Chapter 3255 Harem 58
Seeing that there is no one left to clean up Yu Anran, Empress Liu realized for the first time that she has no idea what to do with the current situation.

She can neither be like before, because her father was the chief assistant in the previous court, and with this power, she is domineering in the harem, and countless people help her and clean up for her; nor can she let her father directly in the previous court, find Yu's troubles came to threaten Yu Anran.

All of this started when her father stopped being the chief assistant. This made Empress Liu feel even more resentful that her father would not be the chief assistant. She thought that if he hadn't been out of his mind and somehow wouldn't be the chief assistant, she wouldn't either. to such a point.

Unable to fight back, Empress Liu wanted to talk to the emperor about theories, talk about the facts, explain the truth, talk about the achievements of the dragon, let the emperor know how to repay the favor, don't be so white-eyed - of course, she will not say that the emperor is white-eyed Wolf, just let the emperor know this with reason.

Of course, she took it for granted, because she never saw the emperor.

When Liu Shoufu was still there, the emperor didn't go to her very often because of his weakened power. What's more, she is now in confinement. If she wants to see the emperor, how can she see her?She couldn't even get out of the palace gate where she was.

So she just wanted to find the emperor to argue, and she took it for granted, so she could only yell at the palace gate every day, asking the guards to let her out, saying that she wanted to find the emperor, but those guards got the emperor's order and wouldn't let her go out. How dare you let her out.

In fact, Empress Liu is better, at least she has never harmed the emperor, so the emperor will not do anything to her, at most, An Ran wants to kill her, and An Ran has not done anything yet, so Empress Liu is at most being treated harshly by the palace people, and it has not happened yet. something more terrible.

But Empress Dowager Yu is different. The emperor now has time, energy, and personal power. Naturally, he doesn't want to see Empress Dowager Yu, the woman who killed his biological mother, is still alive, so he wants to find time to let Empress Dowager Yu "Death of illness", and then clean up Cheng'en Gong's mansion, because many of the things that the Empress Dowager Yu harmed people in the past were found by Cheng'en Gong's mansion. Poison, how can she use poison.

Since Cheng Engong's mansion is an accomplice, the emperor naturally wants to clean up.

Of course, the emperor didn't want the empress dowager to die for no reason, lest she would feel wronged if she got under the nine springs, so the emperor planned to let the empress dowager know that she killed his biological mother, he already knew, Now it's time to investigate the responsibility, let her die to understand.

The emperor then arranged a bureau.

Soon, the nanny and eunuch who knew that the Empress Dowager Yu had killed the emperor's biological mother reported to the emperor that the Empress Dowager Yu had been pregnant by the emperor's biological mother, poisoned the emperor's biological mother because of jealousy, and eventually poisoned her to death.

The emperor also knew the answer through these nuns and eunuchs at the beginning, so at this time, he arranged for them to go through the process openly - after the emperor came to power, some people who knew what the queen mother had done, took this Make a certificate of merit and tell the emperor about it, so that you can get rich in the future.

After that, because the emperor had no power for a long time, and in order to use the empress dowager to fight empress Liu, he never had an attack.

Although there was no seizure, the emperor still tried his best to transfer these nuns and eunuchs to more powerful positions, waiting for the opportunity.

Over the years, these nuns and eunuchs felt that it was right to seek refuge with the emperor.

Although the emperor didn't have much power at that time, the power in the harem was concentrated in the hands of Empress Liu, and a small part was concentrated in the hands of the queen mother. It's easy for people, so there will be some frustrated people who feel that there is no future in defecting to Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu, so they defect to the emperor and bet on him.

The reason why they chose to defect to the emperor was because, needless to say, Empress Liu, there were too many defectors at that time, and they couldn't squeeze forward at all. Compared to Empress Liu, she has no power, and compared to the emperor, she is older and doesn't know how many days she can live. Who would be stupid enough to continue with her?

And these years, although the emperor had no power and was suppressed by Empress Liu, as they thought, the emperor still had a little power, no, it still gave them a good future.

It is even better now. Empress Liu has fallen. Even if the emperor did not take back the power of the previous court, he at least took back the power in the palace. Those who vote for the certificate will be prosperous.

So these people who took refuge in the emperor at the beginning can finally feel proud now.

After listening to the emperor's request, these people, one or two, naturally participated enthusiastically. After all, now that the emperor has taken power in the harem, as long as they help the emperor, they will benefit a lot in the future.

Fortunately, they have done this reporting process before, and now they just do it again on the bright side, so there is no inconvenience.

At the moment, several people reported to the emperor that the Queen Mother Yu had poisoned the Queen Mother Wu. After the emperor came to the throne, the emperor's biological mother was posthumously named the Queen, known as the Queen Mother Wu.

Although the emperor's biological mother's natal family is the real natal family of the emperor, and now it is also in accordance with the system and has the title of duke, but because the emperor has been controlled by the Liu family before and has no power, so although the Wu family is the duke, there is no movement. It's still a little transparent, but recently, the Liu family fell from power, and Empress Liu heard that she was also imprisoned, so there was gradually some movement.

Fortunately, the emperor's power is still not very great, so although the Wu family is a little more turbulent than before, it has not reached the level of the Liu family. At most, it is like the Yu family, a little more proud.

After hearing the reports from these people, the emperor went to the Queen Mother and asked her if what these people said was true.

When the Queen Mother saw her as a queen, these people who followed her were stunned to report her now.

The reason why these people who reported to the Queen Mother were able to know these things was that they were also the Queen Mother's confidantes.

Of course, at the beginning, it naturally refers to the confidants of the late Emperor when the Empress Dowager Yu was still the Empress.

But at that time, she was the Queen of the Central Palace, and there were many people who could do things for her, so the number of confidantes was also a bit large.

When the first emperor passed away, she became the empress dowager, and the new emperor was not her son, and because she had bullied the new emperor when he was young, the new emperor had no relationship with her. After she also had a mediocre relationship, many of her confidants left her and went on their own lives.

Of course, it was mainly at that time, when she became the queen mother, she no longer was in charge of the power of the harem, and she couldn't afford to support so many people. After all, if you let others follow you, you have to give benefits. It is impossible to just let others Follow you, so I can only leave her with those people and find another future.

(End of this chapter)

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