Chapter 3261 Harem 64
Mrs. Liu thought well, but she never thought about why Liu Shoufu didn't use this method when Liu Shoufu was there. Wouldn't he work together and cooperate with the Wu family when the Liu family couldn't do it, so as to survive?
Naturally, there was a reason why Liu Shoufu did not cooperate with the Wu family.

The reason why Liu Shoufu did not seek cooperation with the Wu family was because he had indeed had such an idea, but after a little contact with the Wu family, he found that the Wu family was not a good partner.

They're not bad, they're just... a bit out of tune and unreliable.

That's right, it's unreliable and unreliable. If you cooperate with them, let alone help the Liu family, you may be implicated by them someday.

So after a little contact with Wu family and found that the Wu family's style of painting was wrong, Liu Shoufu never thought of cooperating with Wu family.

There are four brothers in the Empress Dowager Wu's family.

Except for the eldest brother who is a little more reliable-really just a little-the other brothers are all unreliable.

Give the simplest example.

They counted on the crony of Empress Dowager Wu, but!However, except for the eldest brother who won the title of duke of a country because of the relationship with the current emperor, and his life is considered the best among the brothers, the other brothers are very miserable.

Although the other three brothers did not have titles, the emperor also gave them some idle officials for the sake of their uncles, so that they would not be white.

As a result, although the golden rice bowls of these families came from the sky, they became officials and had their salaries, but they still lived very poorly. Others' families could buy land and houses in Beijing. None, the boss still sees them as pitiful and lets them live in the Duke's Mansion.

You know, the parents of the brothers have passed away long ago, and the brothers have separated long ago. Logically, they cannot live in the eldest family, but because the mansion of the Duke's mansion is huge, it can accommodate a few brothers, so the elders look at the brothers. They lived in such a miserable state that they didn't even have a house, so they were allowed to live in the Duke's Mansion.

Although he lives in the Duke’s mansion, of course, each lives his own life. It is impossible for Mr. Wu to be responsible for the livelihood of his younger brothers’ families. It is his kindness to allow them to live in the mansion. He is responsible, how can he be responsible, after all, they spend a lot of money, and once he is responsible, they see that someone has the bottom line, so they don't want to spend a lot of money, but they can spend all their energy on it, and let him pay for it?
He can only take care of himself, where is the money to fill the hole they made.

As the emperor's uncle's family, being able to mess up like this is enough to show that these people are unreliable and out of tune.

Don't say that they have nothing to do, they didn't take anything from others, that's why they messed up so badly, it wasn't for this reason, because as long as someone gave them something, they would never refuse it.

It's just that the four brothers of the Wu family are all from the moonlight family. When they have money, they never save it and spend it all. In this way, how can they save money to buy land and houses? It's the same for the emperor's family, who are doing well.

In the past, when we were poor, the moonlight shined; now that we are rich and our consumption is upscale, the moonlight still shines.

How could Liu Shoufu dare to cooperate with such a family, he would be entangled by their family and couldn't get rid of them, what should he do if he kept sucking the blood of Liu's family?If you don't give it, the Wu family will be annoyed, and they may trip you up; if you give it, the Wu family will not be able to afford it to the extent that the Wu family spends money.

So Liu Shoufu simply dismissed the idea of ​​cooperating with the Wu family, at least not now, and the two families have no relationship, and the other party will not trip the Liu family for no reason because the Liu family does not give money, and will not give them money. The family has become a hole.

Mrs. Liu didn't understand what Liu Shoufu could know. She didn't know the situation of the Wu family, so she stupidly posted it.

The Wu family saw that the Liu family had posted it, and begged to hug their thighs. Thinking that there would be new offerings in the future, they were overjoyed and did not refuse.

Speaking of which, since the fall of the Liu family, their life has become better and better. Countless people have come to hug their thighs and send them money, which has made their current life several grades better than before.

Now they have money to go to the most luxurious restaurants in the city; they can also order the most famous brothels and the most famous sisters; women's family members can also go to the most high-end gold stores to buy the best jewelry.

These were things that the Liu family and the Empress Dowager Yu had never dared to think about before their downfall, because at that time their nephew was controlled by the Liu family and had no power.

The emperor has no power, so uncles like them will naturally suffer as well.

It's all right now, the Liu family has fallen, the nephew is proud, and they have benefited from it. Look, even the Liu family, which was over their heads before, has come to curry favor with them. What a wonderful thing this is.

For the Liu family to come to curry favor, the Wu family will naturally not drive him out.

Their internal thinking is this way: in the past, the Liu family has been oppressing their nephew, which made him suffer a lot. Now that the Liu family is fawning on their family, they must accept it. In this way, accepting their offerings at that time will be regarded as a substitute in disguise. The nephew took revenge.

Mrs. Liu didn't know that the Wu family was a big hole. Seeing that the Wu family was so talkative, she hugged the Wu family's thigh very smoothly. She couldn't help being happy at the moment, and immediately passed the good news to Empress Liu in the palace. .

Empress Liu couldn't help but be happy when she saw that the idea she gave Madam Liu was useful. At the same time, she hoped that Madam Liu would succeed in instigating so that the Wu family would quarrel with the Yu family, and her own family would benefit.

But soon their mother and daughter couldn't be happy, because Mrs. Liu soon found out the tricks of the Wu family - the Wu family was really rude. Because of this, I asked her to borrow money several times.

And the money was all in vain, the kind that was borrowed but never repaid.

At first she was embarrassed to ask them for it, but later these people borrowed too much. Seeing that so much money was missing, she was heartbroken, so she asked them if they had more money, and wanted them to return the money.

No wonder Mrs. Liu cherishes those money, the main reason is that the Liu family is down and out now, no one is flattering their family, that is, the grey, dirty income is gone, and they are starting to sit and eat, so Mrs. Liu is naturally reluctant to pay so much less money. When she changed her husband before, Hui and Se earned a lot of money, so the little money was spent, so she really didn't care.

As a result, the money was not received, and the Wu family simply said "no money" and sent it away.

It's fine if they don't pay back the money, they have thick skins, and they are ashamed to come to her to continue asking for money.

She didn't want to be taken advantage of, so naturally she didn't want to give it.

At this time, the Wu family's complexion became bad.

As soon as the Wu family looked bad, and before they even said anything harsh, Madam Liu panicked, fearing that she would offend the Wu family and be detrimental to her own family, so when the Wu family came to borrow money again, Madam Liu had no choice but to bite the bullet and borrow. .

But she knew that this was not a problem, if this continued, the Liu family would be hollowed out by the Wu family!

(End of this chapter)

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