Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 2844 Little Husband 41

Chapter 2844 Little Husband 41
However, after the adult men of the Tang family were arrested and taken away—there was no way, they basically participated, so they were all arrested—the female family members of the Tang family became anxious and prepared to find a way to get them.

When they talked about finding a way, they naturally thought of Erfang, Qing'an Earl's Mansion and An Ran's House.

Immediately, the female relatives of the eldest and third households discussed who to ask for help.

Mother Tang, the hostess of the big house, spoke first, and said, "Let's find Xinran girl. Although the Fang family has some abilities, it is still much worse than the Qing'an Earl's Mansion."

Aunt Tang San disagreed, and said: "I think it's better to find your girl. Although Tang Xinran and the second room have stronger backgrounds, they have always hated our family. Now that something happened to our family, do you think they will help us? It's not bad if you don't take advantage of the fire, don't forget, now is not the time for the old couple to help us."

Mother Tang couldn't help but nodded, and said: "What you said is also reasonable. That's fine. Let's go to Fang's house first and see what my girl has to say. If she can't help, we can go to the second room or Qing'an Earl's Mansion. .”

Immediately, the couple came to Fang's house and asked An Ran for help.

Naturally, An Ran also found out about what happened to the third house of the Tang family.

As a matter of fact, An Ran had already discovered that the Dafang and Sanfang were engaged in usurious exploitation, and knew that it was the Erfang and Tang Xinran who set up the scheme, but this time, Anran did not stop it, because she also felt that the Dafang and the Sanfang It's not enough to clean them up, let Erfang and others clean them up just right.

Seeing that something happened to them now, and they came to ask me for help, how could An Ran help? Besides, this matter is really not easy to help, after all, it involves the county king. Then he said embarrassingly: "Our family has no foundation in the capital, so I'm afraid we won't be able to win anyone with the ability of a husband, because I just sent someone to inquire, and I found out that the young master Liu that your family offended, his sister was just arrested. The son of the king of Qingjiang County accepted this as a concubine, this is what the prince of Qingjiang County put pressure on the capital yamen in order to stand up for Mr. Liu, do you think I can compete with a prince?"

The Tang family was in chaos before. It never occurred to them that the Beijing Yamen would arrest their own family for the sake of profiteering. After all, those dudes have already said that some high-ranking households in the capital are doing this. That is to say, this matter is safe.

I was still confused, but now I heard that it wasn't that I couldn't do it, but that I offended someone, and I immediately understood why.

I heard that it was a prince who ordered the arrest. The Tang family, who had never seen a prince of this level in eight lifetimes, were naturally frightened and dumbfounded. They didn't know how to deal with it.

"Then...then what should I do?" Mother Tang said at a loss.

Her husband and sons all went in, so that's all for the husband, the old thing died when he died, but the sons were her heart and soul, she couldn't bear to let them have an accident, so she was so anxious at this time.

The reason why Tang's mother and Tang's father's relationship deteriorated is because after coming to the capital, Tang's father became rich, and Tang's father even bought a few enchanting concubines, raised them in the backyard, and irritated her every day. But she couldn't get angry yet, and when he mentioned it, Tang's father scolded her for sexual jealousy and wanted to divorce her, saying that men in Beijing don't have many women in their backyard.

She pointed out that there were no other women in his son-in-law's backyard, and that there were no other women in the backyard of his niece-in-law, Earl Qing'an's son, but Tang's father scolded her.

Listen to what this is called!Is this also something that the elders have the nerve to say for such an old person?

But she was really afraid that Tang's father would divorce her. After all, her family's conditions were similar to those of the previous Tang family. thing.

Tang's father didn't even have to be afraid of his sons' opposition. Anyway, he was rich now, and his sons objected. He sent all his sons back to the countryside, married a bride and had new sons. Anyway, men can have sons at the age of six or seventy.

Fearing that Tang's father would drive her and her son away, Tang's mother didn't dare to quarrel with him, but she was angry, and seeing Tang's father go in now, she wished that he would die inside, and then her son would take care of him. Home, it’s better to sell all those goblins into a dirty place and let out a bad breath.

So she didn't care about Tang's father's life or death at all, she only cared about her son's.

There was Aunt Tang San who thought the same as her. After she came to Beijing, she was as angry as Mother Tang, so now that Uncle Tang San had an accident, she only wanted to find her son, not her husband.

An Ran heard Tang's mother Liushen Wuzhu's words, and said: "Why don't you go to the second room and ask?"

Although she knew that the second room had been waiting for this opportunity to tidy up the first and third rooms, An Ran did not mention this matter. After all, she wished that the second room would take care of the first room and the third room, because her own task was also to clean up the first room and the third room.

Mother Tang and the others saw that An Ran had nothing to do, so they had to go to the second room and ask the second room how to deal with this matter.

Seeing that they really came, the second room couldn't help but be happy, and immediately said according to what he had thought up 800 years ago, "It's okay to help, but it will cost money. After all, it will definitely cost money to manage various places. You sold the land Come here with 5000 taels of silver first. If you don’t want to sell the land, you can come here with land deeds of [-] acres first. Otherwise, I can’t spend money to help you save people. After all, I have given you a lot The money is gone, there is no reason to give it."

The second room was not easy to talk to, which was within everyone's expectations, so they only helped when they asked for money, and the third room didn't think it was strange.

Aunt Tang on the side hesitated for a while, and was about to agree, but was gently pulled down by Tang's mother, and stopped what she wanted to say, and then heard Tang's mother say: "Selling land, this is a big deal, we Go back and discuss it first."

The second room thought they were just for a while, and they were reluctant to pay, but they didn't make things difficult for them, so they nodded immediately and said: "OK, you can go back and discuss."

Anyway, it wasn't his son who was suffering in prison, so why was he so anxious, he expected that after they went back to discuss it, no matter how reluctant they would be, they would still give money to save people, so he wasn't worried at all that they didn't agree for a while.

The people from the first house and the third room came out, and when they were far away, Aunt Tang said: "Why did the sister-in-law prevent me from agreeing to give the money? You don't mean to be willing to give the money, right? If you don't, the second room has problems with us. If you don't give money, you will definitely not help, and the children will suffer then?"

Tang's mother shook her head and said, "It's not that I'm reluctant to give money..." But it's true that she was a little reluctant. After all, the Tang family is like this. They can only suck blood from others, so how can they pay for it? So she thought of another way. a method. "It's just that I thought, if I give money, my daughter can do this too. I want to give the money to my daughter. In the future, when the children come out, they may come back; but if it is given to the second room, the children will Even if we come out, we will not come back, because the second room will never dump us."

(End of this chapter)

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