Chapter 3269 Harem 72
Fortunately, the ministers in the imperial court didn't seem to have many words of severely punishing the Liu family, which made them feel a little relieved.

However, Mrs. Liu, who was already old, was overly frightened when she heard that her daughter was given a white silk, and she followed her within a few days.

In fact, An Ran let the Liu family go because Mrs. Liu also went with her. After all, Liu Shoufu and Mrs. Liu who killed her back then are both dead, and the rest of the Liu family who broke the law were also arrested. .

Seeing that the Wu family, Empress Liu and others were unlucky one after another, Concubine Song's family began to get scared.

Before, the emperor wanted to use Concubine Song to deal with An Ran, so he acted like he doted on Concubine Song, which made the Song family's status rise rapidly, and the process was similar to that of the Yu family.

It's just that the Yu family was guarded by An Ran back then, so they weren't too swayed, and the Song family... Concubine Song followed Empress Liu to harm An Ran when she was a talented person in Song Dynasty. She was obviously an unreliable person. To her natal family, because she was favored, she floated up, at most it was a verbal restraint.

But this kind of restraint has a useless effect. She didn't plant eyeliner in her natal family, and even managed power outside, ready to interfere at any time. Verbal restraint is just verbal restraint, and no one will listen, so the Song family floated up, naturally. Not as honest as the Yu family, who did some stupid things.

After all, everyone around said that the emperor loved Concubine Song so much, and Concubine Song's son would definitely be emperor in the future. In this way, the Song family would be the emperor's niece in the future. , After listening too much, the Song family who can't listen to it floats up, not knowing how much they weigh, and then it's strange to make mistakes.

The emperor naturally heard about these things, and he was not happy with the Song family, but he hadn't succeeded in using Song concubine to fight An Ran, so the emperor didn't get angry with the Song family at that time, but he was not interested in promoting Song concubine to Song noble concubine , so that Concubine Song's status will be higher, and it will be easier to fight Anran.

Anyway, as long as he had several sons, he would be able to impress Yu Anran and the Yu family. He only needed to show a little love for Concubine Song, and he didn't need to keep raising his status like he did to Anran back then.

The Song family naturally didn't know, because they committed a lot of things, which made the emperor dislike their family, so the concubine Song couldn't further improve her status.

Originally, if nothing happened to the emperor, it might take a long time, and his impression of the Song family would get worse and worse. In addition, he felt that Concubine Song was not strong enough. After fighting for such a long time, he did not defeat An Ran—in fact, it was not that Concubine Song was not strong. , but An Ran is too strong, plus there is a backstage Dafa and Fa, Empress Liu can't kill her, but Song Concubine can kill her? ——It is estimated that he will support other concubines who have princes, Dou Anran, and not the Song family.

So the Song family actually has to thank the emperor for falling now. Otherwise, the emperor has not fallen now, and it will be their Song family who will fall in the future. The plan was to clean up the Song family the way Yu's family was cleaned up.

Although the emperor has fallen now, An Ran has not cleaned up the Song family. At most, the Song family is down and out, and no one is flattering them.

As for the bastard things they did, it is none of An Ran's business if the sufferers come to trouble them.

The reason why An Ran didn't clean up the Song family was not because Concubine Song's natal family didn't help her to harm others in these years, so An Ran didn't clean up the Song family.

In fact, when Concubine Song needs to harm someone, her family will naturally have to bring some things for her from outside the palace. Otherwise, where can she get these things in the palace? Concubine Song harmed An Ran.

And now the reason why An Ran didn't take the initiative to clean up the Song family was because the Song family had done a lot of stupid things before, and there were many bitter masters who came to trouble them, so there was no need for An Ran to take action, just like the Wu family.

Not to mention that the Song family was busy dealing with those suffering masters, but also worrying about An Ran's tidying up their house, which was very frightening, but said that in the palace, whenever An Ran did anything, she would let the palace maids and eunuchs deliberately discuss it in front of the emperor--An Ran did so, naturally In order to avenge the emperor for intimidating the children, just these words made the emperor so angry that he almost died of anger.

He has always wanted to suppress An Ran, but what the hell is it now, the eldest prince supervises the country, and the imperial concubine listens to the government behind the curtain?Don't those ministers know that they don't like the eldest prince's mother and son?Why disregarding my own wishes, let the eldest prince supervise the country, and let the empress and noble concubine listen to the government behind the curtain?
Although he knew that the former ministers would not care about his thoughts at all, but logically, the eldest prince is older and remembers things, and it is even more difficult to control. Why not choose the younger second prince and third prince? Is it easy to control?
The emperor, who couldn't figure out how the ministers of the former court did this, could only hear angrily that the imperial concubine Yu and the Yu family had to frighten again.

In the end, this was just an appetizer. Next, he would experience more angry things.

Soon, Empress Liu was deposed and given to death.

Well, he shouldn't be angry. After all, he wanted to abolish Empress Liu and kill her, but the other party's father helped him Conglong. He was embarrassed to do this because he was afraid of being scolded, so even if Queen Liu killed With so many people, he didn't abolish Queen Liu, he killed Queen Liu, he just hated her in his heart.

Now that An Ran killed her and fulfilled his wish, he should be happy.

In fact, the emperor was really happy for a while when he heard the news. As a result, before he was happy for a long time, he heard the comments from the court ladies and eunuchs, saying that the ministers of the former court wanted to be the queen of the imperial concubine.

This made the emperor, who hadn't been happy for a while, completely angry.

He has forgotten that the emperor is not dead, and it is possible to have another queen, especially since the eldest prince is the governor of the country and his mother is the queen, it is more appropriate. .

In other words, the things that the maids and eunuchs said may still be true.

And this, how could he accept it, he wanted to suppress Yu Jia and Concubine Yu, how could he want to see them more beautiful.

But he was lying on the bed, unable to move, unable to speak, no matter how hard he could accept it, and unable to convey his thoughts, so he could only be anxious, angry, incompetent and furious, cursing An Ran in his heart, feeling that he didn't see it Yu Anran is such an ambitious person, he even wants to be a queen!No wonder Empress Liu was deposed and killed. This was to pave the way for her to ascend to the throne!
Becoming a queen was actually not arranged by An Ran. After all, her goal is the queen mother, so it doesn't matter whether she is a queen or not.

This is actually the thinking of the ministers of the former court. They think that the eldest prince is in charge of the country. In the future, when the emperor dies, he will be a proper emperor. It is really not good to let an imperial concubine listen to the government behind the curtain. It is better to listen to politics in the name of the curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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