Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3161 Doomsday Rescue 29

Chapter 3161 Doomsday Rescue 29 (End)

The days after that were pretty smooth, probably because God had done such a big job for human beings before, and they had to recuperate for a while before starting, so there were no natural disasters in the next few decades.

As for man-made disasters, since we have just recovered from suffering for many years, everyone just wants to live a quiet life for the time being, and they don't want to fight.

Since several big countries do not want to fight, the world has been peaceful for decades, only some small countries are still making troubles, but the impact is not great.

So An Ran successfully completed the task and returned to the real world.

Because there is a task progress for this task, and you can see the progress of the task clearly, so when you go back safely, you don't need to look at it, you will know that you have completed the task.

In fact, the task in this world is not difficult to complete. As long as you tell the country about the virus in the volcanic ash in time, the country will find a way to save people. In this way, the task is not difficult to complete. I don’t know why so many people did not take this task.

Not to mention that they don't know computer skills, they can't convey this news to the high-level secretly. It is impossible for those who can accept purple-level tasks to not have powerful computer skills. She also has great computer skills.

An Ran asked the system why, the system saw that she had already completed the task, so it was okay to talk about it, and said: "Generally people don't like to take on tasks that cannot be controlled by themselves, because they are uncertain, and they are easy to fail. Like you said, What if Xia Guo's high-level officials didn't listen to it, or what happened? Also, what other countries think, who knows, what if some countries want to use this virus to bring down other countries? Uncontrollable factors There are too many, so some people would rather take some missions to avenge the original body than take such missions with too many uncontrollable factors."

Once the system said this, An Ran understood why, and was no longer confused.

After figuring this out, An Ran began to watch the unfinished plot.

There are endless stories in this world.

According to the unfinished plot introduction, after the death of the original body, people continue to die in this world every day.

Fortunately, countries are aware of the virus in volcanic ash, so they all try to deal with volcanic ash and disinfect it.

It’s just different from how volcanic ash is handled in Enron World. In Enron World, when dealing with volcanic ash, it’s still in the winter of the volcano. The weather is cold and the volcanic ash virus is not active, so it’s safe to handle.

In the original world, when the volcanic ash virus was discovered, the temperature had risen and the volcanic ash virus was already active. It would be much more difficult to deal with the volcanic ash at this time.

But no matter how difficult it is, it has to be dealt with, otherwise it will not be a problem to let them float outside and spread the virus everywhere.

In addition, people know that volcanic ash is poisonous, so they dare not grow crops. In this way, even if the volcanic winter is over and there is sunshine, if people dare not grow crops, food will still not be available, and people will continue to starve. no.

So no matter how difficult the volcanic ash is to deal with, it must be disposed of.

Dealing with volcanic ash has come at a cost.

As for vaccines and therapeutic drugs, the progress is much slower than that of Enron World. There is no way. Several years of volcanic winter caused the technology to regress and productivity could not keep up.

During the research period, many people died.

When the volcanic ash is cleared and the vaccine comes out, I don't know how many people will die.

Not only those who were infected with the virus died, but also those who died of starvation. Because of the volcanic ash virus before, people did not dare to grow crops, so even if the sun came out, everyone did not dare to go to the field and continued to receive supplies from the state. How much supply can there be? Although people have been organized to plant a little bit, it is still not enough, and they continue to be hungry. It is different from Anran World, which resumes food production as soon as the sun comes out.

Almost ten years have passed since then. Many people died in the volcanic winter. In the later period, the virus and continued starvation, coupled with malnutrition, also killed many people.

Later, the effect of the vaccine finally improved, therapeutic drugs were available, and food production resumed. It was a long time later, and at this moment, more than half of the world's population has disappeared.

During this period, wars were also mixed in. Because of the plague and famine that led to food grabbing wars, in the original world, some countries with better control but weaker forces were forced to get involved and suffered. This has never happened in the world of Enron. Yes, because of the Enron world, most countries know that volcanic ash has viruses, so they have made preparations in advance and cleaned up the volcanic ash. Therefore, it is a small number of small countries that are in turmoil, but all countries that are similar are good.

When there are only a small number of turbulent countries in the world and they are small countries, generally there will be no big waves; and when there are a large number of turbulent countries in the world, and there are not only small countries but also larger countries, the flames of war will naturally burn very quickly. wide.

This is the difference between the two worlds.

An Ran saw this, and secretly thought that the original body sent this mission, it was still useful, at least it saved most people in this world, if there is merit in the world, the original body has done a great meritorious deed.

After watching the unfinished plot, An Ran practiced for another three months, and then continued to do the task.


"Miss, are you wearing the Eight Treasures Emerald Hairpin or the Plum Blossom Glass Hairpin today?"

An Ran's gaze slowly focused, and after hearing the maid's question again, An Ran knew that she had come to the mission world and said, "Let's go with the plum blossom glass hairpin."

Then the maid Meihua inserted the plum-blossom glazed hairpin into An Ran's hair.

Looking at the person in the bronze mirror, An Ran began to guess what was going on in this world.

According to the original body, she has been reborn. Every time she gets married, she will be reborn at the age of 13. Before she is engaged, someone will propose marriage to her. After the marriage proposal, she will get married. After marriage, she Will go back to 13 years old.

At first, as an ancient person, she didn't know what rebirth was, she only knew that she kept returning to the age of 13.

It wasn't until she came to the system world that she realized that such a situation was called rebirth, so she asked the tasker to figure out why she kept being reborn, and after she figured it out, see if she could stop the rebirth.

This task seems to be difficult, because it is orange, it seems that it is not easy to prevent the rebirth.

An Ran also has more life points now, so she thought about it before picking it up.

If it can be completed, it can increase a lot of life points, which is good, but if it can't be completed, there will be enough life points to deduct.

But he said that he has been reborn all the time. At the beginning, the original body still felt quite fresh, thinking about the regrets in his previous life, and trying to make up for it.

But after being reborn several times, what should be made up has been made up, and the future development that she can recite day after day makes her gradually tired of such a life, and she doesn't want to live like this again.

But when she didn't want to live like this anymore and wanted to live forever, she found that no matter what, she couldn't break through the restriction of being reborn as soon as she got married.

(End of this chapter)

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