Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3142 Doomsday Rescue 6

Chapter 3142 Doomsday Rescue 6
It's so cold, but fortunately there is heating in the north, so the house is still warm.

Although it is the end of the day, there will be a shortage of food in the future, but there will be no shortage of coal, and burning coal for heating is still affordable.

Some people may have said that the heating in the north is warm in this room, why the virus did not break out.

First, the volcanic ash has just floated over, and there is not much volcanic ash accumulated on the ground, and the sky is frozen and inactive, so how many viruses can there be.

Secondly, when most people come back from the outside, they will shake the ash outside the door before entering the house. After entering the house, they will wash their hands and face. After all, volcanic ash is not ordinary ash. As a result, there is basically not much virus on it, and after being washed, fewer people will be infected.

And even if the infection occurs, most people may think that they have a serious cold, thinking that there is too much volcanic ash in the doomsday, and the cold is severe, and they will not be able to breathe. The cold is more severe than in previous years, which is normal. , have respiratory diseases.

Coupled with the fact that most people healed themselves, only a very small number of people died, especially the young people died, and most of the old people died, so it was even more inconspicuous. I just thought it was caused by a severe cold.

Yes, this disease can usually be overcome by strong and healthy people, so at the beginning, everyone's physique is quite good, even the elderly, their physique is still good for a while, so few people get sick and die.

But after a few years, everyone was hungry and malnourished, and their physical fitness deteriorated, so the disease started to shake, and the death rate skyrocketed.

And this disease, you can’t be immune for a long time after you get it, just like a cold, you can be immune for a month or two at most, and you can get infected again. If you do this a few times, your body will get worse and worse, a vicious circle, and it will be more difficult to heal yourself.

This is also the reason why more and more people die in the original body world, and it is also the reason why the original body also died in the end.

She was originally young and the most able to carry it, but after a few years, her health got worse and worse, coupled with repeated infections, her body was worn down and she finally passed away.

Thinking of this, An Ran thought, she would buy two houses at that time, one house to live in, and the other house to open a gym for people to exercise, which can also save people.

Generally speaking, when the volcanic ash first came, because fewer people died and most of them were elderly, people generally thought they had caught a cold, and the symptoms were very similar to those of a cold, so no one paid special attention to it. It took a few years for the volcanic ash to dissipate, the temperature to rise, and the virus to become active, and the cause of the virus was discovered in various countries.

Of course, it is mainly related to the fact that after the volcanic eruption, countries have too many things to do, and the hospitals are quickly filled with sick people caused by volcanic ash and acid rain. , there are not so many patients, and patients with such a severe cold may immediately find something is wrong.

However, after the volcanic eruption, all kinds of strange diseases appeared, most of which were caused by volcanic ash or acid rain. The sporadic patients caused by these viruses were mixed in and were not conspicuous at all. normal.

Enron is naturally doing this to communicate with the high-level officials about the virus and let the high-level people know.

She pretended to be a doctor in the Department of Infectious Diseases, and wrote an email to the Xia Epidemic Prevention Center, saying that she had recently received some strange cold cases, which didn't feel like a cold, and whether there was something in the volcanic ash, she hoped the higher authorities could check it out.

An Ran concealed her IP address, so as not to be traced and found out that she was not a doctor.

Then, she kept staring at the movement over there, to see if they had received her letter, what would she do if she received it but didn't deal with it, and what would she do if she didn't receive it.

Because there were a lot of letters in the mailbox of the epidemic prevention center, An Ran gave them a reply period of one week to [-] days. If there was no movement from the epidemic prevention center after [-] days, she would proceed to the next step.

Enron didn’t use IT capabilities to arrange the letters to the front, so that they can see them quickly, because there is a time problem here—the emails are all sorted by time. When there is no eruption, this is unreasonable, so Enron only slightly advances the letter, and puts it in a position about seven days after the eruption. In this position, someone is infected by the virus and has an attack. It is possible to see a doctor. It is too early. It's all fake.

While waiting for the epidemic prevention center to find the mail, An Ran has been hiding in the house to practice martial arts because she has food and the house is not cold, and rarely goes out.

In order to prevent volcanic ash from floating into the house, Anran closed the doors and windows tightly, leaving only a little gap for ventilation, so as to minimize the amount of volcanic ash floating in.

Xiaguo’s side is not bad, there is not much volcanic ash, and some of the islands that are closer to that island have really thick volcanic ash. People have to go to the roof to remove the volcanic ash almost every day, lest the volcanic ash is too thick and damage the house.

At this time, the residents of the Xia Kingdom basically still have something to eat, so the state has not yet adjusted it, so they will distribute food to everyone.

But it has been notified that food supply will be carried out soon, with a monthly limit, and registration and purchase with ID card.

Yes, buy. After all, the country’s material reserves are not blown by strong winds. They are all distributed for free. The country is about to form a huge deficit, so it is necessary to spend money to buy, but the cost of money is just a matter of meaning. The expensive price on the website is naturally different.

Then each community began to count the population, probably to see how many people there are in the capital right now, so that the higher-ups can know it well, and the materials adjusted by then will be enough for everyone to distribute.

Although it is distributed, in fact, there is not much that can be bought every month, because the high-level officials already know that this volcanic winter will last at least six or seven years. It will not be high either. In this way, the country must consider the long-term, so even if the country has a lot of reserves at the moment, it does not dare to spend lavishly. Instead, all materials must be divided into seven or eight years.

And no matter how much the national reserve is, how much can it be shared in a day if it is divided into seven or eight years?

If the original reserve can be used for two years, it will be used for eight years now, and the daily weight is a quarter of the previous one.

A quarter of the weight, the common people will naturally be hungry.

So in the first one or two years, some people relied on their own savings, and some relied on the money from selling houses to buy from the market. If you can buy it, you can only rely on the country, so you can't support it slowly.

And some who didn't realize the serious consequences at the beginning, and didn't store a large amount of supplies, couldn't hold on earlier.

Therefore, people who decisively hoard a large amount of supplies from the very beginning are still smart.

Especially those who lowered the house price to the bottom line at the beginning and took the opportunity to sell it can be regarded as a big profit.

(End of this chapter)

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