very hurt. Sure enough, a deformed child like him does not deserve real care.

"Okay, don't cry. I care about you, why are you unhappy? Oh, no, you don't have to be unhappy, but you have to be moved. I care about you, you know?"

Lin Ling said that this is the same as my mother loves to manage people.

Hearing that Lin Ling wanted to care about him, 007 immediately stopped blowing bubbles. He raised his oversized head and asked, "Goddess, do you want to care about me?"

"Well, to be honest, I probably want to care about myself.

007, although we do not restrict your freedom of speech, please try not to talk about irrelevant topics when we are doing business.

I already understand that you hate me, so you don't need to say it over and over again. "

Lin Ling said that she did not prohibit 007 from speaking, but only hoped that he could share some ideas related to the case, which would also help them conduct a more comprehensive analysis.

"Oh, I see. For the sake of the goddess, I will definitely not talk nonsense in the future."

007 covered his mouth while assuring that he would correct this problem immediately.

Seeing that 007 looked quite funny, Lin Ling couldn't help poking his forehead, and said, "Also, if you want to care, you should work hard yourself, and don't leave your happiness in the hands of others."

Lin Ling still feels that only she is the one who treats her best in the universe.

"Okay Goddess, I, 007, will definitely engrave your words deeply in my heart."

The touched 007 immediately spoke from the bottom of his heart.

But the next moment, he realized that he seemed to have said something unrelated to the case, and then he tightly covered his mouth, crying and hiding in the grass trembling.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Yunliu immediately asked, "Tell me, what is your divine intuition all about?"

Yun Liu said that if it was someone else, he would have taken it as a joke just now, but Lin Ling is not, but her expression is always so messy.

 small theater
  An Yan: You are clearly talking about business, why did you go astray?

  Lin Ling: It's not my fault, 007 is so mediocre, if you don't show him a shot, it must be wrong.

  Yunliu: But keep giving it to him, then...

  Xiao Yi: So, here is a one-time solution, once and for all.

  An Yan: The three of you are capable, and you can analyze the author's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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