Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3103 The woman with the live broadcast system 21

Chapter 3103 The woman with the live broadcast system 21
Soon it will be draft time.

In the beginning, it was a talent show for ordinary women, and when the selection was almost over, it was time for noble ladies to play.

An unengaged girl from the family of a senior member above the third rank and above of the right age in Beijing came to the palace in a carriage.

An Ran thought about the arrangements for herself in her heart.

She thought, entering the palace is actually a good choice, it is very suitable for her to provide for the elderly, otherwise she will not be selected, and she will have to work hard to find someone who can marry when she goes back, which is also embarrassing for Mrs. Changping Hou. Mrs. Pinghou chose one of them who could marry, not to make things difficult for her.

But one thing is, you can't be favored. It's best not to even need to serve the bed, because she has no interest in the emperor who has a lot of women. It's best to be a little transparent in the palace, so you don't have to worry about it. lifetime.

Although she has plans to enter the palace, An Ran does not intend to do anything, she intends to let nature take its course, and will not act extravagantly in order to enter the palace, so as not to really attract the emperor's attention, and then don't ask her to sleep with her.

Soon the emperor picked five noble girls, and the others were gone.

These five noble girls included An Ran.

The noble girl only picked five, but the commoner girl the emperor picked more than a dozen.

Seeing the emperor's behavior, An Ran understood that the current emperor is a lecher.

Although the noble girls are not ugly, they are not as good as the commoner women who are selected based on their color, so the dozen or so commoner women selected by the emperor are not as good as these noble women in temperament, but their appearance Indeed, all of them are stunning, no wonder the emperor liked them.

And this situation also made An Ran understand, no wonder the last Dragon Boat Festival, the few noble girls selected by the emperor, there is no splash at all, it must be their appearance, which does not suit the emperor's appetite.

At present, the most favored person in the palace is Fang Jieyu, who is said to be a maid of honor. It is said that she is a stunning beauty. If it is not because of her low birth, she may have been concubine or concubine.

The reason why An Ran was selected was naturally because she was considered pretty good-looking among these noble ladies, so she was selected.

That is to say, in fact, she doesn't need to do anything, as long as she looks good, she can be selected, and if she doesn't look good, she can't enter the palace even if she plays a little trick, because the emperor doesn't like it.

In fact, people, regardless of gender, are lustful, but many people, especially high-ranking people like the emperor, will try their best to hide their preferences, and there are very few people like this emperor who show their preferences for beauties.

Either someone who has absolute ability, feels like showing off his preferences, and doesn't have to worry about being used by others.

Or they are mediocre people who never thought about showing their preferences and doing them any harm.

And the new emperor is obviously not the former kind of person, so just looking at this, An Ran understands that this new emperor is of average level.

Hearing that An Ran was selected, Mrs. Changping Hou couldn't help crying uncomfortably, and began to worry whether her daughter would be bullied in the palace.

In fact, if An Ran hadn't been selected, she would have cried when she thought about how difficult it would be to find her daughter's marriage.

Of course, when the imperial decree came to the mansion to report the "good news", Mrs. Changping Hou naturally didn't dare to cry.

Although An Ran got the rank of Jieyu as soon as she entered the palace because of her birth, but she didn't get the chance to serve her bed. The emperor only looked for those stunning women.

And this is exactly what An Ran wants, she is not at all anxious like other noble ladies.

When the Marquis of Yongding heard that An Ran had been successfully selected and entered the palace, he was a little worried at first, fearing that An Ran would be favored and would trouble the Marquis of Yongding in the future. Like the stunning beauty of the people, she can't help but feel relieved, thinking that Chu Anran is out of drama, after all, she can't get a servant when she first enters the palace, and there will be more and more beauties in the future, so there will be no chance.

Not only did they think so, but also those noble ladies who came at the same time as An Ran thought so.

Although the ranks of the few of them are different, according to the background of each family, some are high, some are low, but...they have one thing in common, that is, none of them got a servant.

These days, the bed attendants are all those folk women.

Jealousy and jealousy, and even intrigues for the emperor's favor, etc., also happened among them, like An Ran and this group of noble ladies, because they didn't even have a chance to serve them, who would bother them, so these days, although those noble ladies She was very anxious because she didn't go to bed, but for An Ran, she felt very good, because her life was very peaceful.

So on this day, they inevitably gathered together to discuss what to do about this matter, because An Ran came at the same time as them, and in order to unite everyone, they called An Ran over, even though they felt that their treatment of An Ran I understand that An Ran's crying character is useless, but in order to unite everyone, he still called An Ran.

"I can't go on like this anymore. I have to find a way to serve the bed. Otherwise, there will be no chance to serve the bed now. In the future, once those women have a favored one, plus the beloved concubine Fang Jieyu who is already in the palace, they will occupy her." All the time is gone for us.”

"Not really, they won't occupy all the time. As long as His Majesty is willing to invite us to sleep, I don't believe that we are all cultivated by big families. It's better to attract His Majesty than those vulgar women."

An Ran secretly thought, it's not necessarily true, if the emperor was a Yan dog, he wouldn't look at what's inside, only look at appearance.

"Why not? Look at what happened to our seniors and those sisters who came in last year. You don't want to be transparent too, do you?"

"The matter is indeed urgent, but if His Majesty does not call for such a matter as sleeping, what can we do?"

"You can tell your family, let's work together to persuade His Majesty, maybe His Majesty will call us?"

"..." Hearing this, An Ran couldn't help but feel black lines, and secretly forced the emperor to summon you, maybe because she wanted to die sooner.

Fortunately, many people also understand that this method is inappropriate, so some people objected, saying: "Use this method only when it is absolutely necessary. First think about whether there are other methods."

Everyone thought hard, but they couldn't come up with a good solution.

This is also very normal, if the emperor doesn't want to summon them and they want to see Tianyan, it will be too difficult, otherwise if it is easy to see Tianyan, wouldn't everyone have the opportunity to see Tianyan.

It’s like the chance encounters that love to be written in ancient costume dramas. It’s unrealistic. When the emperor’s father and mother drive by, they are all hugged by the front and back, and there are also clear roads. If you want to meet by chance, you will be caught before you see the emperor The guards of Qinglu called to the side, otherwise, if everyone could meet the emperor by chance, then the emperor would not have to do anything every day, and deal with these people who pounce on him every day.

And if you meet by chance, if you are dishonest, you don't want to be called aside by the guards, and you plan to pester him, if you lose your manners in front of the imperial court and beat him to death, who would dare to meet you by chance.

(End of this chapter)

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