Chapter 3231 Harem 34
As a result, Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu agreed to let people in, but the emperor disagreed, which made Empress Liu dumbfounded.

But she did not dare to oppose the emperor on the surface, so if the emperor doesn't allow people to come in, it's okay for Empress Liu. After all, she can't force the emperor to accept someone as a concubine. Then the emperor will think that she is not gentle and considerate enough, so what can I do? !Although she did a lot of bad things, they were all done in private, and the emperor didn't find out (she thought), on the surface, she was still the most respectful empress in the world, so naturally she couldn't do such things to please the emperor.

Seeing that the emperor refused to let her niece enter the palace, the queen mother naturally couldn't accept it, but she didn't dare to force the emperor to accept it, so the matter had to be left alone.

But she didn't want to accept such a result, so Miss Yu still entered the palace at the moment—the Empress Dowager Yu called Miss Yu into the palace and lived in her palace on the grounds that she missed her natal family and wanted to talk to her family.

The Empress Dowager was thinking, first lead the niece into the palace, let the emperor see her more often, her niece is young and beautiful, the emperor may like it when she sees it, and if good things happen at that time, the emperor will be able to call her in palace.

When the emperor heard about this, he couldn't help sneering.

No matter how beautiful she is, it's useless for her to kill her mother, and he can't share her life with her, so it's impossible for him to like it, okay?

Not mentioning the emperor's thoughts, but saying that Yu's father and mother heard that the Cheng'en mansion sent a concubine to the palace to run for election. Needless to say, they also understood what the Cheng'en mansion and the Queen Mother were planning. It's nothing more than wanting to send the girl into the palace and compete with An Ran for favor.

Hearing the news for the first time, Yu's father and mother hated Cheng'en Gongfu and the Empress Dowager, thinking of the Yu Empress Dowager and Cheng'en Gongfu, it was really disgusting, and they planned to beat their own family members .

Fortunately, the emperor objected later and refused to let them in, so Yu father and mother felt more comfortable. The secret way made you ambitious. Now it’s all right, and you can’t even enter the palace gate. Let’s see what you can do!

Afterwards, I saw that Cheng Engong's mansion and Queen Mother Yu still didn't give up. Even if the draft was not successful, they even changed the way to get people into the palace. Yu's father and mother were worried that they wouldn't really get their way. After all, these days, men's Heart, like the weather in June, but it can change as soon as it is said; on the other side, it is natural to hate the people in Cheng'en government even more.

Because he hated the people in Cheng'en's mansion, Yu's father sometimes troubled the people who worked in the court of Cheng'en's mansion.

That's right, although Duke Cheng'en's mansion has a title, there is only one person with the title. The other children still have to work hard on their own, so some people work in the court.

It is said that they struggled on their own, but in fact it was arranged by the Queen Mother, otherwise, according to the situation that they did not pass the Jinshi examination, they would not be able to get work at all.

Of course, because he didn't pass the Jinshi exam, his official position is not high, especially because Liu Shoufu asked someone to clean him up before, so his official position was even lower.

Because the official position is very low, depending on my father's current position, I can also trouble them.

Being troubled by Yu's father, the people in Cheng'en Gong's mansion were naturally angry, but at this moment they were unable to clean up Yu's father. Of course, even if they did, they would not dare. After all, Yu's father was in the heart of the emperor, and he was the emperor. Those who are covered, how dare they do anything to him.

So no matter how angry you are, you can only endure it.

On the contrary, the emperor was very happy when he heard about it. After all, the emperor hated the Queen Mother Yu and the Queen Mother Yu's natal family who might have killed his biological mother. Not sure about it, so he can do nothing but endure it.

Now seeing Father Yu's troubles with the Empress Dowager's natal family, he was naturally happy to relieve him.

In fact, he had always hoped that the Liu family would join forces with the Empress Dowager's family, so that he could benefit from it. After all, the Empress Dowager's family was not as powerful as the Liu family. Anyway, it used to be the Queen's family, and it managed some influence. The Liu family and them Doing it against each other, let's not say that both sides will suffer, but it will definitely cause serious injuries to the Empress Dowager's natal family, and the Liu family will also suffer losses.

And no matter which side has a loss, it is good news for the emperor.

It's a pity that Liu Shoufu is an old fox, and he doesn't take action against the Empress Dowager's natal family easily, that is, he was annoyed last time, so he cleaned up the Empress Dowager's natal family a little.

The emperor knew why Liu Shoufu didn't do anything, because he didn't want to fight with the empress dowager's natal family, suffer losses, and finally benefit his political opponents.

Because the queen mother may have killed her biological mother, but she has not been able to take action against the queen mother and Duke Cheng'en's mansion, and the Liu family has not helped to do so, so the emperor has been aggrieved all these years, so look at it now Father Yu was naturally happy to find trouble with Duke Cheng'en's mansion.

But in the palace, Empress Liu saw that the Empress Dowager Yu still thought of a way to bring her niece into the palace, she couldn't help sneering contemptuously, thinking that the Empress Dowager Yu would do everything to repair her relationship with Her Majesty. .

I knew it now, why bother at the beginning.

She heard from her mother that according to the information obtained by Liu Shoufu and others, the mother of His Majesty was probably killed by the Queen Mother.

Although Gong Dou was always so cruel, since he did it that day, he had to accept the consequences of doing it.

Now that His Majesty has ascended the throne, knowing this, it is not good for her, and she can't stand it anymore, trying to find a way to repair the relationship with the emperor. How is this possible? It's useless to fix it.

So at this moment, Empress Liu saw that Empress Dowager Yu had brought her niece from her natal family into the palace, so she didn't like her at all. After all, Miss Yu was not the same as Yu Anran.

Yu Anran is the girl in the next room of the Empress Dowager Yu's natal family, and has a distant relationship with the Empress Dowager Yu, so it is possible that the emperor did not vent his anger.

However, Miss Yu who is entering the palace now is the Empress Dowager's niece. When the emperor saw her, he remembered that his biological mother was killed by Miss Yu's aunt. In this way, can the emperor calm down?Naturally, it is impossible for him to have the mood to pamper her like he did to An Ran. After all, the revenge of killing his mother is irreconcilable, how could he still have the mood to pamper the enemy's niece.

So although Miss Yu was brought into the palace by Empress Dowager Yu, Empress Liu felt as An Ran guessed that she would do nothing like this.

This is why Empress Liu didn't kill Miss Yu when the Empress Dowager let her into the palace, because she didn't like her at all.

Just as An Ran thought, on this day, when the emperor greeted the Empress Dowager Yu, Miss Yu, who was standing by the side, went forward to greet the emperor with a blushing face.

"I have met Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!"

I have to say that the girl's beautiful face was flushed with blush, which is really beautiful.

The emperor might be tempted to change someone else, but Miss Yu is not someone else, but the niece of the empress dowager's natal family. She killed her mother and killed her mother. No matter how beautiful Miss Yu is, the emperor will not give birth to the slightest love for her. read.

So the emperor just nodded coldly and left.

(End of this chapter)

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