Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3050 Desperate Counterattack 24

Chapter 3050 Desperate Counterattack 24
And this delay in going back and forth naturally gave Anran a chance to develop, allowing Anran's territory to grow bigger and bigger.

Of course, the Xihu people don't know that Anron is continuing to expand its territory, because Anron is not expanding its territory forward where they are staring, but in other directions. They don't know that all such bastions in the north are Anron Yes, I thought it belonged to someone else, so naturally I didn't know that the bastions under construction were safe, I just thought it was other rich landowners, seeing that the world was too chaotic, for self-protection.

Of course, most of the time they don't know that there is a new bastion being built, because they are few in number, and they can't see the vast countryside at all. I don't necessarily know this, after all, the ancient imperial power did not go to the countryside, so who knows what happened in the countryside, who built a dock.

Enron's building bastions in the countryside is actually another form of encircling the city from the countryside.

In fact, for An Ran, she does not need to occupy the city, because what she needs is the vast fields in the countryside. Enclosing these fields and building a bastion can not only ensure cultivation, so that the base will never be short of food, but also Being able to occupy territory is much more convenient than occupying cities.

Just as An Ran continued to expand its territory, the royal court of the Xihu people who were far away in the capital also received a letter from hundreds of miles away, saying that there was a rich man who built dozens of fortresses, and now thousands of people Soldiers and horses are unable to capture them. Do you want to send tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands of troops, to attack these forts?

When they first received these letters, the senior officials of Xihu Royal Court wanted to scold people, thinking that what was going on with their clansmen, they had only been in the Central Plains for two years, and they had degenerated so badly that even the Central Plains court could beat people before. Fleeing in the face of the wind, now even ordinary people can't beat Wubao?Is it because the past two years have enjoyed a lot of fun in the world outside, and the combat effectiveness has declined?

So after scolding the frontline personnel, they dispatched [-] soldiers from nearby to besiege Anran's bastion.

As a result, 1 people returned with heavy casualties after being beaten.

This time, Xihu royal court received more and more definite news.

It is said that Tang Anran's Wubao has a lot of arrows. When people come to the front, it is a thousand arrows, and the boys can't hold it.

The people above said that you can't catch some people from the Central Plains as cannon fodder and go to the arrow formation.

As a result, people said that the people in Wubao did not kill the Central Plains people, but once they entered the range of the arrow formation, they would kill them.

If they mixed with the Central Plains people and supervised their attacks, they would be able to shoot arrows, but in that case, their own people would also be shot to death by arrows.

Either way, it's tough to deal with.

And the opponent has a lot of arrows. When they attacked the capital before, the capital probably had a lot of arrows, but they have a small fort, and the arrows are not necessarily less than the capital. It is a steady stream. After fighting for a long time, the arrows Still shoot.

Moreover, those Wubao also cooperate with each other. When they attack the city, people from other Wubao will suddenly come out to attack them, and flee if they cannot fight.

The opponent has good horses and superb riding skills, and they can't catch up at all.

——Actually, An Ran is implementing the sixteen-character policy of guerrilla tactics. It doesn’t matter how many people can be killed. Anyway, it’s a little bit to kill ten people a day. After a long time, these Xihu people can’t bear it. After all, they There are few people, and every young man is cherished.

As for the An Ran faction, the reason why these people couldn't catch up was because An Ran sent special forces.

Among all the soldiers, pick the top ones.

He is skilled in riding skills and skilled in bow and horse. He quietly touches the enemy's vicinity, shoots a few arrows and runs away. When the enemy reacts, he relies on his good riding skills and the fact that he has a better understanding of the terrain than the enemy, so he ran far away earlier.

And when people relaxed their vigilance a little bit, they touched them again and shot a few more arrows. They harassed so frequently, even at night, that the Xihu people couldn't bear it.

Especially at night, there are only a few people on Anran's side, so they are not afraid of the roar of the camp, and it is dark at night. They are familiar with the terrain and can sneak around more conveniently.

But on the Xihu side, the army is gathered together. The special forces from Anran's side sneaked over, set a few fires, or threw some thunderbolts, or even knocked a few gongs, which was enough to wipe out the Xihu army. I couldn't sleep well, and even when I met for the first time, because of the thunder of thunder, the Xihu soldiers didn't know what happened, and they were frightened, and there was a camp roar. Many people died.

Under such attack from inside and outside, it would be strange if Xihu people could persist.

So [-] soldiers and horses retreated in less than ten days due to heavy losses and lack of sleep.

In fact, not many people died, and the casualties were probably thousands of people. For the Central Plains people, thousands of casualties are really not a big deal. Before, the refugees didn't know how many people starved to death every day.

But for the Xihu people with a population of only a few hundred thousand, life was unbearable. Seeing that there were thousands of casualties, they ran away quickly.

Back then when they fought against the Central Plains Dynasty, they mobilized the whole clan with a sigh of relief. Men, women, old and young all joined the battle, thinking that if they succeeded, they would live a better life in the future. If they failed, they would suffer heavy losses and flee back to the desert That's it.

Seeing that the Central Plains Dynasty had been beaten away, he was relieved.

Then, after living a good life in the Central Plains for the past two years, they regretted their lives and were unwilling to work so hard, so it was the reason why they couldn't bear the casualties of thousands of people at this moment.

If they hadn't lived in the colorful world of the Central Plains, they hadn't lived a good life, and those with bare feet were not afraid of wearing shoes, they would still fight hard, but now, after living a good life, they couldn't muster the courage to fight hard.

They used to think that if they couldn't beat them, they would go back to the desert, but now, they didn't want to go back at all, and they didn't want to die. Wouldn't their fighting power decline if they spared their lives?
Seeing that ten thousand soldiers passed by and returned after being defeated, Xihu Royal Court realized that something was wrong, and immediately paid more attention to Anran's bastion.

Once it is paid attention to, and a new, not completely corrupt regime is mobilized, the things that can be found will be considerable.

Of course, it was mainly Xihu people who moved into the capital. After the dynasty was established, many people from the Central Plains went to become officials. They brought with them the method of operation of the imperial court in the Central Plains. So at this moment, the political machinery started to start, and naturally it was very fast. I learned a lot of news.

They inquired about the news from various sources, and quickly clarified the origin of Tang Anran, the owner of Wubao.

Although An Ran lives in seclusion, but after the refugee war, An Ran has fought many battles with Xihu people, which has attracted the attention of all parties, so all parties must be digging for information about An Ran's identity.

There were people digging up information everywhere, lurking into the base, and after buying it with a lot of money, they naturally bought the exact news about Enron.

(End of this chapter)

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