The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 898 The Evil Covered Under the Pure White Snow

Chapter 898 The Evil Covered Under the Pure White Snow

But Yan Wang finally suppressed this anger, he gently closed the astonished eyes of several ghost guards, and rushed into the forbidden area without saying a word.

The three of Xiao Linyun and the others who followed closely behind stopped short as soon as they entered.

Smelling the familiar fragrance that swept over the sky and covering the sky, Yunliu, who has the most sensitive sense of smell, couldn't help but hit the ground hard with the vine man.

"Are we still late?"

He thought they were fast enough, but he didn't expect that they still couldn't prevent this ending!

"Where did Hades go? Let's follow up first."

Lin Ling said that now there is no such leisure and sadness.

Soon, the four found King Hades.

It's just that for a while, the four of them didn't know what to say to him.

I saw goose feather snow falling here, and the snowflakes kept falling on the corpses of ghost messengers.

However, even such pure Bai Xue couldn't cover up the crime that just happened.

These beautiful and flawless ice and snow, infiltrated by the golden liquid, appear crystal clear.

The real beauty is soul-stirring!How cruelly beautiful!

And Yan Wang, who was half kneeling on the ice and snow, was hugging the scarred second master tightly at this time.

"Xiaoer, hold on!"

Hades has never been so regretful as at this moment!

If he hadn't ordered the second master to investigate this matter alone; if he could have discovered these abnormalities faster; if he could not be lazy and train these ghosts...

Maybe everything today will not happen.

"Master Yan Wang, please don't show such an expression. It's because the subordinates are useless and failed to complete your task."

The two adults spoke of their helplessness with difficulty.

"Stop talking, I'll treat you right now."

As soon as Yan Wang finished speaking, Wuwuwu and Heishuishui, who appeared at some unknown time, tried their best to heal the two adults.

Sensing this pure and vivid healing power, the two masters couldn't help being surprised and said: "This is... the source of the spiritual spring!"

"Yes, so you stay well, I will definitely save you!"

Hades tightly grasped the second master, the tight lines of his whole body, you can imagine how he is holding back at this time.

"No need, my lord, I know my own situation, and I am satisfied if I can talk to you a few more words before disappearing."

The two adults said very respectfully.

"do not talk!"

Yan Wang said that he doesn't want to hear this now, he just wants everyone in the underworld to be well.

"My lord, there really are Devourers among the Protoss! Those villagers have already... But fortunately, the women and children of Ou Village are not here.

My lord, you must find them and motivate them well so that the glory of Ou Village will continue to be carried forward. "

The Second Master had a lot of things to report, but in the end he could only hold on to Hades' hand tightly, hoping to convey his beliefs to him in this way.

After a long time, Hades nodded.

This allows him to speak out, how to tell the results of another part of the villagers of Ou Village to the Second Master.

Seeing Yan Wang agreeing, the two adults immediately showed a gratified smile.

"My lord, my lord, please rest assured that although we failed to stop these villagers, we did not dishonor the reputation of the underworld.

We have wiped out many Devourers, and I believe that we will be able to drive them out of the Protoss in the near future! "

The two adults proudly said, how could they, the Protoss, tolerate this kind of thing to act wildly!
"Well, you're all great."

Yan Wang sincerely praised.

Just by looking at the scars on their bodies, one can tell that these idiots must have dug them out of their bodies in a hurry after being invaded by the Devourers.

Thinking of this, Hades could not help but muttered an oath: "From now on, I will definitely train these gangsters hard!"

As long as they are a little better, not to mention unscathed, they can always drag him to come, right?
Besides, who told them that once the Devourers enter their bodies, they must be dug out?

"My lord, why have you looked so serious since just now? Although we are dead, our souls are still there. I believe that the souls of our brothers will float out soon."

The two adults were puzzled.

"Well, indeed, we will definitely meet soon, so, you rest for a while, and I will take you back to the underworld right away."

Yan Wang said, but the smile he pulled out was not very natural.

"Well, my lord, you understand us. This time, we must train this group of ghosts well."

After finishing speaking, the two adults closed their eyes peacefully.

Seeing that King Hades and the Second Master were almost there, Lin Ling said urgently: "What to do, think of a way! My lord, these devourers are actually hiding in the snow!"

Lin Ling was very anxious. If this continued, the souls of these ghost messengers would probably be devoured by the Devourers.

But, how can she save so many ghosts from the swarming Devourers?

"Yunliu, give me that black thing."

Xiao Yi said that until now, only one person can be saved.

After throwing a large basket of things to Xiao Yi, Yun Liu said: "Silly girl, follow my command and rescue these ghosts according to the coordinates I gave you."

Yun Liu said, wait until Xiao Yi clears out the devourers in an area first, and then rescue all the souls inside in one go.

Although it was just a few simple words of communication, relying on the tacit understanding of getting along with each other for many years, the three of Xiao Linyun and the others rescued a dozen ghosts and souls who were still confused.

"Xiaoyi, can you hurry up, there are more and more bugs!"

Lin Ling couldn't help urging.

If this continues, Xiao Yi will be in danger.

"I think so too, but these bugs are much harder than the ones I encountered last time, so it's hard to beat them."

Xiao Yi said that after these enhancements, the attributes of the Devourers have indeed improved a lot.

But the main reason is that eliminating the Devourers is different from eliminating other things.

In order to prevent the bodies of the devourers from being absorbed by the same race, after obliterating them, they have to be put into special containers immediately, which makes it very time-consuming to destroy the devourers.

But at this moment, Hades suddenly shouted loudly: "No, they can still be saved!"

After gently putting down the bodies of the two masters, Hades looked at the Devourers who were rushing like a wave.

"Hmph, mere ants of the devouring clan! How dare you try to devour the soul of my god clan! It's just wishful thinking!!"

Seeing Hades took out the book of life and death again, Lin Ling immediately responded: "Could it be that you want to use the rules to forcibly change their life and death! But don't forget..."

In fact, Lin Ling has always known that, as an ancient protoss, the ultimate power of rules possessed by Hades is likely to touch life and death.

But don't think about it, the price must be huge.

That's why she dared to speak so loudly when she was in the underworld.

Her bet was that Hades would not be willing to spend too much energy on a stranger unless it was absolutely necessary.

But these ghost messengers are different. Obviously, Hades has regarded them as family members.

 Well, I can only say that I conceived it that way before coding, and that’s it when I wrote and wrote.

  So, my big lines have to change again.

  God, I feel like I'm going to have Calvin again tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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