Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 2901 Chronicle Control Group 38

Chapter 2901 Chronicle Control Group 38
In the past two years, the private economy has become more and more active. People in the city get married and cannot afford to spend at home, so they usually go to restaurants to eat, so Li Nian also plans to do the same.

Invite the close relatives from the Li family, and the close relatives from the man's side, and put them on two tables, and the matter will be done, and it won't cost too much money.

Li Weiran agreed to this arrangement.

Anyway, ordinary villagers just collect money, and they don’t have three melons and two dates, and they will bring a whole family to eat at that time, and the money they get is not enough for them to eat, and it’s not like in the later generations of the city, sending red bombs and bombs. , There are many gifts received, and there are not many people coming to eat, so it can make money.

Grandpa Li and Grandma Li couldn't help but be happy when they heard that Li Nian had married someone who would eat the emperor's food, and they bragged about it in the village.

This is also normal, because there are not many people in the countryside who eat imperial food. If you can marry such a person, you are naturally successful. It's better, unlike other country girls who can only marry country mud legs.

Needless to say, the villagers are really envious of the Li family, but this envy is different from what Grandpa Li and Grandma Li thought.

People generally like to say: "The Li family is smoking from the ancestral grave, right? The youngest daughter of the big house can do business and make a lot of money (the reason why people know it is naturally the result of grandpa and grandma Li bragging), the eldest daughter She also married a good family, and Li Anran from Sanfang is famous all over the country, isn't the Li family too prosperous?"

Look, Grandpa Li and Grandma Li actually wanted people to brag about their favorite big house, but in the end, what everyone boasted the most was Li Anran, the third house they disliked the most, so after hearing these words, Grandpa Li and Grandma Li felt very sad. It’s very uncomfortable, but there’s nothing they can do. They can’t say anything, because Li Anran gave another one to Li’s parents and mothers for the newly released mobile phone, and also gives them nutritional supplements every year. If they dare to say that Li Anran is not good , Others will roll their eyes, saying that they are in the blessings and don't know the blessings, and they feel uncomfortable.

Although Li Anran is very kind to them, Li Anran makes more money. Thinking that Li Anran made a lot of money but they didn't get it, Grandpa Li and Grandma Li don't like her very much, even if she sends nutritional supplements every year Give them, give the Li family a new mobile phone, and don't like her either.

Fortunately, An Ran didn't care if Grandpa Li and Grandma Li liked her or not, they couldn't get in touch with her anyway, so it didn't matter.

Soon Li Nian's marriage was settled, and he got married.

When she got married, the eldest family still invited the second and third to attend the wedding. After all, it is impossible not to invite such a big event and such close relatives.

Although the second and third wards had objections to the elder ward, they still went because Uncle Li was already in jail.

The two sides still have a tacit understanding on this matter, and they didn't make a fuss, which made people laugh.

Seeing that Li Nian got married and the family lost a share of expenses, the eldest aunt couldn't help being happy.

You must know that when Li Nian was not married, it was fine if she didn't work, and it was fine to eat and drink at home, and often asked her for money, saying that the person she was talking to had no money and couldn't go out.

It's all right now, these things have annoyed her in-laws, let's see if they have the ability to persuade Li Nian to go to work, if not, then they will raise her from now on.

Needless to say, after Li Nian got married, Li Nian's husband's family had opinions soon after, and the reason was similar to what my aunt thought.

Because Li Nian was used to leisure and work, after going to her husband's house, she still acted as if she was at home, forgetting to do nothing, and asking for money, and within a few days, a quarrel broke out with her mother-in-law who couldn't stand it anymore.

The mother-in-law said that she didn't agree with her son marrying Li Nian, because Li Nian didn't have a job, so it wasn't suitable for her.

Well now, this is not marrying a wife, it is marrying a big Buddha!It's fine if you don't work, you don't even do housework, you just ask for money every day, and then you go out to be chic, who is such a daughter-in-law!Anyway, if you don't work, you should do some housework, right?

Her husband's family didn't know the situation before, thinking that Li Nian was born in the countryside, among other things, he must be more diligent than the girls in the city, so it's okay if he doesn't have a job, as long as he can do the housework well.

I didn't know it was like this.

At this time, her husband's family inquired and found out that when the eldest son of the Li family was in the countryside, his youngest daughter Li Weiran was always cooking and his aunt was doing the housework. Li Nian never did the housework. After so many things, she is only responsible for reading all day long, that is to say, she is similar to a girl in the city.

But the girls in the city usually have well-connected families who find jobs for the girl. As for her, she is as untouchable as the girls in the city, but she doesn't even have a job, so she can't compare with the girls in the city.

Seeing that her mother-in-law dared to scold her, Li Nian said that she was not the one who would suffer, so she immediately said, "What else do you want to choose if you are as beautiful as me and have such a high education? Scold me away, and your son can still get money like me." Am I so beautiful and highly educated? It’s hard to get a first marriage, and it’s even harder to get a second marriage. I advise you not to scold me anymore, or you’ll get mad at me. I’ll divorce your son. Let’s see if your son can find it. how is it like!"

What she said was not a lie. The person Li Nian chose, the workplace is in a downturn, and generally good-looking, beautiful and educated girls will not fall in love with him, so Li Nian has some confidence in saying this. of.

But her mother-in-law doesn't think so. Most people think that their children are the best, and her mother-in-law is also like this, so her mother-in-law doesn't think that her son is divorced from Li Nian, and he can't marry a good wife. Tell Li Nian what Li Nian said to his son, saying that Li Nian is not good, let his son leave and seek a new relationship.

It turned out that her son had the same thoughts as Li Nian, and also felt that if he divorced Li Nian and married again, the second marriage would not necessarily marry such a beautiful and highly educated person, so he asked his old lady to stop pointing fingers at Li Nian and give her money if she wanted it. Money, anyway, is not too much.

These words made Li Nian's mother-in-law angry to death, and then Li Nian became even more arrogant. Since then, there have been frequent conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

This is an afterthought.

However, at present, Uncle Li is in prison, Li Nian is married, and only the aunt and younger brother Li are left in the big house of the Li family. Li Weiran feels that living in this house is getting more and more comfortable. The more contradictory the better.

As for the youngest daughter, the eldest aunt did not urge her to hurry up and talk to someone. After all, the youngest daughter is the golden chicken in the family. If she gets married and goes to someone else's house, she will help other people make money, so she is naturally not happy. So naturally he wouldn't urge Li Weiran to get married quickly, and even hoped that the sooner she married, the better.

However, the eldest aunt felt that the youngest daughter was so powerful that even when she was 25, there were people rushing for her, unlike her sister, who had no job and was not capable enough to marry early.

She is worried about her son now.

(End of this chapter)

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