Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3036 Desperate Counterattack 10

Chapter 3036 Desperate Counterattack 10
There was no chaos at this time, but many people in the capital needed money, and it was time for a big sale of property, so An Ran was able to buy a lot of supplies at a very cheap price for future use in the base area.

I bought a lot of materials with cheap money, and at the same time, I can help some people in the capital who have no money but need money to solve their urgent needs, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

Because of Anran's intelligent robot buying in the capital, people from the Anyang Marquis Mansion soon met them and sold them what they had. Anran also took the opportunity to sell the screen and got 200 taels of silver. , at least 2000 taels of silver, and now the market accepts it, and 200 taels is not bad for one-tenth of the price.

The same goes for other things, which can only be given one-tenth of the price, and some things that are too bulky and impractical are even cheaper.

An Ran has some money.

It doesn't refer to the silver that Anran exchanged from the system with life points that can be brought into different mission worlds. Those silver are exchanged with life points, and Anran will not use them unless it is a last resort.

So the money that An Ran sent the intelligent robot to buy things at this moment is naturally not the money she exchanged with her life value, but the money she earned after she came to this world.

To be precise, it was not the money An Ran earned, but a sum of money that Yuan Shen's mother hid for Yuan Shen before she died.

However, Yuanchen's mother probably never thought that if her brother failed to fight for the position, she would be killed by her husband, so before the accident, she never left any behind.

It wasn't until something happened that he hurriedly entrusted a box of gold ingots to a confidant to hide, hoping that the confidant would hand it over to Yuan Chen when he grew up.

It is normal for Princess Anyang to have a box of gold ingots. You must know that Princess Anyang was the most beloved little princess of the late emperor. After killing, it was cheaper for Marquis Anyang, so after Princess Anyang lost her background, it was inevitable that Marquis Anyang killed Princess Anyang.

It's a pity that money touches people's hearts, and the confidant mother suddenly saw the large amount of money, thinking that as long as she didn't tell, no one would know about it, so she took this box of gold ingots for herself.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a mistress in the mansion soon, and the other party didn't give her the gift of letting her family out of the mansion, or she would have taken back the deed of sale and lived the life of a rich man with these gold ingots.

Because she couldn't leave, she could only stay in the mansion. In the end, she accidentally revealed the matter to her son. Her son took the money out to gamble. The amount was too large, which aroused suspicion from others. Mrs. Anyang Hou found out about it. In the end, this person was cleaned up, and the box of gold was naturally also confiscated.

This is what happened in the memory of the original body.

After An Ran came, she found that this incident hadn't happened yet, so after she had practiced martial arts, she found out the place where the confidant nun hid the gold, confiscated the gold, and conveniently took the money-hungry girl who followed Princess Anyang back then. Things, as well as the things she picked up by herself, were also confiscated, as a punishment for her. After all, she had embezzled so many things privately, and did not send her to see the official, but only confiscated part of her property. In the world, it would be much better to be beaten to death by Mrs. Anyang Hou.

She didn't worry about things being lost, and the confidant nanny would report to the officials, because it was a crime for her to embezzle things for herself, and she didn't dare to shout.

Sure enough, as An Ran thought, after An Ran confiscated the box of gold and part of her property, the confidant nun not only did not dare to say anything, but also frightened for many days, lest someone would come to her door and ask her why she had so much money. get her into trouble.

Of course, An Ran would not do these things in an unnecessary way.

After getting that large sum of gold, An Ran didn't use it at that time, because she knew that in troubled times, the price of gold would rise, so it was not until the recent turmoil that An Ran sent intelligent robots to exchange silver and copper coins with people in the black market.

As An Ran expected, gold is extremely expensive in the market now. After all, exchanging property for gold does not take up weight and space, so most people rush to exchange for gold. In this way, gold is not expensive?

The usual exchange ratio is [-]:[-], but now it has risen to [-]:[-]; the exchange ratio between silver and copper coins is usually [-] tael of silver for [-] Wen, but now it can be exchanged for [-] Wen, because copper coins are too heavy and occupy too much There is no place, so most people don't want it. Ordinary people exchange copper coins for silver, and rich people exchange silver for gold, and they want both silver and gold. In this way, copper coins will naturally depreciate because no one wants them.

Relying on these, An Ran has already let the intelligent robot exchange a lot of silver and copper coins, and then buy various materials sold in the capital everywhere.

Not to mention that An Ran relied on the money to exchange a large amount of supplies, but said that An Ran apparently sold the screen for 200 taels of silver.

Now that we have money, but we still have nothing to eat, we still need to prepare some food before we go on the road, otherwise we may not be able to carry it on the road without food.

Not to mention those who are planning to go to the south of the Yangtze River, they must prepare dry food for a long journey, otherwise they don't know if they can get food on the way.

Those who don’t go to the south of the Yangtze River, follow An Ran to Zhuangzi, it will take three days, and it’s impossible not to eat for three days. Although there is a well in the mansion, it can draw water, and the water pipes are full, but the water can’t make you hungry. Find a way to eat.

There is food in the Anran space, but it is inconvenient to take it out, so I told everyone: "There is really no food, so I can only eat in the dark."

Everyone didn't understand why they heard this, and said: "Hei...eating black?"

An Ran said: "Later, let's divide the work and cooperate. Let's make a selection first, choose those who are strong, run fast, or know how to fight. The remaining ones are neither strong, run fast, or know how to fight. Let's go out and inquire. News, let’s see which people in Beijing don’t have food, they got it by robbing others, then we will rob those people. We can’t bully the good people, but we can bully the wicked, so that others can’t say anything about us.”

Everyone couldn't help but suddenly realized after hearing this, and praised An Ran's good idea one after another.

Although there are many people with bad moral character, but to openly let them rob, I still feel a little bit overwhelmed. After all, we have not yet entered the chaotic world of cannibalism, and we are still in the process of transitioning from a world of order to a world of chaos. , it is impossible for people to fall so completely as soon as they come up to the bottom line of morality.

Those with good moral character are even more embarrassed to steal other people's things.

It's all right now, An Ran said, robbing those who snatched things, their behavior is to punish evil and promote good, such behavior, no one thinks it's wrong.

 I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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