Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3043 Desperate Counterattack 17

Chapter 3043 Desperate Counterattack 17
Although these people don't have any weapons, but because they can't survive, they are really desperate, so their combat effectiveness is getting stronger and stronger. Every time they go somewhere, it's like locusts crossing the border, and they will definitely eat up the place completely.

As the saying goes, those who are soft are afraid of being hard, those who are hard are afraid of being violent, and those who are violent are afraid of being desperate. These refugee groups have average military capabilities, but they are strong in this kind of desperate effort. No other regular army has them, so there is no way, they don't work hard, they can't get food, so they can only work hard.

Such desperation caused their combat effectiveness to increase.

And there are a lot of them—these refugee groups do not reject anyone who comes, anyway, they don’t provide food, and everyone goes to rob it together, breaks through a place, and eats what they get.

So the refugee group naturally does not reject anyone who comes. Anyway, there is no need to provide food. Naturally, the more people the better, the bigger the momentum!

So for An Ran and the others right now, the foreign race is still not their enemy, but these refugee groups.

After all, the foreign race is still facing the Southern Dynasties across the river, and there is no time to clean up the messy north.

Ordinary hundreds or thousands of refugees, An Ran is not afraid, because her current territory is large enough to handle the impact of thousands of refugees.

But more is not enough, but those refugee groups often have tens of thousands of people, and many have hundreds of thousands.

Hundreds of thousands of brave refugees attacked the bastions. Even if these bastions could stand by and help each other, it should not be possible to completely flatten all the bastions, but there would definitely be a lot of losses. There is no way, there are too many people on the other side, so don't be afraid Death, what Bastion fears most is such an opponent who directly takes human life.

So what An Ran is most worried about right now is the attack of a large group of refugees, and if her small base is not dead, it will be hurt.

Only An Ran understands these things. The common people below, living in a safe bastion, know very little about the chaos outside. They can only occasionally learn a little bit from the newly taken in refugees, but they came earlier and have not experienced the bark behind them. People who can't eat anything and can only eat by changing their child, although they have heard about the chaos outside, they can't imagine what it is like, so they can only listen to it as a story.

The reason why the common people below know very little about the chaos outside is that the common people taken in in Anran Territory are basically poor people. After all, those who have a little money have all gone to the south, and only those who really have no money are still in the north.

Most of the people who have no money have never read a book. In this way, these people can't read, and naturally they don't understand the general trend of the world.

However, Anran has already carried out basic education in the Bastion. Some people who can read can be teachers to teach others how to read. After all, it has been a long time and the base has grown. People who cannot read can help manage it. Anran can't manage it alone.

Enron teaches literacy not only to children, but also to adults.

Of course, adults usually have to work and have no time to study, so An Ran arranged this for a holiday.

In Anran's base, everyone works ten days and can take one day off, which is called rest day.

In the afternoon of the holiday, there are two literacy classes for adults. Anyone who wants to read can come and attend the class for free.

In order to improve everyone's enthusiasm for literacy, those who are willing to attend classes will be provided with a meal at noon.

Start studying after eating.

Not to mention, this method is quite useful, unless there is something really wrong, or as long as you can walk, you will come to have a meal, and then listen to two classes in the afternoon, regardless of whether you have learned knowledge or not, anyway, do it , is better than nothing.

The reason why the base has harvested food and attacked so many villages, many people have been given food, and they are willing to come to this free lunch... I can only say that free things are the most delicious, so even if you have food at home If you have food or money, you will come over for this free lunch.

The people in the base don't understand why Anran spends so much money and takes so much trouble to teach everyone how to read, but since they can provide food, they will listen to what Anran says.

Fortunately, An Ran's luck is pretty good, so far she hasn't encountered any large groups of refugees, only small groups of refugees.

Of course, it may have nothing to do with luck, because this place is only more than 100 miles away from the capital. After the foreign race occupied the capital, it also regarded it as a temporary capital. Those large refugee groups did not dare to approach the capital to find food. After all, the regular army of the dynasty They couldn't beat the aliens, so they naturally didn't want to die, so they only went to other places to find food. Anyway, the north is big, so there is no need to wander around the capital, lest they encounter alien troops, and they don't suffer heavy losses.

Anran's base, when it is weak at the moment, naturally does not dare to develop towards the capital, so it also develops in the opposite direction to the capital, so as not to develop towards the capital, and don't arouse the vigilance of the insightful people among them.

Developing in the opposite direction to the capital, even if someone finds out, those people are no more than the insightful people in the capital, and they will be better off.

Those people looked at these bastions. The desert aliens didn’t know much about the Wubao in the Central Plains. They thought it was another form of Wubao. At first glance, it would not be strange, so they will not be wary of Anran’s base for the time being. , Even if I saw these docks, I was thinking at most, waiting to solve the south, and then come back to clean up these docks in the north.

This is also thanks to the fact that the foreign races have completely occupied the north. The official and folk powers of the Central Plains Dynasty have all gone, leaving only ordinary people with little knowledge. Like the aliens, they also thought it was an ordinary Wubao.

After all, only those who participated in the Anran base knew that these bastions belonged to Anran alone. Outsiders looked at these and thought they belonged to different forces.

And those who participated in the Enron base would not go out and wander around. After all, they finally got in. Whoever dared to go out was afraid of being killed by the refugees outside.

So the news didn't get out.

Of course, these people who participated in the Enron base are also refugees from all over the world. They usually drag their families with them. When they come in, the outside is not their hometown, it is a strange place, and there are no relatives who need them to pass on news, so they don’t What news will go out.

Because of this, An Ran was able to develop secretly like a little transparency, and the bastion expanded quietly.

Only those who have joined the Enron Base know how big and safe this base is—as long as you are inside the base, you can go from one bastion to another. It is very safe, much safer than before, because From one bastion to another, Anran has paved roads, and there are often people like modern police patrolling along the way. Is this unsafe?
(End of this chapter)

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