Chapter 3244 Harem 47
When he was happy, the emperor was afraid that Anran's pregnancy might go wrong. After all, Empress Liu had had a miscarriage before, and he was afraid that Anran's pregnancy would be unstable. Therefore, after Anran became pregnant, the emperor immediately sent people to surround Anran's palace. Get up, and even a fly can't fly in.

Then they emptied the low-ranking concubines in the Anran Palace and drove them away, so as not to be distracted by too many people. Among these people were Empress Liu's staff, so don't attack his children.

Then, Anran was equipped with food and other people, and all the things that were imported, the food staff had to taste it and it was fine before passing it on to Anran.

There are also useful things, all of which must be carefully inspected to prevent anyone from tampering with them.

And specially arranged several imperial physicians for An Ran, who were specially assigned to be there for their orders at any time.

The emperor doesn't have much experience in palace fighting, this is all he can think of to help An Ran.

I have to say, this way, among other things, Empress Liu wanted to physically destroy her, but it was very difficult. After all, there are so many guards outside, they are not decorations, and it is basically impossible to get An Ran away from the guards arranged by the emperor. up.

As for the others, taking away the other low-ranking concubines in the palace is indeed much better for An Ran. After all, many of those people have ulterior motives, and they must be guarded against.

As for the emperor who arranged a lot of people to come in to serve her food, there is no need to worry about whether they will be infiltrated by Empress Liu. Anyway, there are people who have been infiltrated by Empress Liu around her. .

And those people came in to be responsible for specific matters. Once something went wrong, they would definitely die. Those people don't want to die, right?

So when these people come in, they are different from those low-ranking concubines, who are not responsible for specific matters. Even if someone tampers with An Ran, it is difficult for An Ran to know who did it. Unlike these waiters, they are all one radish and one Poor, once something goes wrong in any link, it's easy to find it.

Anyway, the emperor's arrangement made An Ran's safety much better.

While the emperor was happy, Empress Liu was naturally unhappy.

Empress Liu was always worried that Anran would get pregnant, but Anran had been favored for so many years, but she never got pregnant. This made her feel relieved.

In the end, when she was slacking off, Yu Anran was pregnant!Can this make Empress Liu happy?
Not only can't be happy, but even scared.

Because she has harmed Anran countless times, now, if Yu Anran becomes pregnant and gives birth to a prince, even the emperor's only prince in the future, who will ascend the throne and become emperor in the future, will she, the person who has harmed her, have a good end?

Although there has never been a new emperor to abolish the queen mother in history, it is probably not difficult to let the queen mother die of illness, relying on An Ran's ability.

And she didn't want to die of illness.

In this way, can she not be afraid?So as soon as I heard the news, I told my natal family about it, and asked my natal family to think of a way to see how to deal with it.

The reason why she didn't deal with An Ran by herself was because she had been fighting with An Ran for several years, but she still couldn't kill her. She felt that if she was not capable enough, she might not be able to defeat her. Moreover, the emperor was afraid that An Ran's child would have an accident this time. After making so many arrangements, it will be even more difficult for her to infiltrate, so she has to ask her family for help, among other things, her father is always powerful, maybe there is a way to kill An Ran.

Not only was Empress Liu afraid when she saw that An Ran was pregnant, her natal family was naturally also afraid, because they had heard from Empress Liu that she had harmed An Ran many times, and Liu Shoufu had also targeted her father, so this would Seeing that An Ran is really pregnant, they are naturally more worried. After all, An Ran is going to give birth to a prince, and the prince will ascend the throne in the future. No matter how Empress Liu is, she can still be a queen mother. She is also the Empress Dowager, but the Liu family, if the new emperor is not happy, I'm afraid he will clean it up. After all, many powerful officials in history have angered the emperor, and the family's final fate is not very good.

Although Liu Shoufu is old now, he doesn't have much ambition and has no energy to think about how to make the family stronger and prosperous, but he doesn't want the future of the family to be taken care of by Yu Anran's son.

So seeing the news that Empress Liu came from the palace at this moment, I also thought the same as Empress Liu, and felt that Yu Anran must be cleaned up, otherwise the future would be unimaginable.

Don't say that the child hasn't been born yet, it may not be the prince, even if it is the prince, it may not be able to grow up, you can't leave everything to the last hurdle, you still have to prepare early.

Because her daughter said that she might not be able to deal with An Ran, because she hadn't been able to deal with her before, so Liu Shoufu could only think of it when she asked her parents to help her.

After hearing what Empress Liu said about the emperor's arrangements for An Ran, Liu Shoufu felt that it would be very difficult to start with An Ran.

Of course, it can't be completely hands-off.

But you can't rely entirely on the palace to work hard. After all, what should you do if you don't succeed?So you have to work hard outside the palace, for example, to make some small moves for the Yu family.

If the Yu family has committed a lot of crimes, and their reputation is as bad as those of the famous concubines in history, and they have even committed a major event of confiscating the family and exterminating the family, even if the imperial concubine Yu gave birth to a prince, there will be huge opposition from the government and the public. The prince can't ascend the throne either.

Even if he is the emperor's only prince, if he can ascend the throne, he will definitely not be allowed to be raised by the noble concubine, but may be raised by the queen of the middle palace.

And in that case, there is no need to worry about Concubine Yu giving birth to a prince.

In addition to making moves, Liu Shoufu and Mrs. Liu also told Empress Liu that since the emperor is in good health, hurry up and take advantage of Yu Guifei's pregnancy and may not be able to sleep with her—for the sake of the child, the emperor would never dare to let Yu Guifei sleep with her, so This matter is basically affirmative - let Empress Liu quickly conceive, even if Concubine Yu has a child, it will be fine, the son of the middle palace is a natural heir, even if Concubine Yu has a son, it will be nothing.

After listening to Mrs. Liu telling her about the arrangement of the family, Empress Liu immediately felt at ease, thinking that yes, since the emperor is fine, Concubine Yu can conceive, so can she. advantage will be broken.

Thinking of this, Empress Liu's panicked mood improved a little.

——But it is estimated that it will not be long before Empress Liu finds out that she has been unable to conceive a child, and she will be panicked again. After all, she does not know that the emperor does not want her to conceive.

Immediately, Liu Shoufu planned to make trouble for Yu's family.

In fact, this matter is not difficult to do, because maybe not only his family wants to cheat the family.

Liu Shoufu knew that not only did they not want Concubine Yu's child to be born, but many people also didn't want to see such a situation, such as the Empress Dowager Yu's family who sent a girl to the palace, and the emperor's brothers' family.

(End of this chapter)

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