Chapter 3267 Harem 70
Not to mention, the Wu family was really panicked when they heard that these people were going to sue. After all, even though there was no IOU, if so many people wanted to sue, the Yamen might not stand by the Wu family and would not recognize Wu The family's talkers, of course, the yamen can go through a trial casually, and they can find out that they do owe so much money. When the yamen decides that what these people said is true, they will definitely ask them to pay back the money.

In addition, the Wu family was even more afraid that Yu Shi would impeach their own family, so when they saw what these people said, the Wu family could only bite the bullet and agree that they would find a way to pay back the money.

Said to pay back the money, but they spent all the money, how can they get the money back!
As a result, these huge debts pushed the Wu family into a desperate situation.

Seeing this farce, many people in Beijing felt that the Wu family was absurd, how dare they squander so much money from other people's family!Didn't the Wu family never think that their family can't be prosperous all the time, and that one day they will fall down?After all, in this world, there is no family that is always prosperous!That being the case, didn't they ever think that when they were down and out, these people would come up and step on them, forcing them to spit out the money?At that time, the already down-and-out Wu family will be even worse. If you think about it, you dare to spend millions of dollars from other people's family at will?Are they out of their minds?
——Why did Liu Shoufu think that the Wu family was unreliable back then, so he didn't cooperate with them, because they are indeed such absurd and unreliable people.

Although all the money was spent, the money had to be paid back, because it was impossible for these people to fight against the Wu family.

There was no way, at first the Wu family hoped that the emperor would recover, but the emperor never recovered, and then they asked everywhere, and heard from the doctors that it was very difficult to recover after a stroke.

That is to say, the emperor will not recover, and their family will not recover again.

That being the case, the Wu family can only try to change the seller's items, just to pay back some money to these people, so as not to be troubled by them.

Since it was impossible to pay back to all the families, the Wu family counted the money owed to these families to see which ones owed the least money.

This is how they plan, anyway, it is impossible to pay back all the money, so they want to try to see if they can pay back from the family with the least money, and pay as much as they can.

For the money scraped by the family, the families with less money can pay back more families, so as to reduce the number of people who trouble them, and then there will be only a few big-headed families left. Said that their family has no money, if they are willing, they can pay it back slowly in the future, anyway, the number of people who come to trouble them has decreased a lot, and there is only a little bit left, which is easier for them to deal with, which is better than being besieged by many people now.

The Wu family's method is still good. After counting the least few, the Wu family found that there were not many, so they immediately returned it. Those people took the money and left, and they stopped gathering in front of the Wu family to make trouble.

These few families are all those who found that the Wu family was unreliable and stopped dealing with the Wu family. The reason why they dare not continue to deal with the Wu family is not afraid of revenge from the Wu family because these families are not as unlucky as the Liu family and urgently need to hug Wu. The Wu family’s thighs, so the Wu family can’t borrow any more. It is not so easy to continue to extort, blackmail, and extort. Borrowing from them, although they are angry, they want to be serious and trouble those people, and they are afraid that those people will sue the censor and let the censor impeach them for extorting, extorting, and extorting, so even if the Wu family did not continue to borrow money, If you are angry, you can't do anything to them. After all, they know that the emperor has no power at all, so if they really want to extort, extort, or extort them, even if the censor impeaches them, the emperor will not be able to protect them.

The Liu family and others who want to hug the Wu family's thigh are different. They have already committed a crime and are unlucky. If they dare not continue to supply, they don't have to directly trouble those families. People's bad words, the emperor punished them more severely, and he could help them avenge them. Those people also knew this truth, so they were honest and obedient, and they kept letting them extort, extort, and extort.

In fact, there are not many such families. After all, the reputation of the Wu family for sucking blood spread later, and no one dared to stick to them.

Although there are few such families, they are all big borrowers. Those with smaller amounts are more, but the amount is not much, so the Wu family quickly sent away most of the people who came to ask for money, leaving only the Liu family and a few others. A family with a big loan, the Wu family said that the money is not enough, if they are willing, they can wait for them to pay it back slowly, otherwise, even if they are forced to death, they will not be able to pay it back.

Others know about the situation of the Wu family, but if the amount is not determined, according to the character of the Wu family, they will still be old and they will not be able to pay back their family's money.

So now the several families made an agreement with the Wu family that the Wu family had to take out the salaries issued to them by the imperial court for a year, and how much the official land produced to repay the debts, and only leave a little ration for the Wu family.

The Wu family used to live a happy life, and now they only have food to eat, so how can it be done, but when the Wu family protested, those people said they would go to the yamen to file a complaint. I can only honestly agree.

Although the emperor has fallen now, the Wu family's annual income in the future will only be that little salary, as well as the output of the official land granted. What can be distributed to each family is just a drop in the bucket, but it is better than nothing.

Besides, they also forced the Wu family to sell all the things that could be sold in the Duke's mansion, especially the clothes, jewelry, cloth, etc. of the female relatives.

So after these people left, the Wu family lost everything except the Duke's Mansion bestowed by the emperor, which could not be sold. No matter men or women, they lost all valuable jewelry and expensive clothes. In the future, I can only eat some rough food, because those creditors only left them food money that would not starve to death, and there was no extra money at all.

It is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality, and the Wu family couldn't stand such a life, so soon, many servants in the mansion were sold off.

I used to be rich and bought a lot of servants, but now my life is getting tighter, I can wear a little less, have fewer people to wait on, but the food is worse, no one can bear it, so I can only use the servants People sold some.

Those servants had no complaints when they were sold, because the Wu family had no money, so they cut their salaries sharply. In addition, the emperor had fallen, and the Wu family would have no future. In this case, they might as well be sold. Go to other promising big families in Beijing with more monthly money, so even if these servants are sold, they don’t complain. These people who were regarded as confidantes had not been betrayed by the Wu family, so they could only stay in the mansion to live a hard life. These people were used to living a good life before, so how could they want to.

But their deeds are in the hands of the Wu family, so they dare not say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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