Chapter 3210 Harem 13
After An Ran was promoted to a seventh-rank talented person, there were more maids and eunuchs waiting for her. It is public. That’s because when her status was low, she didn’t live in the courtyard alone. It was a large courtyard, divided into the main room and the left and right wing rooms. Those with a slightly higher status lived in the main room, and the left and right wing rooms. Lower status.

These low-ranking concubines had very few chances to be favored. Even if they did, the emperor would not come to such a cramped place, but let them go to the emperor's bedroom and come back when they were done.

Anran lived in this kind of yard until the seventh rank, and after reaching the seventh rank, Anran moved out of that yard. Only then did she have her own yard, and she didn't have to share the same yard with other people, which also reduced a lot of disputes.

You know, people living in Concubine Cao's courtyard, in addition to those selected by Empress Liu for Concubine Cao to monitor, there are also those who are dependent on Concubine Cao. These people who are dependent on Concubine Cao will naturally listen to Concubine Cao's arrangement and cause trouble for An Ran.

So in the past, An Ran not only had to guard against the people sent by Empress Liu to harm her, but also had to guard against the troubles from the people in the courtyard.

But now that she has been promoted to a seventh-rank talent, after moving into a separate courtyard, at least she doesn't have to worry about the people in the courtyard looking for her, which will save her a lot of worry.

But don't worry about the low-level concubines in the courtyard making trouble for her, you have to worry about her own people attacking her.

In the past, there were few people, so it was difficult to be bribed, but now that there are more people waiting, the chance of being bribed is naturally higher.

An Ran knew this, even if she didn't read the memory of the original body, she knew this.

So she naturally knew what Concubine Cao would do next.

It's just that although it is clear that self-protection is not a problem, it is really difficult to catch Concubine Cao, because she also cherishes her life, so the person who arranges it will definitely not confess her. Suicide in fear of guilt.

And An Ran naturally doesn't want to keep killing some small shrimps, and then the mastermind behind the scenes can't clean up. In this way, it is useless to kill more small shrimps, because small shrimps are worthless, and if one dies, there will be another one. If Concubine Cao is killed, Empress Liu will suffer a heavy loss if she loses one of her generals. After all, not everyone who flatters Empress Liu is as reliable as Concubine Cao. Although many people also curry favor with Empress Liu, Empress Liu If they want them to kill, they might have to think about it, not as fast as Concubine Cao promised.

Therefore, people like Concubine Cao are Empress Liu's confidantes, and it is only useful if they are killed. Other court ladies and eunuchs, no matter how many people are killed, they will be replenished immediately.

But it is not easy to get rid of Concubine Cao, just like the original body, who was promoted to the fourth rank in the end, but even after reaching the fourth rank, he still couldn't kill Concubine Cao. If you bully and bully other concubines, you will not do fatal things on the face, so that people will not be able to catch her.

That is, before Yuanshen's sudden death, someone shared a strategy to deal with Concubine Cao. Yuanshen wanted to use it at the time, but he died before he could use it.

Now that An Ran knew about this strategy, she naturally wanted to try it, but she didn’t know if it would be useful if she used it now, or whether she should postpone it until the time when that strategy appeared.

As early as when she lived in Concubine Cao's palace, An Ran knew this strategy to get rid of Concubine Cao. The reason why it was useless before was naturally because it was used too early and it was useless.

This strategy related to Concubine Cao was also accidentally discovered by that player.

That player is a person who is good at observing clues. In order to get rid of Cao Concubine, she kept staring at Cao Concubine, and then found a strange thing——Cao Concubine had a maid brought from home beside her, although she was not particularly tall. Tall, just a little taller than ordinary maids, not special, but the player still found that the person was not a woman, but a man.

Although the maid covered up the position of her Adam's apple, she wasn't particularly tall, and her appearance was still pretty, so it wouldn't make people think that it was a man.

But that player happened to be a forensic doctor, and she could tell the difference between male and female. After careful observation, after confirming this fact, the player secretly told the emperor about it.

The emperor's eyebrows were almost green when he heard that, and immediately secretly sent someone to investigate the matter, it was true.

It turned out that Concubine Cao was anxious when she saw that she was not pregnant, so she planned to ask outsiders for "help".

After she told her family about this idea, her family naturally supported her, and she didn't want to find outsiders, for fear that the other party would accidentally say it out, which would be risky.

In the end, she was looking for a certain man from the clan, who entered the palace to help her have a child, so that she would have a son by her side and someone to rely on in the future.

At the same time, it would be even better if the prince she gave birth to was promising and ascended to the Great Treasure, because that would be equivalent to, quietly, replacing the emperor of the Zhou family with his own emperor. In the future, his own children and grandchildren will rule the world Isn't it beautiful.

Who knew it would be discovered.

After confirming, the emperor executed Concubine Cao and the fake maid without any action from that player.

This guide should be useful, but the only pity is that the player makes money by selling the guide, so which girl is the fake girl, that player has set permissions, and only those who bought the permissions with money can view them. The picture of the fake maid is invisible to ordinary people.

Yuanshen hadn't bought the photos at the time, because she wanted to observe first to see which one was the fake maid, but unfortunately, she hung up before it even started.

Now it's An Ran's turn, An Ran naturally doesn't know who that fake maid is.

She observed carefully, and with her eyesight, she didn't even see which one was a fake maid.

And if she didn't recognize it, she could only wait for the Raiders to show up. She spent money to buy photos to find out. After all, she can't report to the emperor indiscriminately. Once it is found out that the person she reported is normal, it will be a disaster. up.

So this is also the reason why An Ran didn't report it right away, because she was still identifying the fake maid.

Up until now, she hasn't seen anything wrong, An Ran thought, either her own eyesight is poor, or the girl hasn't appeared yet.

An Ran felt that the latter option was more likely, because she didn't believe that she couldn't recognize an ancient man disguised as a woman.

Since no fake maid was found, An Ran naturally did not use this strategy before.

But at this moment, An Ran thought, if Concubine Cao got more and more troublesome for her, she would have to consider this strategy.

Of course, the first task now is to find out the man who disguised himself as a woman, otherwise she won't be able to use this strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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