Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 2893 Chronicle Control Group 30

Chapter 2893 Chronicle Control Group 30
At this time, although there were no commercial houses, some owned houses, if the landlord wanted to sell them, he could still buy them.

If there is money in the future, Enron will continue to buy a house. After all, there are still some years to wait for the science award. Even if the world changes, maybe the science award will be established in advance, but it will take many years, so this method is too time-consuming. Far away, she still has to find a way to make some money.

Of course, it was mainly because she didn't know how much Li Weiran made in business, and didn't know whether the house she bought would be worth more than her in the future.

Since she doesn't know the basics, An Ran can only think that the more she earns, the better, this is the safest way, in case she doesn't earn as much as Li Weiran in the future, and the mission will fail, that would be bad.

The way to get money...maybe you can trade stocks, and the stock trading time should be closer.

But I'm busy with experiments, I don't pay attention to this stock market, and I'm not a fairy, so don't speculate more and less money.

An Ran, who didn't think of a more convenient way to make money than buying a house for a while, could only sigh at the moment, forget it for the time being, and think about it when she has a chance in the future.

Li Weiran naturally didn't know that when she planned to buy a house in Beijing, An Ran already had a courtyard house in Beijing.

But when Li Weiran told her parents to rent a house in the city and stay away from the Li family, not only her parents thought it was a good idea, but Li Nian even raised her hands and feet in favor of it.

Li Weiran knew why she agreed, because living in the city would make it easier for her to find a partner.

As for the younger brother, he is more willing, he has long wanted to go to the city to play, the village is too boring.

Since the opening of the city, the city has been changing with each passing day. Coupled with the gradual popularization of mobile phones, the city is naturally much more interesting than the countryside. Brother Li naturally yearns for it.

Since everyone wanted to go to the city, Uncle Li mentioned this matter to Grandpa Li and Grandma Li.

Grandpa Li and Grandma Li naturally don't want the eldest son's family to leave. They are afraid that the other two sons will follow suit. If they all leave by then, there will be no one in the family. Only the old couple will be left. Then their authority will come to an end. Where?
They are afraid of losing control of the family, afraid of losing their supreme position in the family.

But under the temptation of benefits—Dafang said that they would earn more money without having to walk for four hours on the road, and then they would be able to share more—Grandpa and Grandma Li hesitated for a while, but agreed with them into town.

Thinking that as long as you have money, you should be able to control the whole family, right?
Originally, I wanted Li Nian or Li's younger brother to stay. After all, Li Weiran and the elder son and his wife are the only people who do things. They don't do things, what are they going to do.

But Li Nian said that he would go to the city to find someone with better conditions. Li’s younger brother wanted to go to the city to play. Grandpa Li and Grandma Li thought it would be good for Li Nian to find someone from the city, but they couldn’t control their grandson, so they had to let the two of them do the same. went.

Immediately doing what they said, the Dafang family went to the city to rent a house.

There are very few people renting houses at the moment, so the price is not expensive at all. Anyway, compared with the money they make now, it is drizzle.

After entering the city and being far away from the countryside, Li Weiran felt that the air was much more free. In Li's house, Li Weiran really felt oppressed by his grandpa and grandma staring at his money every day.

Of course, now that the person who is staring at his own money is replaced by his parents, Li Weiran is also displeased, and immediately thinks that if he has the opportunity, he must leave the family environment so that he can save the money he earns into his own hands.

Her parents didn't want Grandpa Li and Grandma Li to take advantage of them, so why not her.

Although selling snacks now, her parents are quite generous and allow her to take one-third of the profit, but in her opinion, the snacks are only delicious if they are made by themselves, and her parents can't handle them at all. Even if it is done, it is estimated that it will be difficult to sell. I can only help to pick up the burden and do security work, lest she is in danger of setting up a stall outside alone. This function is completely incomparable with my own technology. After all, as long as she is willing, She randomly hires a reliable person in the village, and pays 20 yuan a month. She picks at will, and some people do it, so why should they take up two-thirds? Logically, she can give them one-third.

She felt that her parents inherited the greed of Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, so they were naturally dissatisfied, so she wanted to leave.

So leaving the country now is only the first step, and the next step, she still has to break away from her parents.

Thinking of this, she planned to spend a while, find an excuse to rest for a while, and then start a new stove and make pastries for sale. Some of her snacks are also good, and they can sell for a lot of money.

The shelf life of the cakes is longer, and you are not afraid that they will be broken if they are not sold on the same day. It is safer to store a batch for a long time.

And because it won't go bad if it's not sold that day, she can completely hide it, wholesale it to others, and let others sell it. She sits at home and collects the money, which is safe and won't be discovered by her parents.

Fortunately, there is now a mobile phone text message transfer to collect money. When she buys a mobile phone, the money is stored in the mobile phone, and she does not take it out to make a passbook, so as not to be inconvenient for her parents or Li Nian and others to see the passbook. At that time, her parents will not It was found that she had saved a lot of money in her hand.

When I have almost saved, I will look for opportunities to buy a house in Beijing. If it is not convenient to go to Beijing, I can buy a house in the center of the city. Anyway, the house will skyrocket many times in the future, and I will never suffer a loss if I buy it.

In a few years, there will be a lot of drifting in the north, and it will be convenient to go to Beijing, so she will go to Beijing to buy a house, because she is not sure how much the house in this city will rise in the future, but she knows that the house in the capital will definitely skyrocket .

Not only did Li Weiran feel comfortable in the city, but her parents, Li Nian, and Li's younger brother also felt that the city was good, and the family enjoyed themselves happily.

Of course, no one knew that Li Weiran was already planning to go it alone under the happy surface.

But he said that no matter how the big house tried to stop it, it couldn’t stop the second and third rooms from making snacks to make money. Seeing that the second and third rooms were really carrying the burden of snacks and started selling them, the unhappy big room followed Li Weiran’s idea and spent Qian invited the locals, ruffians, and hooligans, ready to pick quarrels and troubles.

In the original world, when the second and third families encountered such a thing, they couldn't stand the locals, ruffians, and hooligans making trouble one after another. As expected, the business couldn't continue as Li Weiran expected.

But in this world, in the eyes of Li's parents, Li's mother, and Erfang, An Ran is a talented student and a big shot in the eyes of others. They feel that if they tell An Ran about this matter, maybe An Ran can solve it. I told An Ran.

An Ran knew long ago that the two-bedroom and three-bedroom business would encounter things in the memory of the original body, so she had a plan. Seeing that they really encountered this matter, she reported it to the secret service personnel.

An Ran, a scientist, was troubled by someone at his family, and the secret service personnel would naturally help An Ran settle it, lest Comrade Li worry about his family and affect Comrade Li's research.

(End of this chapter)

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