Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 2697 NPC Cannon Fodder 29

Chapter 2697 NPC Cannon Fodder 29
Although there will definitely be some twists and turns when taking over the power of the housekeeper from the steward, after all, not everyone is willing to hand over the power, but who is An Ran, and she has experienced countless tasks, and she will naturally settle the small twists and turns quickly .

It didn't take long for the Crown Princess of Yongkang County to see An Ran, and she obediently dealt with the disobedient stewards in the mansion. The power of the steward was truly in her hands, she couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, secretly thinking that the daughter-in-law her sister chose for her was still Very good, very capable, I think the palace can develop better with her in hand.

After marrying into the palace, An Ran's affairs suddenly increased, and she didn't even have time to practice martial arts. If it wasn't for the practice before, it would be really troublesome now. After all, An Ran is an insecure person with no inspiration. Strength, spiritual power, and magic power, at least one must have internal strength.

It's normal for her to be so busy, because when she was in Fang's house, the head of the house was Mrs. Fang, and An Ran didn't need to be the head of the house. As much as she could do, the most she could do was to practice housekeeping with Mrs. Fang before she got married.

But in fact, the Fang family is too small, with only one yard. There are many things that need to be taken care of. Even if Mrs. Fang teaches, she can't teach much. It depends on An Ran's own knowledge.

But the palace is different. The area just managed is many times larger, and the number of people it receives is countless times more. In this way, can the affairs not be increased?
More importantly, it was not the concubine's butler before, but the house in charge of the house. Although the housekeeper is still dedicated, it is basically as long as he can make no mistakes. He will definitely not be like his own family. So meticulous, so after An Ran took over, she had to deal with a lot of messy things, so she was naturally very busy.

In addition, An Ran found that since she became the princess of Yongkang County, there have been many more players coming to her to collect favors and quests.

This is also normal. An Ran also discovered that the more difficult the task, the higher the points. The higher the status of the native, the more players can receive tasks with higher points from the opponent, and it is not necessarily difficult. Task.

So when I was an ordinary person, there were few tasks related to myself. Many of them were triggered on purpose after I mastered the rules. related tasks.

But when I become the princess of the county and my status improves, I don't need to trigger it on my own initiative, and I often have tasks related to myself, and the points are not low.

Logically speaking, this is also very normal, because there are few high-status natives, and it is difficult for ordinary players to get in touch with them. Rare things are more expensive. As long as you can receive the tasks from them, the points will naturally be higher. many.

Ordinary natives are easy to contact, and the number is too large. Once the difficulty is lowered, and the amount is large, the points will naturally be given less.

Although it is difficult to get in touch with, but because many players know that people with high status can receive tasks with more points, so some players still try to get close.

This also caused Enron to see players almost every day.

This annoyed An Ran a bit, because it increased her burden. She had to browse through these tasks frequently to see if there were any tasks that were not good for her, lest if she was not careful, she would be targeted by someone inexplicably.

There will be tasks that are not good for you. This is normal. Even if it doesn’t happen to her, it may happen to other people. For example, which native doesn’t like you, and then a player triggers a lesson on the other party to help the native One's own task, then one's own trouble will come.

There are also players, if they hate themselves because they did not complete the tasks related to themselves, it is also possible to find other players to clean up themselves like Ding Lili did before.

So in a world with players, that’s the bad thing. You have to keep an eye on the surrounding situation, lest accidents happen if you’re not careful. This is why An Ran hates the existence of players.

Also, she has more important things to do, and that is to save the king of Yongkang. After all, this is the promise she made secretly when she married the king of Yongkang, to save him as much as possible.

And to save him, An Ran will also help King Yongkang monitor the situation of the players around him. The reason why she monitors the situation of the players around King Yongkang is because she suspects that the King of Yongkang died inexplicably, which may be caused by the players. Did not die a natural death.

However, to monitor both the players around yourself and the players around Yongkang County King, you need a lot of puppets or artificial intelligence, but Anron doesn’t have so many puppets and artificial intelligence at all. If you buy it now, it’s too expensive in this world. It's expensive, so you can only monitor the players around you in turn.

Fortunately, the missions of these players are sometimes the same mission for many days, so it's okay to take turns to monitor them.

Of course, it would be even better if it could be continuously monitored, but there is no such condition.

Judging from the situation collected so far, it has not been found that there are any players or missions that are not right around King Yongkang, so An Ran still needs to continue to find out the reason.

In fact, An Ran still has a lot to investigate. For example, in the world of the original body, the children of the original body seem to be targeted by the players all the time, otherwise the marriage will not always go smoothly.

That's it, because she has already figured out the plot, but it's not easy to investigate, so she can only take one step at a time.

But from An Ran's point of view, most of the players who will trouble others are not good things, so in the future, when she is free, she can clean up all the players with bad conduct in Beijing, and she will not miss them. lose who.

But for the person who pushed Yuan who fell into the water, An Ran's investigation is almost done.

It can be said that it was made by the players, or it could be said that it was made by the natives. In fact, the players paid some money to let the natives do it.

The reason why this situation was discovered after a few years was because the native was short of money, found that player, blackmailed him, and made An Ran find out, otherwise he would not have discovered the truth.

This native is not a big shot, just an ordinary servant of the Wang family. At that time, after pushing the original body into the water, he left soon. This is why she didn't see her after she came back from changing clothes. After a long investigation, she found out The reason for the truth is that because she was not at the scene, she investigated everyone in the Wang family that day. The scope of the investigation was too large and the speed was slow, so she did not find out until now.

Although the aborigines are not big figures, the status of this instigated player is not low - of course, not relative to her now, but relative to her back then.

This person is none other than Prince Wang's sister.

The Wang family has the same status as the Wang family, both from the fifth rank, so compared to the original body back then, it can be said that the status is not low.

(End of this chapter)

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