Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 2942 Lord Game 27

Chapter 2942 Lord Game 27
Hearing An Ran's question, Li Wentao shook his head helplessly and said, "You are too exaggerated, you know the drop rate of orange equipment and orange weapon materials, how can there be so many orange equipment and orange weapons equipped by so many people, that is, a few top expert equipment That's all for a moment, most people only have a few orange outfits, and they have an orange weapon, or even purple weapons, not even orange weapons, after all, orange weapons are too rare to get so many."

An Ran heard this, and thought about it too, orange weapons and orange equipment are hard to come by, and they probably won't be able to equip too many people.

Then I heard Li Wentao say: "I will go to the arena to compete without injury and see how strong you are?"

The arena is divided into non-injury competition and non-injury competition. Non-injury competition is to learn from each other, to beat others to the last drop of blood, but this drop of blood will never disappear, that is, people will not die, suitable for people to exercise and fight Skill.

It's not a harmless competition, it's for real, life or death, this kind, unless it's an enemy, there is another kind of underground black boxing, which is played by those who open a gambling hall.

Not to mention, there are some people in this world who love adventure and like to play this game, so there is a market for it.

But most of the people, like the original body, are ordinary people who cherish their lives, so they all engage in sparring, that is, competition without injury.

An Ran listened to Li Wentao's proposal, nodded, and said, "Okay!"

It just so happened that she also wanted to see her own strength, how she stood among these people.

Each territory has always been in charge of each territory, and she has never fought against anyone. She really doesn't know her own level.

While the two were talking, they had already reached the city wall of the guild.

The outside of the guild wall is also different from the outside of the territory.

Outside the city walls of the guild, there were no forests, rocks or mountains, but an endless plain.

Although this is good for the arrow tower to defend the city, it is also good for the monsters to attack the city. After all, they are not blocked, and they are not so fast when they run.

The original body had never participated in a guild battle, so he had never been to the guild city wall, so he didn't know what was going on outside.

An Ran looked at it, and couldn't help saying: "There are no trees or stones outside, so don't you have to buy all kinds of buildings from the market?"

Yuanshen didn't care about guild wars, so he didn't know much about them, and he didn't know much about them in his memory, so An Ran asked Li Wentao this right now.

Li Wentao nodded and said, "That's right! So although the guild is good, it can connect us Xia people together, but it also has a bad point, it's a gold swallowing beast."

"Actually, I can think of it. If the game sets the guild station exactly like the territory, it would be a bit boring, so I just saved this link and no longer set up forests or rocky mountains. If you need it, you can buy it directly from the market. .”

"Fortunately, this is an official guild, and everyone has dedication and can contribute some resources to the guild. Otherwise, if it is a personal guild, it has no appeal and no one is willing to give resources. It is difficult to operate on the strength of individuals. After all Building various buildings, as well as upgrading the guild level, and the level of the wall, etc., is too expensive."

An Ran nodded. Yuan Bo had heard people say that it is difficult for a personal guild to survive, unless that person is very charismatic, or has good things at hand, and hangs them in the guild shop, attracting a lot of people to contribute resources , exchange points to buy, otherwise the personal guild, no one contributes resources, and the money is really not enough to buy online by yourself.

So in the original body world, the well-known guilds are basically the official guilds of various countries, and there are private guilds, but there are few well-known guilds.

Most people, especially Xia players, prefer to join official guilds.

After all, national guilds are not necessarily good, but if the country cannot be trusted, private ones are even less trustworthy.

Li Wentao said: "Miss Jiang is good at fighting. Even if her skills are mediocre, she can hide behind the city wall to help during the guild's defense battle. We have a dedicated priest, so nothing will happen to Miss Jiang."

He could see that An Ran was afraid that her life would be in danger, so she had been hesitant to help, so she made this promise.

He also knows that not everyone in this world is not afraid of death. In fact, most people are afraid of life, but the people in the military are more courageous, so he didn't judge others by himself, and he was not afraid of the guild defense war. Miss Jiang is not afraid, especially if the other party is a woman. Most women are afraid of this kind of battle scene.

But An Ran's combat power is indeed good, and I don't know how dangerous the guild defense battle will be. Her level of combat power is already considered very powerful. It would be a waste not to invite her to help out, so Li Wentao said this at this time .

An Ran listened, nodded, and said, "I will consider it."

After seeing the situation outside the guild wall, the two went to the guild arena, preparing to compete without injury.

Although Li Wentao is not a military combatant, but because of his good communication skills, he was arranged by the authorities to find players from the Xia Kingdom, but Li Wentao is a member of the military, and he has to defend the territory himself, so his combat effectiveness is actually quite good.

As for An Ran, she has also played a lot of games. Although she is not a talented player, she is considered a high-level player due to her rich experience. So now she played a game with Li Wentao.

The arena doesn't allow people to keep playing, so it has a limited time limit. A round is limited to 15 minutes. If there is no winner in 15 minutes, it will be considered a draw. This is the case with An Ran and Li Wentao now.

Of course, An Ran was able to beat Li Wentao, but he didn't want to show off too much, so he released the water and the match was a tie.

But just this made Li Wentao happy, and immediately said: "I didn't expect Miss Jiang to be so skilled. We definitely need such skills as you."

He originally thought that An Ran was a girl who was afraid of fighting and didn't have much combat experience, so she might not be skilled enough, but he didn't expect that to be the case. Judging by An Ran's appearance, it was obvious that she had fought monsters many times.

An Ran nodded, and said: "Okay, I will think about it, the guild battle is still early, maybe you will have a lot of masters by then, and you don't need me."

Li Wentao secretly thought, no matter how many masters there are, if you have good equipment, good weapons, and good skills, you will still not lose to them, and you will definitely need them at that time.

However, he still echoed An Ran's statement, saying: "Well, let's see when the time comes."

After talking about these things, Li Wentao had other things to do, so he left, and wandered around the guild's residence with An Ran.

When they were talking about things before, there were several more buildings in the guild resident, such as guild warehouses, guild restaurants, guild residences, etc.

The guild warehouse and guild restaurant knew what they were doing as soon as they heard it, so there was no need to elaborate.

Guild residences are residences that can be sold or rented to players.

(End of this chapter)

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