The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 896 Inferences based on all assumptions

Chapter 896 Inferences based on all assumptions

"Yes, I can be sure that the zombie virus here comes from the apocalyptic plane we have experienced."

Yun Liu said that most of his vines were still severely burned. He paid such a high price, how could he not detect some useful information.

"I don't understand, how on earth are these two connected?"

Lin Ling felt that her mind was a little confused. After being so bombarded by Xinyin, her thinking could not be as flexible as usual.

"What if I say that the phagocytosis devoured the zombie virus and possessed this infectivity?

Or how do I explain it this way, someone used reagent D on the phagocytoids and successfully evolved them. "

Yunliu analyzed.

Ever since the source of the virus was determined, Yunliu has been troubled by a question. He doesn't understand how the virus spread to the Protoss until the appearance of the Devourers.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Yi said that the matter is of great importance, and it is better to tell the whole story as much as possible.

"I think maybe the zombie virus is not the key, but just a sequela after the phagocytoids used the D reagent."

Yun Liu felt that they should have been led astray before, and the focus was on the devourers, not the zombies.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi pondered for a moment before analyzing in a deep voice: "You mean that the mastermind behind the scenes is thinking of introducing the Devouring Clan into the Protoss, but they also know that the Devouring Clan alone cannot invade the Protoss.

So, I thought of using the D reagent to evolve the Devourers, so that they have the ability to devour the Protoss. "

"This possibility is very high, and judging from the current situation, if this is the case, then her experiment should be a success."

Yun Liu said that originally they thought that with the physique of the Protoss, the Devourers could not easily succeed, but now it seems that the Protoss may be dangerous.

After analyzing this point, Xiao Yun and the two couldn't help but fell silent.

There is no need to question the strength of the protoss, but what is the evolution of the devourers, and what kind of chain effect will be produced when the two are combined.

Although Xiao Yun and the two couldn't deduce it, they understood that the matter might be about to explode.

"Wait, wait, are you saying that this virus probably came from the end times we have experienced? Isn't that a big problem!"

Lin Ling, who finally came to his senses slowly, couldn't help saying.

"It's really big, and it's controlled by the Devourers. I'm afraid the names of these villages are..."

Yun Liuzhuan uses Little Red Riding Hood to communicate, so as not to be heard by the emotionally unstable Hades.

However, Lin Ling obviously didn't think of this.

"You two, you are so naive! You always think of others so well, I am so worried about your future!"

Lin Ling didn't expect that Xiao Yun and Xiao Yun looked at the old man, but their idea was quite simple.

"Your eyes are burnt, affecting the brain nerves?"

Yun Liu was not in a good mood.

I'm ashamed to say that they are naive. If they were naive, then Lin Ling would be absolutely stupid.

"Xiaoyi, Yunliu, listen carefully. Although the following conclusions are just my own guesses, judging whether a conclusion is correct is easier than answering questions."

Lin Ling said that she first provided an idea, and then went to verify its authenticity.

"Understood, you tell me first, I will go to the contact person to investigate."

Yunliu also believes that, rather than searching aimlessly, it is better to propose a few reasonable possibilities first, and then conduct targeted investigations one by one.

Even if none of these possibilities are correct, the clues in the investigation will always help them get closer to the truth.

"Well, listen carefully, although I admit that I don't like her a little bit, but I also analyzed it carefully, but because I don't like her, I will think of her first."

Lin Ling emphasized that she really didn't take the opportunity to retaliate, it was just an instinct, and when she mentioned the end of the world, she couldn't help but think of someone.

"You mean Shui Qianxi?"

Xiao Yun and the two became serious at the same time.

"Yes, that's her. What if the virus was brought by Shui Qianqian?

Or, the person who introduced the zombie virus to the Protoss was the same person who brought Shui Qianxi?
Since the prisoner knew about the Protoss, it wasn't surprising that he took a fancy to Shui Qianqian, who was of Protoss blood. "

Lin Ling said that although the specific details are still unclear, Shui Qianqian can be regarded as an important suspect.


"And, if I guess correctly, the person who brought Shui Qianxi here should be the mysterious woman who appeared immediately after she escaped."

Lin Ling suspected that Shui Qianqian was rescued by the mysterious woman, not to mention that the timing was very coincidental; with the woman's powerful time and space ability, it is not difficult to do this.


"And aren't you suspecting that that woman has something to do with the Devourers?"

Lin Ling said that if this is the case, then that woman must have a relationship with the Devourers.


"Don't you think it's all too coincidental?"

Lin Ling said that if her inference is based on all previous suspicions, as long as her inference is confirmed, all doubts will be verified.

And Lin Ling believes in one sentence, there are no waves without wind, so these suspicions must be correct, but it is only a matter of accuracy.

As for whether the correct rate is 0%, 50%, or 100%, these are the things that need to be investigated in depth.


"My master and mistress are so good, I will definitely not tell Shui Qianqian the truth, so how did she know that the space is in my place? And how did that woman know about me?"

Speaking of this, Lin Ling couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She had always thought that the mysterious woman was so clear about herself because she knew everything well.

But if Shui Qianqian told the mysterious woman of their existence first, as a person from outer space, she would definitely connect them with the plane system.

In addition, they have been acting together since then, and have encountered the Devourers twice. If the mysterious woman is really related to the Devourers, it is not surprising that they will pay attention to them.

Then as long as you investigate with a little heart, it shouldn't be difficult to discover the secrets of space on her body.

As long as I think about it, this seemingly unpredictable mysterious woman may be an idiot in private, secretly following me all the way.

And the reason why she discovered her own space is probably not because of her explosive time and space ability.

Lin Ling suddenly felt that if he faced her again, he should be able to fight again.


"Do you think my analysis makes sense? I remember that Shui Qianxi always said that she is from the Shui clan. Would she...I want to visit the Shui clan."

Lin Ling said that the master and the teacher's wife are now eloping, and this kind of thing is naturally done by her apprentice.

 At this point, I should have sorted out the background of the Protoss incident almost.

  Again, I am not in the water, but a person with a little brain will definitely not tell the enemy clearly what he wants to do, so he can only explore by himself.

  Sorry, I can only write funny comparisons, not stupid ones.

  Whether it is an enemy or a partner, in my mind they are first a smart person with a brain, and then a capable person with various magical powers.

  But it did take a little time, maybe my writing skills are limited.

  I can only scratch my head here.I am a newcomer with limited strength. The goal of this book is to try to tell the story in my head clearly.

  Finally, I wish you a happy reading~~
(End of this chapter)

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