Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3271 Cultivating Immortals Wearing Book Girls 1

Chapter 3271 Cultivating Immortals Wearing Book Girls 1
In this mission, the identity of the original body is Cheng Engong's daughter.

Her father is the younger brother of the current queen mother.

His father, as a son of aristocrat, is rare in this era. He didn't become a dandy, nor was he a womanizer. There are not many women in the backyard, and his heirs only have two sons and two daughters, of which two sons and one daughter were born to Mrs. Cheng En Yes, there is another concubine who was born to a concubine Ji.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for such a noble person to die completely.

But, the impossible happened just like that.

The whole family of Yuanzheng died, so Yuanchen always felt that something was wrong, that someone was harming them, and wanted Anran to find out.

An Ran also felt that something was wrong, as soon as she came in, she began to think about who the murderer might be.

At first, she thought it was Cheng Engong's younger brother.

Because according to the inference of maximizing benefits, Cheng Engong's family is all dead, and it is impossible for the Empress Dowager's natal family to be knighted, so it is very likely that the title will be given to Cheng Engong's younger brother.

Because they are not the eldest son, their family did not get the title, but because they are the younger brother of the Empress Dowager and have idle officials, no one dares to do anything to them when they are idle.

Even so, because he is not the eldest son, he does not have a title. It is completely impossible to say that Erfang has no idea.

But at that time, when Cheng Engong died, Cheng Engong's two sons also died one after another. Because the eldest son died, no one inherited the title, so when the title was given to the second room, the second room people were not happy. Dare to be happy, because there are already many people in Beijing who are discussing whether their family killed Dafang. Even the Queen Mother and even Dali Temple have investigated this matter. In this case, they took over the title, If you dare to be happy, then you don't want to, so even if the second room has won the title, it doesn't even dare to be happy, and even takes good care of the two orphans left by the big room, for fear that others will say that they won the title of the big room Treat the girl in the eldest room harshly.

Judging from Erfang's reaction, it doesn't seem like Erfang did it.

In particular, after Yuanchen and Yuanchen's concubine sister died, it was even more unnecessary. After all, they were just girls and had no inheritance rights in this era. There are advantages and no disadvantages. In this case, there is no conflict of interest with the second room. It is impossible for the second room to kill the two little girls.

So An Ran felt that Erfang didn't look like a murderer.

Of course, this is conjecture. For specifics, we still need to read more. After all, conjectures are not facts, and we need to see facts and evidence.

If Erfang is not the murderer, An Ran speculates whether it has something to do with the palace.

Because the original family is the Empress Dowager Chen's natal family, and the Empress Dowager Chen has a good relationship with Mrs. Cheng Engong, she often calls Mrs. Cheng Engong and others to the palace to talk and chat.

So Yuanshen's family would enter the palace from time to time, Mrs. Cheng Engong chatted with the Queen Mother Chen, Yuanshen played with the princesses in the palace, Yuanshen's brothers chatted with the emperor and other men.

Cheng Engong's family has such a close relationship with the palace, but in places like the palace, there are often secrets that cannot be known. possible.

But, logically speaking, even if you see something you shouldn't see, the person who saw it should be dead, and the others are fine. It won't happen that the whole family sees something they shouldn't see, so they should be killed immediately , it is impossible to slowly kill them one by one, after all, wouldn't that be to let people from Cheng En's family tell the secret.

If the death of Yuanshen's family was not done by the palace people, then are there other suspects?
If it is ruled out that he saw the secret accident and was removed by the second room not because of profit, then there is another possibility, that is, someone has a deep hatred with Cheng'en Gong's mansion, and this person secretly took action to kill Cheng'en's mansion from top to bottom up.

Speaking of it, from the point of view of beheading the whole family, this is the most similar, because the feud with Cheng'en Gong's mansion is as deep as sea, so I don't want anyone in Cheng'en's mansion to survive, so I killed them all, which is very logical.

Although it is logical, the key point is, who has the deepest feud with Cheng'en Gong's mansion?
It stands to reason that Duke Cheng'en's mansion is the emperor's natal family, so when the emperor came to power, would he have a bloody feud with others because of his position?

Not really!

Because Empress Dowager Chen was the first emperor's main palace, today's son was the first son of the first emperor. He was established as the prince at the age of 20, and then became the emperor smoothly.

And in the process of ascending to the throne, because the first emperor did not show any hesitation, that is, he did not give other princes a chance to be ambitious, so everyone was considered amiable - the first emperor gave the adult prince the county king when he was still there, and the new emperor came to the throne , so he promoted the princes to his younger brothers. This has always been a routine, that is, the first emperor named the county king, and the new emperor added the title to show his favor.

It went very smoothly, and there was no fight with anyone because of the seizure of the throne.

Since there was no fight over the seizure of the throne, naturally there would be no such bloody enemies.

So people in this area, An Ran wanted to find, but couldn't find the target.

So right now the most suspicious ones are the palace and the second room, and An Ran immediately made up her mind to keep an eye on these two places first.

Fortunately, it was still early to enter this world. Cheng Engong, who had the accident at first, had an accident in a few months. She didn't need to worry for the time being, and could find out the situation slowly.

While thinking like this, Lixia, the eldest maid of the original body, brought in a basin of strawberries with a happy face, and said: "The strawberries given by the palace, my wife asked my servant to bring a basin for the young lady."

As the youngest child of Cheng En Gong's Mansion, Yuan Shen is still very favored, so although the palace donated not many strawberries, Yuan Shen was also given a pot.

There are four children in Cheng En Gong's mansion, two males are the brothers of the original body, and there is a girl from the concubine who is the elder sister of the original body.

Although Yuanshen is young at the moment, she is still 12 years old, and her elder brother is about to start a family. If the woman's family is not keeping a filial piety, or else they will be married this year, and now it will be postponed to next year.

But An Ran knew that the marriage would not be able to be concluded next year, because a few months later, Cheng Engong passed away, and her elder brother would have to observe mourning for three years, and next year he himself would die unexpectedly, so it was impossible to get married.

Every year in the following year, people will die in Duke Cheng's Mansion until they die.

Because people would die every year, the masters and masters of Cheng En Gong's mansion once became panicked. After all, one of them would be picked out to be killed every year. This kind of psychological pressure can drive people crazy.

Especially the last one who died, Yuanshen, who witnessed the murder of five relatives in her family, was really going crazy. When it was her turn to die, she was not only not afraid, but felt relieved at last.

This situation also shows that the murderer behind the scenes is quite perverted. After all, one person is selected to kill every year. This cat-and-mouse mentality is not quite perverted.

(End of this chapter)

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