Chapter 3222 Harem 25
Fortunately, God blesses, Empress Liu has been in the palace for so many years, but has never had a child.

He was conceived once before, and he was terrified. As a result, Empress Liu was pregnant with a child, but she still maintained her greed all the time, unwilling to give up the power of the Six Palaces.

Since that time, Empress Liu was injured and has never been pregnant, which made the emperor feel relieved.

Empress Liu didn't know her family's request to push forward, which made the emperor fear and loathe them. Now Empress Liu saw that the emperor would not accept her concession, so she had no choice but to watch how long she was imprisoned in Anran , the emperor did not come to her for a long time.

She also said before that she would teach those who follow the wind a lesson, but now it’s okay, it’s counterproductive, people see that the emperor treats her like this for the sake of Anran, and makes her suffer, so she probably will turn to Anran even more. Thinking of this, Empress Liu couldn't help but feel bad, thinking that the emperor liked Yu Anran so much, so much that he treated her like this, which made her hate Anran even more, thinking about what to do to kill Anran.

And the Empress Dowager Yu saw that the emperor made troubles against Empress Liu, which became related to Empress Liu’s confinement—although Empress Liu was still free to move, but the emperor did not go to her place, which was actually equivalent to the emperor’s confinement of her—couldn’t help but feel greatly Carefree, thinking about the bitch today, let you still dare to talk about Shi, if you dare to shut down, the next time the emperor will not go to your place, thinking about what happened this time, Empress Liu will not dare to shut down Anran casually in the future.

This is a good thing, so the queen mother is naturally happy.

Different from the gunpowder between the emperor, Empress Liu, and Empress Dowager outside, An Ran was imprisoned in confinement, and her life was actually very happy, because after confinement was closed, she didn’t have to greet anyone, and she didn’t need to contact Empress Liu, so she would save time. A lot of trouble, so she has time to play a copy.

Although playing the dungeon does not affect the timeline of this world, but when I was busy, sometimes I was not in the mood to play the dungeon.

Now that I'm not busy, I'm in the mood to make a dungeon when I'm free.

It's good to make a copy, and you can also sell things to make money.

If it’s not for the mission of the original body, make yourself have to clear this game. Otherwise, just playing the game, no matter whether you pass the level or not, is quite interesting. Many players even make money in this game. After all, if you don’t care about levels and If you pass the customs, you can play dungeons every day, sell materials, and occasionally get a certificate to get some rewards from the country. It is not a problem to live.

So An Ran feels that people in this era still live a comfortable life, and they can really do nothing without starving to death.

Like the real world of Enron, as long as people are willing to work part-time, they can basically survive starvation, but they still have to do things. This world is different. You can live by playing games, and you don’t need to use playing games as your job. After all, playing games For work, I also feel that playing games is very hard and not fun, but in this world, I can survive by selling some materials occasionally, coupled with state subsidies.

Although playing games in the real world can also make a living, there is no formal trading channel, and accidents are prone to happen. Whether it is selling accounts or materials, it is easy to have money accounts or money and materials. In this world, the built-in game In the trading channel, players can use credit points to buy materials, and even buy accounts, which is very convenient.

This is a huge benefit of working with robots.

Of course, national welfare also needs to keep up. Otherwise, only robots will be used to work and ordinary people will not be given benefits. Then ordinary people will not be able to grab the jobs of robots, and they will starve to death, and the world will be in chaos.

Just like this world, in the country where the original body is located, it is a very good welfare for the people to study in the holographic world, test their degrees, and get rewards. It can not only get money for the people, but also allow them to learn things. When you need to work, you can also quickly get started doing things in reality, killing two birds with one stone.

In addition to playing dungeons, An Ran also watches the forum to see how other people are progressing, but who has already cleared the level.

But it's a pity that her Zhaoyi is quite tall at present. After all, she has the memory of her original body, so she advances faster, which is normal.

An Ran sees that there is no better strategy for the time being, so let it go, and prepare to slowly upgrade.

Soon, Enron's confinement period ended.

As soon as it was over, the emperor promoted An Ran to the third rank concubine in order to anger Empress Liu.

That is the position of Concubine Cao before.

Zheng Sanpin is also a concubine, but with a title, like Cao concubine, who is called a concubine with a surname, and the one with a title is a higher rank.

From the second rank concubine, there is no title; from the second rank concubine, there is a title; from the first rank imperial concubine, there is no title;

Further up is the super-grade imperial concubine and empress.

It may be nondescript, but in this game world, this is how it is set.

After conferring on the concubine, the emperor gave An Ran a place to live—at the concubine level and above, the emperor would sometimes personally give his favorite concubine a place to live. If the emperor did not personally give a place to live, the queen would arrange it.

The emperor just took advantage of An Ran, so naturally he didn't like it, but in order to anger Empress Liu, he deliberately pretended to like An Ran, and personally gave An Ran a residence.

Needless to say, the emperor's actions really made Empress Liu very angry.

Not to say that Empress Liu was angry, but at the moment, the emperor didn't like Cao Concubine's affair with someone in Jiyue Hall, and thought that place was unlucky, so he changed An Ran to Mingguang Hall, which was closer to him.

Of course, doing this is not because she really likes An Ran, but to anger Empress Liu.

An Ran became the main seat of Mingguang Hall.

Because there was no main seat in Mingguang Hall before, there were no people living here before.

Now that An Ran has moved in, Empress Liu couldn't care less about being angry at the emperor's promotion and conferment on An Ran, so she immediately let the low-ranking concubines in the Jiyue Hall move into Mingguang because the master position of Jiyue Hall had been vacant for a long time. Palace, I'm afraid that the Queen Mother will interfere in this matter and let someone who is not her move in.

Because most of the low-ranking concubines in Jiyue Hall belonged to Empress Liu, she gave this order in order to continue to monitor An Ran.

This includes Song Cairen who wronged the Anran Palace before.

When Song Cairen received this order from Empress Liu, he was not as active as he was when he wronged the Anran Palace a few months ago.

In the past few months, Song Cairen waited for the people in the palace, but they could see Empress Liu's sternness - the emperor didn't go to her for several months, and she had nothing to do.

However, the previously promised promotion to her was not realized due to the stiff relationship between Empress Liu and the emperor. After all, it was said that she could ask Empress Liu to be promoted, but in fact Empress Liu also wanted to discuss it with the emperor. In the past, when Empress Liu mentioned it, the emperor agreed, but now, when the two were in a stalemate, Empress Liu would not dare to promote her own status, so the matter of promoting her was delayed. .

(End of this chapter)

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