Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3174 Constantly Refreshing World 13

Chapter 3174 Constantly Refreshing World 13
However, now that Mrs. Fang has been promoted to the second rank and squeezed into the upper class, her status is much higher than before, and she doesn't have to worry about getting along with An Ran, and she will suffer in her husband's house, because she doesn't need to rely on An Ran now. The relationship with Chu's family is established in her husband's family, and she only needs to rely on her father.

After all, the marriage that Mr. Fang picked for him back then was the best condition among the proposers, but at that time Fang's family was no more than the fourth grade, and she was a concubine daughter. No matter how good the conditions were, she was still a similar family. Fang's family is naturally not as good as it is. In this way, now that she is married to the other's family, how dare the other's family do anything to her, I'm afraid it's too late to flatter her.

On the contrary, Fang Sanniang is dissatisfied with the conditions of her husband's family. However, the marriage has been decided, and she can't just quit the marriage just because her father ascended to a high position, and then find a good one. After all, if she does that, others will know her character, and she No matter how the conditions of the family get better, they can't pick good ones, because the conditions of the Fang family are similar to those of the current Fang family. They are all high-ranking officials and nobles, and some are good girls. Girl.

Although it is difficult to marry someone with better conditions, it does not prevent Fang Sanniang from changing her attitude towards An Ran.

So after Elder Fang was promoted, Fang Sanniang became much colder towards An Ran, and no longer flattered her as before.

As for Mrs. Fang's private house, she didn't say that she would not give it to Mr. Fang, because now Mr. Fang's status is much higher than her natal family's. If she dares to continue to fight against her son, she doesn't have to go to her in-law's house to complain , Let her husband's family clean up her mother's house, and her son will be able to clean up.

In this way, Fang Sanniang didn't have to curry favor with An Ran, but Mrs. Fang didn't dare to say anything about taking back her private house.

So after the Fang family was promoted, probably this was the point that made Fang Sanniang dissatisfied.

After all, she heard that the old lady made no less than 10 taels of silver in the public office. If she can't get such a lot of property, can she not feel depressed?

Especially not long after the new emperor ascended the throne, when it was time for mourning for the late emperor, the Fang and Chu families discussed the date of the marriage. Seeing that the family prepared so much dowry for An Ran, it is estimated that many of them were obtained from the old lady. The old lady made it there, where did the government get so much money, Fang Sanniang was even more upset when she saw it.

It's just that no matter how upset she was, she had no choice but to watch helplessly as the family prepared the dowry for An Ran.

An Ran's delay of the wedding went smoothly.

With the success of the second prince in the dream team before, this time An Ran said that it is not good to get married at a certain time in her dream, and a certain time is better. Mrs. Fang and Mr. Fang have already firmly believed in her dream, so they are naturally talking to Chu When the family discussed the wedding date, they delayed the wedding date a little bit, but the Chu family didn't notice anything wrong.

Seeing that the wedding date was successfully postponed, An Ran was relieved and concentrated on studying the matter of terminating the rebirth.

From the perspective of the game, how can it not be refreshed? During this period of time, An Ran thought about it for a long time, and then thought of some methods.

In addition to the hard-to-achieve travel through different dimensions, go to the world of making games and shut down the game, there are other ways to stop the game, and you can do it without going to another dimension. For example, the game is not fun, there is no People are willing to play.

And why is the game not fun?

Boring is a kind of boring. It feels boring. After playing for a while, you don’t want to play. It is estimated that the possibility of people playing again is very low.

In this case, the original body should not be refreshed, because judging from the situation of the original body, unless she intentionally does not marry the player and makes the player fail to pass the level, otherwise a successful marriage is considered a rebirth, that is, if Players just play casually for a while and stop playing, and the original body will not be reborn.

There is another situation where players won't play anymore.

For example, this game is very difficult to pass the level. After hearing this, many people have no patience to play, so they don't plan to play. After all, playing games is a pastime, not being entertained by the game.

It makes the game very difficult, but for An Ran, it is not difficult at all - after getting engaged and before getting married, even if you have to practice martial arts again after refreshing, after practicing for two years, you should have a small success, as long as you can escape Just a silhouette.

Perhaps Fang's family would consider Li Daitao stiff because of their reputation, and send someone to pretend to be her to complete the wedding, but the player must know that the mission was not completed.

This is more convenient than what the original body did, choosing someone else to marry, after all, once you run away, you don't have to think about any tricks, it's the easiest and cheapest.

Every time a player comes, she does this. After a long time, players will know that this game is difficult to complete, and they may not like to play.

In this way, just like the previous one, even if it is not possible for everyone not to play, the number of people who will play will definitely decrease. After all, there will always be some novelty hunters who want to see how hard a difficult game is.

But these methods, because players don't want to play, Anron is afraid that the game official will not only stop the service, but also delete the game directly, and the world will not collapse by then, so Anron plans to use it with caution.

If this situation cannot be used, An Ran has to think about why the original body was not reborn the last time, but left this world and went to the system space.

Because the original body also wanted to understand this matter, the last experience of the original body was still relatively clear in the memory of the original body due to repeated reflections.

Like dozens of times before, this time, another young man of extraordinary background proposed marriage to Yuanshen, and everything was the same as before.

The original body is really tired of living this kind of life all the time. Although rebirth is equivalent to longevity in disguise, can we live for a few more years, not to mention living until old and then rebirth, at least 20 years more is good. .

If he can be reborn every 20 years, the original body feels that this life is pretty good, after all, most people are still willing to rejuvenate every 20 years.

However, it is too boring to repeat it once every three years. It is such a period of life that goes back and forth, and it will get tired after a long time.

The original body was really tired, so I went to Huguo Temple to make a wish, saying that even if I was reborn, could I be reborn once every 20 years? What a mistake last time.

As a result, after going back to sleep, I went to the system space.

Although there is no more rebirth, this is not what the original body wanted. When the original body said that the rebirth was terminated, it meant that he could live forever, rather than just stop living.

Because the original body made a wish in the Huguo Temple and went to the system space, An Ran often went to the Huguo Temple to see if there was any supernatural power in this Huguo Temple.

But didn't see it.

It's just an ordinary temple, and there are no people with cultivation levels in it - in fact, it can be seen from the system mall that there are no spirit stones for sale in this world, which means that there are no monks in this world - just ordinary monks At most, it is a royal temple, and the level of Zen masters in it is much higher than that of monks in ordinary temples.

(End of this chapter)

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