Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3047 Desperate Counterattack 21

Chapter 3047 Desperate Counterattack 21
It wasn't until Anran's Wubao quickly defeated them that they realized that even if their people ate a lot and their stomachs were fuller than before, they still couldn't beat them. No wonder they dared to give them food, because they were not afraid at all. them.

So this time the siege of a large refugee group turned into a trivial matter, and after solving such a large refugee group, Bastion will not encounter other large refugee groups for the time being. After all, one place cannot accommodate multiple large groups. The refugee groups, other large refugee groups in the north, are still in other places.

In other words, the bastion has been quiet for a while, and the next time I'm afraid it will be to deal with the Xihu people.

Taking advantage of this time, An Ran's territory has expanded a lot.

But this time, An Ran solved more than [-] refugees, and she still made some reputation, which made her no longer as unknown as before.

The reason why this matter was known was naturally because a large number of refugees besieged Anran Bastion, which attracted a lot of attention. After all, such a large refugee group is well-known in the north and south. Wherever they besieged, people would naturally pay attention , Unlike the small refugee groups of hundreds or thousands in the past, no one would care about which bastion besieged.

Besieged by so many refugees, many people thought that the bastion would definitely not be able to be kept. After all, wherever the group surrounded before, it was breached, and then there would be human tragedies—such as food being robbed, men killed, women Being bullied, humiliated and the like—they thought there would be no suspense this time.

In the end, it was the refugee group that disappeared, and the bastion was saved without any major war. This naturally attracted the attention of some interested people, and then some people inquired about it.

With the inquiring of interested people, the situation will naturally be known.

During the battle with the Anran base, some leaders of the large refugee group who survived and ran away told the people who inquired about the same person in the nearby bastion, so many people knew it. Such bastions belong to the same person. You must know that before, everyone thought that each Wubao was a family, but they didn't know it was the same family.

With so many bastions belonging to the same person, it's no wonder they were able to deal with so many refugees. Obviously the other party has this strength.

Many people were even more surprised that An Ran had dealt with these refugees without making any major moves.

But after knowing An Ran's method, some people are still silent, because they definitely can't learn it, because once they are surrounded, they don't have that much food, and they sprinkle dried meat every day. What are they thinking? They don't know it themselves. There is jerky to eat every day.

Although it can't be solved with this method, but seeing that Anran has solved it with this method, I still pay attention to Anran, thinking who is the owner of this Wubao?No sound was heard outside, but the attack of more than [-] refugees was resolved without making a sound.

The more curious you are, the more people will naturally investigate.

As a result, many forces sent people to Anran's bastion, trying to get in to find out the news.

But what is strange is that those who went in did not come back.

They thought that these people were discovered by An Ran and killed them, so they were even more afraid of An Ran's base. In fact, after those people came, they found that life in the base was very good, so they simply didn't go back.

After all, most of the people who can still stay in the Northland are not doing very well. Now that this place is much better than their previous home, there is no reason not to stay.

Soon not only the forces left behind in the North noticed An Ran, but also the Xihu people noticed An Ran.

Just as An Ran thought, after the Xihu people failed to cross to the south, they planned to plow the north first, govern the north, and then attack the south when they are strong.

And when he withdrew, he noticed these bastions popping up in his home, in the countryside.

No wonder they only found out now that their attention had been on the south before, and they didn't leave much strength in the north. They only arranged garrisons in some cities to ensure the smooth delivery of troops to the river, and they didn't care about the countryside.

There is no way, their population is too small, and there is no more people to manage the countryside. It is not bad to ensure the smooth transportation of troops from the north to the south.

And Anran's bastion has been avoiding the city and has been building in the countryside, so it's normal that the Xihu people didn't find it.

Now that I have regained my senses, I turned my attention back to my home and prepared to rectify the north, only to find that there are many bastions of the same shape popping up in the north.

They thought it was built by the local people for self-protection, and they belonged to different owners. They didn't care at first, thinking that as long as these people don't make trouble, they can let them survive. After all, although they slaughtered the city, it is impossible If you kill all the people in the Central Plains, someone needs to be a second-class person to create wealth for them. After all, what is the purpose of fighting the country? Isn't it just to let the people live a good life? You have to find a way to create wealth by yourself. How hard it is, it is better to let these Central Plains people create wealth. When they need money, they will find some wealthy Central Plains people who don’t like it and kill them. Isn’t this rich?

Until some people from the Central Plains dynasty knew about the settlement of more than [-] refugees in the Anran Bastion, they were afraid that it would affect the major events of the new master. If the new master fell, life would be hard for traitors like them, so they I told the Xihu people about this situation, and only then did the Xihu people know that many bastions belonged to the same person.

The person who reported didn't know that An Ran was the owner of all the bastions in the Northland, but just knowing that many bastions belonged to the same person was enough to make the Xihu people vigilant, and immediately sent people to inquire.

Of course, the Xihu people will definitely not be sent to inquire, because the appearance of the Xihu people is different from that of the Central Plains people, so it is not easy to impersonate, so let those Central Plains people who are traitors go to inquire.

As a result, these people did not come back.

Of course, these people didn't come back, many of them were directly dealt with after An Ran found out the details of the other party.

For An Ran, you can be a coward, flee to the south, or even be a refugee, but if you are a traitor, helping the invaders beat your own people, she will never accept such a person, and she will definitely kill them , will not stay.

It is normal for An Ran to find out the details of these people.

Generally, newcomers have an observation period, but they don't know it.

During the observation period, it's fine if you don't go out. Once you go out, there is basically a problem, because most people don't think about going out when they come in;

In this way, these people will enter the key observation list of the base from the observation period. Once they enter the key observation list, unless they really did not do anything bad, if they do, they will definitely be discovered, and then they will be caught and killed. That's normal.

(End of this chapter)

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