Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3140 Doomsday Rescue 3

Chapter 3140 Doomsday Rescue 3
Now that An Ran had spent all the tens of thousands of yuan she had saved, she approached the landlord to ask the landlord to cancel the rent.

Although this is a first-tier city—I used to work in the capital—but the house will be worthless in the future, because after the volcanic winter, people have nothing to eat, so they will sell the house for food.

In fact, many people have heard that a super volcano eruption will cause a volcanic winter, and after many years of being unable to grow crops, many far-sighted people have sold their houses to buy supplies.

A large number of people sold their houses, causing housing prices to collapse.

So Anran plans not to rent a house in the future, but waits for the right time to buy a house with materials to live in. This way, exchanging materials for a house can help people, and secondly, it is more convenient to store materials in one’s own house, so you don’t have to rent a house to put materials. Privacy.

That being the case, it is natural to withdraw the lease now.

The landlord saw that she had withdrawn the rent, and persuaded her to come, saying that the meteorite rain was all right, and it would be over when it was over, so she checked out the house, and when she came out of the air-raid shelter, wouldn't she have to rent the house again?Isn't that too much trouble?

An Ran said that she didn't know the situation after the meteorite rain, so it's better to only live until the end of this month, and let the landlord rent again.

Seeing that An Ran didn't listen to her persuasion, the landlord let it go and put the house up for rent again.

In fact, An Ran did not return the rent. In the original world, the landlord also had to take back the house and was going to sell it for goods.

However, the landlord was hesitant at first and didn't sell the house until the house price collapsed. He panicked, fearing that the price would fall too sharply and it would become worthless the longer he waited, so he prepared to sell it in exchange for supplies.

It’s just that Anran didn’t want to wait that long, so she directly refunded the rent and only lived until the end of this month. Anyway, it’s still the beginning of the month, and there’s still one month left until the end of the month. By then, the housing price will have collapsed and she can buy a suitable house.

An Ran is thinking that when she has her own house, and the supplies are kept secret, she will take out a lot of supplies to save people, and it will not be easy for people to find out.

She doesn't plan to go to other cities anymore, so she plans to stay in this city. After all, first-tier cities will still be first-tier cities in the future. There are many people, and it is convenient to save people. Small cities have fewer people, and many people will run away even after the apocalypse. When you go back to your hometown in the countryside, you may have to look for someone everywhere to save someone, which is inconvenient.

Then national policies in first-tier cities can be implemented as soon as possible, which is even better.

After all, in this world, she is not like in other mission worlds, where she has a hometown or something. If something goes wrong, she runs to her hometown. She is an orphan, so she can't talk about her hometown. Wherever she is, there is her home.

Besides, even if he had his hometown, An Ran still wanted to stay in the first-tier cities, because in the next six or seven years, it would be cold and hungry, and the situation in the first-tier cities would be better, while the environment in the smaller cities below would be even more dangerous. She can do anything, even if she practices martial arts, sometimes she can't prevent bullets, so it's better to be in a first-tier city.

In addition, this is the capital city. After the outbreak of the epidemic, the measures can be better. It is hard to imagine what the small cities below will be like.

After finishing these, when An Ran went to the air-raid shelter two days later, she only brought a backpack.

This is also normal, because the meteorite rain fell for a while, and it passed away. After the alarm was lifted, everyone could go home.

Although the coastal residents will have to hide for a while after the tsunami, the capital is not near the sea, so there is no need to worry about this, as they can go back after the meteorite rain.

The scariest thing was the news of the super volcano erupting afterwards, and people panicked, so they went to the air-raid shelter temporarily without carrying much stuff.

In the world of the original body, the original body didn't know about the situation of the meteorite rain, so she brought all the belongings she could bring with her, because she was afraid that the meteorite might accidentally hit the house she rented before and destroy her belongings Gone.

In fact, no, the air defense weapons on the capital side are good, basically they were intercepted and shattered, causing little damage.

That is to say, some small cities suffered from poor air defense and suffered disasters, resulting in the loss of some buildings.

Of course, everyone is okay, after all, they hid in the air-raid shelter ahead of time.

It can be said that the meteorite rain did not cause much loss to people.

Many people had the same thoughts as the original body, and they were also afraid that the meteorite would hit their home if they were not careful, so they took all their belongings with them.

Fortunately, in today's society, most people's money and other valuables are stored in mobile banking, and they don't even need to carry a passbook. That is, some people who like antiques are a bit troublesome at the moment. They have to pack them in large and small bags, like Ordinary young migrant workers like An Ran are similar to An Ran, except that they carry a bag.

At most, they were afraid of not having enough supplies, so some people got a suitcase and put a suitcase of food in it.

So most people don’t have much luggage, mostly a suitcase, but occasionally you can see people with big bags and small bags, most of them are people with a lot of jewelry or antiques at home. Of course, there are also a small number of people who are reluctant to pack Those who threw away the rice, flour, grain and oil at home took these things with them.

Although the air-raid shelter is very large, due to the large number of people, everyone is crowded together, and it is not easy to find a place to sit.

Fortunately, An Ran brought a small foldable mat, and when she arrived at the place, she found a fairly clean place, spread a poster on the ground, put the bag and the mat on it, and sat on the mat to rest against the bag.

Of course, it is said to be resting, but it is actually practicing martial arts. Ever since entering the mission world, An Ran has been practicing martial arts.

Whether it is for self-defense in the future, or for better health after the epidemic, anyway, practicing martial arts is always a good thing.

The others were similar to her and also sat down to rest, but most of them took out their mobile phones to play with them.

At the moment, everyone is not very scared. At most, they are worried that their home will be hit by a meteorite, causing huge property losses. After all, a flat in a first-tier city is very expensive. It would not be a pity if it was hit by a meteorite and turned into nothing. .

At the moment, many people gathered together to talk about this matter, and they all regretted not selling the house when the house price rose a while ago.

"At that time, housing prices were rising. I thought it could continue to rise, so I put it in my hands and didn't sell it. I didn't know that such a thing would happen. It's all right now. If one is unlucky, let alone the price increase. It's over."

"Don't worry, if the meteorite hits and the house becomes dangerous, the country will demolish it, right?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on the loss. The national loss is not large, and the country may demolish it. But if the loss is too large, how can the country get so much money for the demolition? The homeowner must bear some of it."

"Hey, just pray, pray that our house won't be smashed, it's a house with millions to tens of millions, I feel bad if it gets smashed."

While everyone was discussing, the meteorite rain came.

The capital is well protected against air, so although everyone felt some vibrations, they were not strong. It was obvious that they came from far away, and the local area was hardly hit by meteorites.

(End of this chapter)

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