The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 865 Start a Similar Journey

Chapter 865 Start a Similar Journey

Seeing Lin Ling's cowardly appearance as always, Yun Liu said with emotion: "In this respect, silly girl, you don't seem to have made any progress at all."

"Yes, yes, I have been focusing on partial subjects for [-] years. If you think about it clearly, I will take revenge afterwards!"

Lin Ling, who was forced to fall at an extremely fast speed, only felt that her endocrine was out of balance.

"Goddess, you are too powerful, even when you are timid, you are so righteous!"

007 praised sincerely, but then remembered that he was being silenced, and immediately covered his mouth, stared with big terrified eyes, and shrank aside tremblingly.

"All right, all right, don't be so embarrassing, otherwise how can we play happily in the future."

Lin Ling said, take it easy, there is no need for such pressure between partners.


007 felt that Lin Ling was too gentle and considerate.

"Yes, so even if you are told by us in the future, you should be strong and live positively and optimistically, young man."

Lin Ling said in a daze.

"Okay Goddess, yes Goddess, everything you say is right."

007 felt that this kind of Lin Ling was the indicator of their deformed lives.


While everyone was doing the free-fall exercise comfortably, there seemed to be some noise coming from the bottom of the gap.

Seeing this, the three of Xiao Linyun couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Yun Liu: "It's finally here."

Xiao Yi: "This is really nostalgic."

Lin Ling: "No! Ugly refusal! If this wind blows up again, won't all my previous patience be in vain?"


But before the three of them had time to revisit this miraculous experience after so many years, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Why do I see so many tadpoles?"

Lin Ling rubbed her eyes with a look of disbelief.

"That's a sword."

Xiao Yi felt that they might have really come to the right place.

"And there are a lot of them."

Yunliu added.

"Stop lying, I also saw a hoe."

Lin Ling guessed that these weapons were probably made by the protoss of Ou Village, so there should be some strange tools mixed in.

"So? What are you still doing?"

Yunliu reminded, don't get entangled in strange places, and do something quickly.

"Fortunately, I'm A Piao, they can't hurt me."

Lin Ling said that she is not in a hurry, so don't panic.

"I think there seems to be a divine power flowing on it."

Yun Liu said that the idea is naive.

"Moreover, these swords still carry sword energy."

Xiao Yi said that this should be an all-encompassing attack, and Lin Ling couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to.

"Hmph, actually underestimated me, watching my universe move and throw all these little swords into the sky."

Lin Ling said that no matter how many times she came, she would settle it.

Seeing that Lin Ling seemed to be really going to do something big, Xiao Yi immediately stopped joking.

"Okay, little ancestor, please calm down for a while, with us here, do you really need your hands?"

Xiao Yi was really convinced, this stupid girl didn't have the consciousness of being deeply hurt at all, and she knew how to mess around before her body recovered.

"Okay, GDP, you can rest too, you are not needed here."

Yun Liu was convinced too, since the injury caused by the mysterious woman hadn't healed yet, and as a result, the two of them didn't have any consciousness of recovering from their illness.Especially Xiao Yi, who is the main combat force, just wants to talk about others.

As soon as he heard that the lazy Yunliu was going to show off his skills, Lin Ling immediately cheered up: "Haha, then leave such a good opportunity to Yunliu who has been silently supporting us behind the scenes. Come on, Yunliu, fight on!"

Lin Ling, who was cheering for Yunliu, inexplicably boiled himself first.

Although Xiao Yi didn't say anything, his expression, which was the same as Lin Ling's, showed his mood at the moment.

Fortunately, Yunliu is naturally insulated from such barbaric radio waves, so he still smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm getting more and more curious about what happened here."

After speaking, Yun Liu summoned his carefully maintained flower pot, and manipulated the vines to wrap Xiao Lin and the two of them, and then chased down even faster.

"As I remember, Nalan Duoduo's trick seems to be very useful. Vine, Mo, Luan, Wu."

The wind is light and the clouds are calm, and Nalan Duoduo used Nalan Duoduo's own heart-wrenching trick.

Vigorous plants quickly sprang out of Yunliu's small flowerpot, swaying against the wind arrogantly, and then sent the approaching weapons flying with majesty and arrogance.

Seeing this, Lin Ling couldn't help gloating and said, "Nalan Xiaoduoduo must have lost her nose when she saw this."

Lin Ling said that as far as she is a layman, Yunliu's move is much stronger than Nalan Duoduo's.

It's just that these weapons are worthy of being produced by the Protoss. After being swung, they immediately regrouped and attacked again.

"Why do I think the positioning of these little swords is a bit strange?"

Lin Ling felt that these swords were a bit stupid, it would be fine if they flew back directly after being bounced, why did they have to pretend to be bumping back and forth, making the gap full of echoes of swords clashing.

"Sword Array? Interesting."

Yun Liu said that it is worthy of being a protoss, and it really is not so simple to let people pass.

Hearing about the sword formation, Lin Ling immediately became interested again: "Sword formation? Could it be that there is a god around here secretly spying on us? I'll go and tie him up!"

"This sword array should be set to activate itself under certain circumstances, and does not require human control."

Xiao Yi said that the positioning of these swords is very rigid and lacks agility.

"Then what should we do? Let Jiao Didi's Yunliu fight with them, who can accumulate more? According to the law of energy conservation, if the energy is gone, these little swords will no longer move."

Lin Ling believes that since it is pre-set, there is probably no energy supply, and even if there is, it should not be too much.

"Didn't you say that science cannot be taught in the Protoss?"

The narrow-minded Xiao Yi continued to complain.

"Yes, that's what I said, but we can't always look at the problem from one angle, so in the future you will look at the problem from the perspective of the Protoss, and I will look at it from the perspective of science."

Lin Ling said that she wants to use modern knowledge to play with the Protoss.


Xiao Yi expressed displeasure.

"You don't want it? That's just right, that Yunliu represents science, I represent fantasy, and you represent melon-eating readers."

Lin Ling said that it seems interesting to use fantasy abilities to change science.


Xiao Yi said that it is really impossible to chat happily on this topic.


Seeing that Xiao Lin and the two of them were really heartless looking at him fighting alone while he was talking happily, Yun Liu couldn't help but reminded: "Have you two finished chatting? It's fun, let's move on. rush."

Yun Liu said that the attacks of these swords are becoming more and more intensive, and it will go on endlessly, and they don't need to exhaust the energy of this sword formation.

Therefore, it is better to break through here first.

As soon as Lin Ling heard that there was something to do, Lin Ling immediately became interested, and said excitedly: "Okay, leave it to me, and make sure to stay away from these little swords immediately."

Lin Ling said, leave it to her properly.

 small theater
  Lin Ling: It's unscientific. One chapter has passed, and we haven't smashed it into meatloaf yet.

  Xiao Yi: Didn't you say that it's normal for Protoss to be unscientific?
  Yunliu: Look for the basis points in the unscientific, and the truth is often there.

  An Yan: Yunliu, I will help you.

  Lin Ling: I will help too. I will try to compare my busy schedule.

  Xiao Yi: ...

  Xiao Yi: Am I the only one who feels a sour taste?

(End of this chapter)

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