Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 2928 Lord Game 13

Chapter 2928 Lord Game 13
The beast tide is finally over, and An Ran can finally have a good rest.

On the second day after the beast tide ended, An Ran took a rare good sleep to dispel the exhaustion caused by the high mental tension these days.

After a good night's sleep and waking up, An Ran began to tidy up the warehouse.

These days, I went out to pick up things every day, disassembled the monster corpses, and sold some of the things I saved, except that I couldn’t pack them on the spot and sold them, and I sorted them out every night to sell some things that An Ran felt would depreciate after the beast tide period. There are also many things that An Ran thinks are good, and they are all piled up in the warehouse, waiting for An Ran to re-check to see if there is anything that needs to be sold.

There are so many things this time, there is no way, [-] days of beast tide, more than ten waves of monsters attack the city every day - at the beginning there were only ten waves, but as time went on, not only the monsters became stronger, but also the number of waves of attacks increased , In addition, there is less time to rest, which makes many people unable to carry it at all, so the territory is broken-with so many monsters, one can imagine how many drops there will be.

This is also the reason why everyone has money after this beast tide.

As long as you are not as timid as the original body, go out and pick up the dropped people, first you will get the copper coins that must be dropped, and then there are items, a large number of items.

Although the things dropped by elite monsters or BOSS are good things, the things dropped by most common monsters are mediocre, mostly seeds, ingredients, wood, stone, iron ore, cloth, whiteboard equipment, etc., but mosquito meat is also meat , the number increased, and it was also a considerable income.

What's more, there are better drops from elite monsters or BOSS.

In addition, there are meat, bones, teeth, claws, fur, etc. obtained from the decomposition of the corpses of these monsters. Although An Ran has sold as many as possible, there are still many more—according to the statistics of the warehouse, there are still tens of thousands of pieces. as much.

In fact, as early as the day when the beast tide started, An Ran knew that after the beast tide started, not everyone was as timid as the original body and dared not go out—although about [-]% of the people might not dare to go out of the territory, at least [-]% People dare to go out to pick it up, so that players pick up a lot of drops, even if there are many types, the chances of picking up each item will be reduced, but even so, the things on the market will inevitably be better than the beast tide. There are many before, so the price will inevitably decrease, especially the things decomposed from monster corpses, there will be more, after all, these are not like drops, there is a chance that monster corpses decompose, but as long as they are monsters, they can be decomposed Yes, and a monster can decompose various things such as meat, bones, teeth, claws, fur, and even blood, bile, etc. In this way, can the number not increase?
And at such a depreciated price, it’s not worth selling, so An Ran didn’t sell it at the time, but was planning to wait for the end of the beast tide to build a tailor shop, blacksmith shop, medical center, etc., to disassemble monsters and pick up iron. The ores are dropped, and the tailors, blacksmiths, and medical halls can make equipment and red and blue medicines for sale.

Of course, the first-level tailor shop, blacksmith shop, medical hall, etc., all the things produced are whiteboard quality, only a small amount of excellent quality, which is not cost-effective, so An Ran plans to build a third-level tailor shop, blacksmith shop, medical hall, The things produced in this way are all of rare quality, and there can be a small amount of legendary quality, so that they can be sold at a good price.

Just like equipment, after the beast tide, she is now wearing a green outfit, that is to say, she is equipped with excellent equipment. It is estimated that those who dare to go out to pick up equipment are almost like this.

But blue equipment and even purple equipment are still rare in the market. Just like when they first entered the game, the price of these equipment is extremely expensive.

So set up a third-level tailor shop, blacksmith shop, medical center, etc., and make these things that are picked up to be of rare or above quality, so that things will not be wasted and money can be made.

And this is also her next method of making money.

Of course, if you want to build a third-level tailor shop, blacksmith shop, medical hall, etc., you must first upgrade the main building, that is, the lord's mansion. not come out.

If you want to change someone else, it is estimated that it will be difficult to upgrade to the second level, and there is no need to think about upgrading to the third level, because it will cost two hundred gold coins to upgrade to the second level territory, and another five hundred gold coins to upgrade to the third level territory. One hundred gold coins, this is in the early stage, even after the beast tide, everyone has more money, not everyone can get it, let alone seven hundred gold coins, it is estimated that even the two hundred gold coins that have been upgraded to the second level cannot be taken Come out, after all, during the beast tide, although everyone picked up a lot of drops, but in order to repair the fence and arrow tower, everyone spent a lot.

But Anran is different. Anran now has more than 1000 gold coins and tens of thousands of items that have not been sold. It is more than enough to upgrade to a third-level territory.

So this money, Enron can earn.

An Ran is not afraid of the butterfly plot when upgrading to the third-level territory, because when the original body took over relatives and friends, there was a fourth-level territory. Having made money, it’s not as hard as it is now because I didn’t pick it up, haha.

Since it's bitter, the original body didn't buy the omniscient eye now and contact her husband and other relatives and friends, so Anran doesn't need to worry about these for the time being. There is no need to spend money to buy the omniscient eye and contact her now just because she is rich. those people.

Now that he was planning to upgrade to the third-level territory, An Ran naturally acted.

Now click on the cabin, and the system prompts: "Do you want to spend 200 wood, 200 stone, and 200 gold coins to upgrade to a second-level territory? Yes/No"

An Ran clicked "Yes".

A ray of light flashed, and the small wooden house became a small stone house, which was safer and more secure.

At the same time, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the player who has become the 99990th player who has upgraded to the second-level territory, and has obtained a wooden treasure chest*1."

An Ran knew that there were not many people with the money to upgrade to the second-level territory, but she still didn't expect that there were so many people without money, and she could also enter the top [-] and get the treasure box in the second-level territory.

There are no good things in the wooden treasure chest, so An Ran doesn't care, and continues to click on the small stone house, and the system prompts: "Would you like to spend 500 wood, 500 stone, and 500 gold coins to upgrade to a third-level territory? Yes/No"

Enron click "Yes" again.

Another ray of light flashed, and the single-story small stone house became a double-story small stone house. The living space was larger, and it was less likely to be destroyed by monsters after they broke through the territory.

At the same time, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the player who has become the 99th player who has upgraded to the third-level territory, and has obtained a golden treasure chest*1."

As I said before, the treasure chests in this game are divided into five categories: diamond, gold, silver, bronze, and wood. There are various rankings, including the top [-]. Anran has entered the top [-] this time when he upgraded his territory, so he won golden treasure chest.

An Ran hadn't opened the golden treasure chest yet, so she didn't bother with the wooden treasure chest right now, and opened the golden treasure chest first, curious about what could be opened inside.

(End of this chapter)

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