Chapter 867
Sensing a strange atmosphere, the three-headed hellhound opened its eyes, and moved its jaw, which was already unable to close, obviously wanting to say something.

However, before it could utter a sound, Lin Yun and the two who had no idea about the situation had already analyzed it on their own.

"You said that the reason why the snow mountain in Ou Village disappeared was to expose the passage to the underworld?"

Lin Ling said that if the snow mountain was still there, the entrance to the underworld would not be so easy to find.

"Combined with Da Wang's dying appearance, the prisoner's target is probably the underworld?"

Yun Liu said that regardless of the means of poaching the snow mountain, it is very possible to start with the motive.

"Yeah, I think so too. But having said that, this gate of the underworld is so evil, I can't believe it in three seconds."

Lin Ling said that it is worthy of being the gate of the underworld, and it really is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Otherwise, what do you think the gate of the underworld should be like? I can only hold on for 3 minutes."

Yun Liu said that he was an order of magnitude higher than Lin Ling.

Seeing that Lin Yun and the two were very devoted to the analysis, the hell three-headed dog who was regarded as nothing suddenly felt that his last breath was about to die.

But you thought, this is the end?

After consciously analyzing the bottleneck, Lin Ling solemnly asked for help from the hell three-headed dog.

"Mr. Wang, we have given you some time to breathe just now, I believe that after this period of rest, you will be able to speak a very complete sentence.

Moreover, I believe that Mr. Wang, who is spiritual, will not repeat the conclusion we just analyzed. "

Lin Ling said that if possible, they would also like to tell the three-headed dog from the beginning to the end, but according to the urine nature of the conventional plot, this big Wang might just belch when he talks about it.

Therefore, when good steel is used on the blade, it is absolutely necessary to make the best use of Da Wang's last breath.

"Although we don't want to embarrass Mr. Wang, I still hope that Mr. Wang can think carefully before speaking.

But don't just talk about misinformation and lead us into the pit. "

Yun Liu said that wrong information will only make the whole thing more confusing, so it is better to speculate.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, you can say it now, we are all listening carefully."

Lin Ling took out several Little Red Riding Hoods while talking, which may become important evidence and must be preserved from all angles.

After Lin Yun's interrogation, let alone the hell three-headed dog who has never seen this method, even Xiao Yi couldn't stand it and complained: "Being so messed up by the two of you, I think Da Wang might as well just directly Go with peace of mind."

Xiao Yi felt that it was really unfortunate for the three-headed hellhound to meet these two people before dying.

In order to prevent Da Wang from vomiting blood and dying in the middle of the provocation by Lin Yun and Lin Yun, Xiao Yi signaled them to be calm with his eyes, and then said: "Now you can talk, I will just listen."

Xiao Yi said that those two people have been banned from speaking, so they can speak with confidence.

But what made Xiao Yi speechless was that the three-headed hellhound, which was full of male hormones, actually made a very, very cute teddy sound.

"Wang Wang."

"So it really is Wang."

Lin Ling clicked her tongue twice, as a protoss, she couldn't even speak, not even her whining.

Sensing Lin Ling's praise, Wuwuwu immediately turned into an interpreter, and interpreted conscientiously: "Dawangwang said, since you have finished what it wants to say, then it won't waste any more effort.

But it has a wish, and I hope you can help it fulfill it.

It hasn't eaten Wangbuli steamed stuffed buns for a long time since Jinjin was assigned to watch the gate, so I hope you can let it taste this ecstasy again before it dies. "

Wuwuwu said that the hell three-headed dog does not want to be a starving ghost.

"Where can I buy this bun? The underworld? Can you take us there?"

Lin Ling feels that Da Wang is an aspiring foodie, and he must be fulfilled.

"Wang Wang."

"Master, it said yes, the bun is behind this door, you should go in and look for it, and you should be able to find it."

After finishing speaking, the hell three-headed dog closed his eyes and fell asleep, and stopped talking to Xiao Linyun and the others.

Seeing this, the three of Xiao Linyun looked at me and I looked at you, then hid in a small corner and used Little Red Riding Hood to talk mysteriously.

"I don't understand, shouldn't the creatures in the underworld be dead?"

Lin Ling was very puzzled, how can a dead thing die.

"Maybe it just disappeared."

Xiao Yi said that this is often done on TV.

"Then don't we have to help it, otherwise it is so pitiful."

Lin Ling felt that she must get more Wang Buli steamed stuffed buns, there must be a reason for making Da Wang so obsessed.

"Okay, anyway, we were going to go in."

Yunliu said that there is nothing wrong with helping him along the way.

Immediately, Lin Yun and Lin Yun discussed with great interest the 21 strategies to enter the underworld.

And what about Xiao Yi?

Needless to say, this old man was in deep speechlessness again.

The underworld sells buns?
The last words of the hell three-headed dog is to eat buns?

Why is it that no one complains about such an unreasonable point?

Xiao Yi said that he was very tired. He felt that Lin Yun and these two strange creatures seemed to have a big misunderstanding of the magic of the Protoss.

"Little Yiyi, what are you still doing? Take us in to play."

Lin and Yun thought about it, and the most convenient way to enter the underworld is to let Xiao Yi figure out a way.

"Understood, you will follow me closely."

Seeing Lin Ling's excited face, what else can Xiao Yi say, naturally, no matter where the dead girl wants to go crazy, the master will accompany her to cheer.

As soon as the three approached the huge gate of the underworld, a black wave swept towards them.

"Can this thing be touched?"

Lin Ling always felt that she could hear the howling of ghosts from the black waves.

"you guess."

Yun Liu summoned the small flower pot without saying a word, and the vines with the majestic breath of life quickly wrapped him tightly.

Seeing Yunliu's big green pill emitting a soft light and looking very reliable, Lin Ling immediately said: "Yunliu, quickly open a hole, I want to hide in too."

But before Lin Ling floated towards the big green pill, Xiao Yi caught her with rare eyesight and quick hands.

"You stay by my side, or you get separated later, where can I find you?"

Xiao Yi said that the smelly girl wants to be alone in the room with Yunliu, which is a beautiful idea.

"Yes, it's not easy to feel inside."

Lin Ling thought it was reasonable, if something happened later and she accidentally separated from Xiao Yi, then there would be a big problem.

Immediately, Lin Ling transformed into a form, attached to Xiao Yi, and urged: "Little Yiyi, you can start now. Don't worry, I will never lose Yunliu."

To be on the safe side, Lin Ling deliberately marked a large number of instant messages on the two of Xiao Yun.

 Starting tomorrow, I will have a rare few days off, and I will go back to my hometown.

  It will be busy, but I will try my best to update~~
(End of this chapter)

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